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St Mark The Apostle and St Ignatius of Antioch 1.

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1 St Mark The Apostle and St Ignatius of Antioch 1

2 Studying the Lives and Writings of the Saints “Blessed is he who plants in his soul good plants, that is, the virtues and the lives of the saints.” (St. Ephraim the Syrian) “Just as painters,..., so too he who is eager to make himself perfect in all kinds of virtue must gaze upon the lives of the saints as upon statutes, so to speak, that move and act, and must make their excellence his own by imitation.” (St. Basil the Great, Letter II to St. Gregory) 2

3 Church History-1 st Century St. Mark the Apostle 3

4 Outline +Short Biography + God’s purpose in Saint’s life +Achievements +Main events during that period 4

5 Church History-1 st Century St. Mark the Apostle Biography + Born in Cyrene of Pentapolis (Now Libya) about 15 AD, Relocated to Judea as child. + Witnessed our Lord’s Preaching and Passion. + One of the seventy Apostles. + Came to Alexandria ca. 61(55) AD, preached 1 st to Anianus (became his successor). + Martyred in Alexandria in 68 AD. 5

6 Church History-1 st Century St. Mark the Apostle God’s Purpose in St. Mark’s Life + Move from Cyrene to Palestine + His mother, Mary,(His father’s name Aristobolos) was prominent among women who served the Lord. In their house: 1 st Eucharist, apostles met after Christ’s Crucifixion, Holy Spirit descended on Pentecost, 1 st Christian Church. + Related to Sts. Peter (cousin to Aristobolos), Thomas (brother to Aristobolos), and Barnabas(brother to Mary). 6

7 Church History-1 st Century St. Mark the Apostle God’s Purpose in St. Mark’s Life, cont. + Taught by Gamaliel (similar to St. Paul). + Was present at 1 st Council in Jerusalem 52 AD. + Went to Cyprus after Barnabas’ disagreement with Paul. + From Cyprus to Pentapolis, then Alexandria, and back to Pentapolis, then to Rome at St. Paul’s invitation, + Returned to Alexandria and martyred 68 AD. 7

8 Church History-1 st Century St. Mark the Apostle Some of St. Mark’s Achievements + Preached with Sts. Peter, Barnabas, and Paul + Brought Christianity to Africa + Wrote the Gospel after St. Mark (1st written) + Divine Liturgy after St. Mark (St. Cyril’s) + Established Theological School of Alexandria + His main titles: the Evangelist, the Apostle, the Witness (who saw the Lord), and the Martyr. 8

9 Church History-1 st Century Main Events during that Period + Spread of Christianity over the Roman Empire + Fierceness of persecution during Nero’s reign and successors + Martyrdom of Sts. Paul and Peter 67 AD + Martyrdom of St. Ignatius of Antioch 9

10 Church History-1 st Century Famous Church Fathers Famous Church Fathers (of the 1 st Century) (of the 1 st Century) Clement of Rome Clement of Rome Ignatius Bishop of Antioch Ignatius Bishop of Antioch Polycarp bishop of Smyrna Polycarp bishop of Smyrna Ref=> Ref=> 10

11 Church History-1 st Century St. Ignatius of Antioch 11

12 Church History-1 st Century St. Ignatius of Antioch + Bishop of Antioch AD 67-107(Theodoret reported that St. Peter himself appointed Ignatius to the see of Antioch). + Child set by our Lord before the Apostles (Mt. 18: 1-4). + Known as Theophorus “God-bearer”. + The boy who gave the loaves and fishes (Jn6:9). + Of his writings 7 letters exist. 12

13 Church History-1 st Century St. Ignatius of Antioch + His seven letters (To the Ephesians, Magnesians, Trallians, Romans, Philadelphians, Smyrnaeans, and Polycarp Bishop of Smyrna) were written during his journey to Rome to be thrown to the wild beasts.Ephesians Magnesians TralliansRomans Philadelphians Smyrnaeans Polycarp Bishop of Smyrna 13

14 Church History-1 st Century St. Ignatius of Antioch Of St. Ignatius’ Sayings: +” Where the Bishop is present, there the people shall gather” (Jn 10:3-5) “ Take heed, then, to have but one Eucharist. For there is one flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ, and one cup to the unity of His blood; one alter” + “ Take heed, then, to have but one Eucharist. For there is one flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ, and one cup to the unity of His blood; one alter” 14

15 Church History-1 st Century St. Ignatius of Antioch +In his letter to the Romans he said "I am afraid that your love may be harmful. If you wish to prevent my death, that will not be difficult for you. But allow me to be slaughtered wherever the altar has been prepared. I am wheat which must be ground, to make bread, to be offered to Jesus Christ. Whenever the people will not behold me anymore, I will behold our Lord Jesus Christ." 15

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