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A Fun Activity © Semik/Khoon Lay Gan.

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Presentation on theme: "A Fun Activity © Semik/Khoon Lay Gan."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Fun Activity © Semik/Khoon Lay Gan

2 The most important word: Nation country


4 = ethnic group

5 © Takai


7 © Viktoria Protsak/John Takai Country: A large group of people ruled by a government, living within a geographical boundary, divided politically into states, and with a national flag, a common currency, and a national anthem. India: one country India: 3,000 nations! (ethnic groups) 400 ethnic groups with a church 2,600 ethnic groups without a church Nation (ethnic group): A large group of people with a strong, unique identity because of their common history, religion, language, caste, race, culture, geography, social level or migrations, or some combination of these factors.

8 Words used in the Bible: nations, Gentiles, peoples, tongues, families, tribes, races, and lineage In books and videos: groups, ethnic groups, and ethnolinguistic groups

9 It’s time to play… Ethnic Group or Country?

10 There are 24,000 ethnic groups in the world.

11 The Importance of Thinking in Ethnic Groups © Nelson Marquez

12 Collage by Jill Suzanne Hatcher

13 Reached Ethnic Groups and Unreached Ethnic Groups Reached Ethnic Group Viable Church The church that is strong enough to finish evangel- izing its own ethnic group without more outside missionary help. ©

14 There are 17,000 reached ethnic groups in the world.

15 Unreached Ethnic Groups There are 7,000 unreached ethnic groups in the world. They contain 30% of the world’s population.

16 The10/40 Window The largest concentration of unreached ethnic groups is found in a rectangular window! © Yemelyanov

17 The 10/40 Window is the region between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, between 10 degrees north and 40 degrees north. It encompasses North Africa, the Middle East, Southern Europe, and a large part of Asia. The 10/40 Window contains: 60% of the world’s population; The majority of the world’s unreached ethnic groups; The majority of the least evangelized countries; Three large religious blocks: Muslims (1,300 million); Hindus (800 million), and Buddhists (400 million); 80% of the world’s poorest people; and Only 7% of the world’s missionary force!

18 The people who live in reached ethnic groups have access to the gospel. The people who live in unreached ethnic groups do not have acces to the gospel.

19 The Difference between… Evangelism and Cross-cultural Missions The Social Barrier between the Christian and the Unbeliever The Language Barrier The Cultural Barrier © Vasicek/Luca de Polo

20 Evangelism Activities Door-knocking Campaigns Cell groups Personal Evangelism Radio Literature Concerts Mime Clowns Visitation Social Action

21 Cross-cultural Missions Activities Raise support Leave family and friends behind Travel Learn a new language Learn a new culture Understand a new worldview Look for the way to approach the people to share the gospel Discern the best forms for the new church in the new culture Learn new forms of music Adapt some of the cultural practices to the new Christian faith Educate children in a different environment that is sometimes hostile Return to visit your own country and endure many misunderstandings Return to your field of service

22 Apostles and Missionaries I am the apostle, and I say that all of you are missionaries! © Bescec

23 A missionary (or apostle) is the person God calls, and the church sends, to go to the unreached ethnic groups, crossing the social, linguistic, and cultural barriers, to plant a viable church. © Vasicek

24 It’s time to play… Who should we call?

25 Missions Organizations Sending Missions Agencies © Elkin/Alexander Aisenstadt/S-E-R-G-O

26 Receiving Missions Agencies © GeorghiouAlexander Aisenstadt/S-E-R-G-O

27 Missionary Training Instituts © Elkin/Patrick Bombaert/Mohamad Shahreen Amri/Oleksandr Lupol/Patrick Guénette/Vladimir Galantsev/Vladimir Galantsev/Alexander Aisenstadt

28 Other Important Definitions Culture Castes World view Residence or geography Tribe

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