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THE SPREAD OF CHRISTIANITY Religions-Christianity.

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1 THE SPREAD OF CHRISTIANITY Religions-Christianity

2 The Council of Jerusalem 49 C.E. The Council of Jerusalem can be found in the Bible Acts 15 and Galatians 1 & 2. After Jesus’ death and as the gospel began to spread beyond the borders of Palestine four distinct groups developed. “ Some who had come down from Judea were instructing the brothers, ‘Unless you are circumcised according to the Mosaic practice, you cannot be save….It is necessary to circumcise them and direct them to observe the Mosaic law’….After much debate had taken place, Peter got up and said to them, “My brothers, you are well aware that from early days God made his choice among you that through my mouth the Gentiles would hear the word of the gospel and believe. And God, who knows the heart, bore witness by granting them the holy S[irit just as he did us. He made no distnction between us and them, for by faith he purified their hearts. Why, then, are you now putting God to the test by placing on the shoulders of the disciples a yoke that neither our ancestors nor we have been able to bear? On the contrary, we believe that we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way as they.’ “ (Acts 15: 1 – 12)

3 The Council of Jerusalem 49 C.E. GROUP 1 Leader: Apostle James GROUP 2 Leader: Apostle Peter Group 3 Leader: Apostle Paul Group 4 Leader: no specific leader but a group did advocate for this position Insisted full observance of the Mosaic Law (including circumcision and keeping kosher) was necessary to being a Christian. Insisted on circumcision but did not think it was necessary to obey Kosher laws. Insisted that it was not necessary to be circumcised or to obey the Kosher laws. Insisted on breaking all ties with Judaism, therefore Christianity would have no connection with Judaism.

4 The Council of Jerusalem 49 C.E. How was the issue resolved? The final decision of the council, after much debate, was that Christians did not have to be circumcised or to follow the dietary laws of Judaism, but they were required to abstain from food sacrificed to idols in accordance with the first commandment. The basis of this decision was that Jesus did not make a distinction between Gentile and Jews and therefore, salvation was for everyone.

5 The Council of Jerusalem 49 C.E. What were the effects of the resolution? This established a separate and distinct religion from Judaism. Therefore, no longer were these people welcomed into the synagogue and Jewish community.

6 What empire controlled Judea at this time?

7 Roman Persecution Christians were subjects of persecution by Romans Persecution – to keep someone down by using violence Christianity spreads Roman leaders feared it would cause unrest in the Empire. Many Emperors fed Christians to the lions!!

8 Roman Persectuion Reasons for Roman Persecution: 1. Christians were considered traitors because they refused to worship the emperor as a god. 2. Christians were accused of being cannibals because they themselves claimed that they regularly ate the “body of Christ”. The Romans did not understand that this referred to the “divine, resurrected” body of Christ. 3. Christians refused to live the same lifestyle as the Roman populace. They formed their own communities, practiced communal service work and rituals (e.g. the last supper, baptism).

9 Meeting in Secret Christians had to meet in secret. How can you tell who is a Christian?

10 A ‘Fishy‘ Tale? In the years following the ascension of the resurrected Jesus to heaven, the Christian church grew rapidly. Christians soon found themselves to be the subjects of persecution by both the Romans and the Jews. In many locales, it became dangerous to be known as a Christian. Thus, when two strangers met and thought maybe they were fellow believers, one of them would draw, on the ground, the upper half of the fish symbol. Recognizing the symbol, the stranger would add a second curved line and complete the drawing of a fish.

11 The Growth of Christianity How did Christianity Grow Amidst the Persecution? 1. The sacrifice and witness of faith by early Christian Martyrs often left people amazed at their faith and as a result they realized there must be some truth in their faith. 2. People were attracted to the fact that Christianity was a religion of equality that welcomed all. 3. It had an organized governance and leadership of a bishop, maintaining some consistency. 4. The First Nicea Council, 325 C.E., were the basic beliefs of Christianity are written out in what became known as the Nicean Creed. Later on in 367 C.E. the Council of Hippo also ‘canonizes’ the 27 New Testament books; essential the Bible as we know it today was officially formed. 5. The last and one of the most important is…

12 The emperor of Rome became a Christian

13 After having a dream telling him if he embraced Christianity then he would have victory over his enemies he removed all laws forbidding Christians from practicing their beliefs. This is known as the Edict of Milan (written policy for religious tolerance) By 300 A.D. Emperor Constantine converts to Christianity and it is made the official religion of the Empire. As a result, Christianity begins to spread throughout the world.

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