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With the person next to you, brainstorm a list of things you already know about Christianity.

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2 With the person next to you, brainstorm a list of things you already know about Christianity.


4  Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem, a city in Israel ▪ Mary is pregnant with a child although Joseph was not the father ▪ An angel appeared to tell them that her child, Jesus, was the messiah and would save the Jewish people.

5  As a boy and young man, Jesus showed interest in religion.  He began to teach that salvation is possible for all people.  People must worship God (called Jehovah or just God) and lead good lives.  Primary source page 169

6  Jesus preached to many people who were outcasts (think of the untouchables in the caste system)  Prostitutes  Lepers  Very appealing for people seeking hope

7  Jesus’ teachings were unpopular with many Jews and Romans  They put him on trial as a criminal and had him crucified, or nailed to a cross until he died.

8  Christians believe that after he died, he was resurrected, or rose from the grave before going to heaven.

9 Father (God) Son (Jesus) Holy Ghost (after Resurrection)

10  Christians believe that God sacrificed Jesus, his son, so other people could be saved.  Therefore, it was Jesus’ destiny to die an agonizing death on the cross.  Christians who have faith in Jesus and God go to heaven when they die.

11 Jesus had apostles, or followers Spread his teachings Pax Romana helped spread Christianity Most important apostle was Paul, whose letters are the oldest (e.g. Corinthians)

12  The apostles’ letters and writings became the New Testament of the Bible Old Testament (Torah) New Testament Christian Bible

13 Crucifixtio n New Testament Ten Commandments messiah Jesus

14  In 66 AD, the Jews in Israel rebelled against Rome  To end the rebellion, Romans stormed Jerusalem, destroyed the temple, and exiled the Jews who scattered around the Roman Empire

15  The Romans were suspicious of the Christians because they didn’t worship Roman gods  Thousands were crucified, burned, or forced to fight in the Coliseum

16  Early Christians who died for their beliefs are called martyrs.  Other Christians saw them as an example of strong faith.

17 Reasons for the popularity of Christianity Embraced everyone Gave hope Promised an afterlife Personal relationship with God

18  In 312 AD….. Finish the sentence  In 313, he issued the Edict of Milan which said Christians could worship in the Roman Empire  Constantine video: #2 2:30

19  In 380 AD, Emperor Theodosius made Christianity Rome’s official religion

20 First pope comes from the Apostle Peter (“The Rock”) Bishops Priests “The people”

21  Settled disagreements about religion  As center of empire, Rome made sense to be center of Church

22  Loyalty to the Church became more important than the Roman Empire  The Church became the main unifying and moral force of Europe

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