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The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8.

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Presentation on theme: "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8."— Presentation transcript:

1 The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8

2 Paul and Timothy: Partners in Grace Colossians 1:1-2

3 Written by Paul Written to believers in Colossae Written from Rome Written in 61 AD Written because of the Colossian heresy Written to show the supremacy of Christ

4 What is an Apostle? Who was Timothy? What is Grace? What is the result of Grace received?

5 Paul, apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Timothy, the brother, to the saints and faithful brothers in Christ, in Colossae, grace to you and peace from God our Father. (Colossians 1:1-2 from NA 28) Textual variation in KJV and NKJV “and the Lord Jesus Christ” added to the end of verse 2. Probably added later Two “texts” that translations are based on Majority Text: KJV and NKJV Critical Text: NASB and ESV

6 ἀ πο – from + στελλω – I send = ἀ ποστολος An ambassador Apostles chosen to give the word to the world, Matt 28:16-20 Directly chosen by the Lord Gospels show the choosing of “the 12” Matthias replaced Judas, Acts 1:26 Paul: a “chosen instrument”, Acts 9:15 Received direct teaching/revelation from Christ The 12 lived with Christ for 3 years, the Gospels Paul lived in the desert for 3 years, Galatians 1:12, 18

7 Performed miracles to prove their word Matthew 10:1-8, Luke 9:1-6 “The seventy” directly commissioned to preach and heal, Luke 10:1- 13 Hebrews 2:3-4, also shows Paul did not write Hebrews (opinion) Paul performed miracles Acts 19:11-16 “by the hands of Paul” Eutychus, Acts 20:7-12 2 Corinthians 12:12 Only those directly commissioned by the Lord, or an apostle performed miracles in the Bible, i.e. Stephen and the 70. Laid the foundation for the Church Ephesians 2:20 A foundation is only laid once

8 Paul’s partner: “the brother” From Lystra, Acts 16:1-5


10 Paul’s partner: “the brother” From Lystra, Acts 16:1-5 His mother and grandmother were Believers Acts 16:1, 2 Timothy 1:5 His father was a Greek Acts 16:3, circumcised Timothy so as to not offend the Jews, 1 Cor 9:19-23 Commissioned by Paul as a Pastor/Teacher of the Word 2 Timothy 2:15, 4:1-5

11 A workman for the Lord Macedonia, Acts 17-20 Corinth, 1 Corinthians 4:17 Thessalonica, 1 Thessalonians 3:2 Rome, prison epistles Philippi, Philippians 2:19-20 A caring servant Philippians 2:19-20 2 Timothy 1:4 A committed servant Hebrews 13:23

12 Paul’s standard greeting, “grace and peace.” Greek greeting, χαιρειν, “hail, or greeting” χαρις, “grace to you, such as the grace that Christ gave us.” Peace, shalom, the standard Jewish greeting Both come from God Grace (χαρις) Only appears 4 times in the Gospels, of which 3 are in John chapter 1 11 times in Acts, 7 of those refer directly to Paul 99 times in the rest of the New Testament, 78 of which are in Pauline epistles

13 New Oxford American Dictionary definition of grace In Christian belief, the free and unmerited favor of God “Grace period” – a period officially allowed for payment of a sum due or for compliance with a law or condition, esp. an extended period granted as a special favor. We live in the “grace period!” Ephesians 2:4-9 is one biblical answer to what grace is Peter also presented salvation this way, Acts 15:8-11 Not of works, but through grace, by faith

14 Salvation Faithalone Grace FreeGift God MercyLove

15 Eph 2:8, For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, (it is) the gift of God By grace, χαρις Saved – past perfect participle, completed action with present effect Through faith – faith is the means by which salvation is imparted to the Believer “that” = being saved, the salvation process, NOT faith Gift of God = salvation process Grace and faith are both feminine nouns

16 … not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. Eph 2:9 Salvation not from works, Acts 15:10 Works based salvation is impossible, Romans 3:20 Salvation only possible through grace (only God is righteous, so only He can offer it), and we can only receive it through faith (because we are sinful creatures). Romans 3:21-24

17 Peace! Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have PEACE with God through our Lord Jesus Christ… Romans 5:1 Not just the absence of conflict, i.e. a peace treaty We are no longer at war with God, we are in His family Peace should effect us Philippians 4:5-7

18 What is an Apostle? Who was Timothy? What is Grace? What is the Result of Grace Received?

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