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APEPT Matrix (also known as APEST) source: Alan Hirsch MIN 4033.

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Presentation on theme: "APEPT Matrix (also known as APEST) source: Alan Hirsch MIN 4033."— Presentation transcript:

1 APEPT Matrix (also known as APEST) source: Alan Hirsch MIN 4033

2 Read Ephesians 4:1-16Ephesians 4:1-16 v.1-6 Church Unity v. 7,11,16 Grace gifts Ministry= diversity in unity v. 11 APEPT Matrix v. 12 Why APEPT? Equip for service v. 12 ff Community & maturity for growth

3 A.P.E.P.T.—Fivefold Ministry It’s charismatic (“grace gifting”) for function not office Churches cannot mature without it: “tossed about, immature, infantile, docile” (Eph 4.14) – PROBLEM: evangelists made itinerant & marginalized, apostles & prophets ostracized or ignored All five need to function for balance in ministry Everyone in your church fits into one of the five

4 Functions of the Fivefold Ministry Apostolic function – operates translocally, pioneers in new work, oversees development, strategizes, establishes Prophetic function – discerns spiritual realities in given situations, disturbs, questions, communicates them in timely & appropriate way to further the mission of God’s people Evangelistic function – communicates the gospel in such a way that people respond in faith and discipleship, recruits, W.O.O.

5 Functions of the Fivefold Ministry Pastoral function – Shepherds God’s people by leading, nurturing, protecting and caring for us. Community glue. Teaching function – Communicates the revealed wisdom of God for God’s people to learn how to obey all that Christ commands us. Systematizes, connects present and future to the past

6 Remember: Primary functions areas of ministry – But not mutually exclusive Apostle may still preach & teach Prophets may still evangelize Leaders are APEPT=Leadership matrix Everyone is APEPT=Ministry matrix – The whole church is in ministry together guided by leaders with a “calling within a calling” or a community within a community

7 Role of Apostle Demands of today EXTENSION Urgency of tomorrow One who is sent & establish DefineFocus MyopiaImpact

8 Role of Prophet Demands of today UNDERSTANDS Demands of today in light of tomorrow One who knows the direction DefineFocus MyopiaImpact

9 Role of Evangelist Demands of today EXPANSION Urgency of today One who recruits/WOO DefineFocus MyopiaImpact

10 Role of Pastor Urgency of tomorrow NURTURE Demands of today One who cares DefineFocus MyopiaImpact

11 Role of Teacher Allows time to pass too quickly INTEGRATION Demands of past & present in light of the future: whole One who explains & guards DefineFocus MyopiaImpact

12 Entrepreneur groundbreaker and strategist initiating organism’s mission APEPT Apostle

13 Questioner disturbs status quo/challenges org to move in new direction APEPT ApostleProphet

14 Communicator/Recruiter takes org’s message to outsiders, W.O.O. “sells” it to them/convinces APEPT ApostleProphetEvangelist

15 Humanizers provides organizational glue by caring for insiders APEPT ApostleProphetEvangelistPastors

16 Systematizers/Trainers organizes various parts into working unit & articulates structure to other members APEPT ApostleProphetEvangelistPastorsTeachers

17 Super-charged Synergy comes about as different grace-giftings pull together in harmony & unity to build the church APEPT ApostleProphetEvangelistPastorsTeachers

18 APEPT Possibilities It’s organic: – body, ligaments, balance of diversity in unity – in the church’s DNA (another organic metaphor) It’s reproducible – at local, district, regional, global levels – always someone capable of 1/5 of the ministry in a Christian grouping (Eph 4.7, 11-12) It’s self-sustaining & regenerative – the APEPT matrix causes growth & maturity (Eph 4.14- 16)

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