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Presentation on theme: "THE 9 TH & 10 TH COMMANDMENTS: HELPING OUR NEIGHBOR KEEP ALL THAT IS HIS Lesson 27 Faith Foundations Course One."— Presentation transcript:



3 THE 9 TH COMMANDMENT 1.Read Philippians 4:11-13. Contentment is a very great challenge for our sinful nature. By the time the apostle Paul had written these words, he had been hated, ridiculed, imprisoned because of his faith, whipped several times, beaten, and left for dead. He had endured shipwreck on the way to trial. Yet he said that he had learned the secret of contentment. What do you think his secret was? He could do all things through Christ.

4 THE 9 TH COMMANDMENT 2.Read Hebrews 13:5. Why is it possible to be content? God promises that he will never leave us.

5 THE 9 TH COMMANDMENT 3.“Never will I leave you.” Tell how that promise can make it possible to be content even in the following circumstances: a. Unexpected medical bills make it necessary to see your house and move into an apartment. God promises to take care of you in this life and give you a home in heaven in the next.

6 THE 9 TH COMMANDMENT 3.“Never will I leave you.” Tell how that promise can make it possible to be content even in the following circumstances: b. Mom tells you that you can’t afford the brand-name clothes like all your friends are wearing. God’s promises for you are much more valuable than what you wear.

7 THE 9 TH COMMANDMENT 3.“Never will I leave you.” Tell how that promise can make it possible to be content even in the following circumstances: c. You hoped to get the latest electronic game for Christmas, but you got clothes instead. God knows what we need and what is best for us.

8 THE 9 TH COMMANDMENT 4.Recall Genesis 14:8-24. Abram rescued Lot and the other people who had been captured by Kedorlaomer. If Abram had been greedy, he might have used his victory to make himself rich. How? He might have accepted the king’s offer and taken all the plunder.

9 THE 9 TH COMMANDMENT 5.Why was Abram able to be content with what he had and to refuse the wealth the king offered? He knew that God—and not anyone else— would provide for him.

10 THE 9 TH COMMANDMENT 6. Philippians 2:4 teaches us about the attitude we should have toward other people and their property. What is that attitude? Be interested in the welfare of others rather than our own.

11 THE 9 TH COMMANDMENT 7.How did Abram display that attitude? He risked his life to rescue Lot and the other people.

12 THE 9 TH COMMANDMENT 8.How might you reflect that attitude by your actions in the following situations? a. While shopping in a store, you see someone put an item that hasn’t been paid for into his or her coat pocket? If it is a person you know, you should discourage him/her from taking the item. Otherwise you would warn the store manager.

13 THE 9 TH COMMANDMENT 8.How might you reflect that attitude by your actions in the following situations? b. A friend’s father can’t work because of an injury. In order to get money to pay the bills, the family offers to sell you their TV and computer at a very low cost. Perhaps you could give them a loan or gift. Or you might organize a fund-raising event for the family.

14 THE 9 TH COMMANDMENT 8.How might you reflect that attitude by your actions in the following situations? c. As you are walking along the sidewalk, you find a very valuable watch lying in the grass. You could notify the police, perhaps even put a notice in the paper.

15 KEY POINT #1 God commands us… to do all we can to help our neighbor keep his property.

16 THE 10 TH COMMANDMENT 9.Read Exodus 23:4,5. Why do you think God emphasized that we should take back our enemy’s animal or help our enemy whose animal has fallen? We should always be willing to help anyone who is in need, friend and enemy alike.

17 THE 10 TH COMMANDMENT 10.Recall Genesis 39:7-20. We often speak about Joseph in connection with the 6 th Commandment because he resisted committing adultery. But by doing so, he also kept the 10 th Commandment. In what way? He encouraged Potiphar’s wife to be faithful to her husband.

18 THE 10 TH COMMANDMENT 11.Philemon was a Greek Christian whose slave, Onesimus, had run away. Read Philemon 12. The apostle Paul hoped that Philemon would allow Onesimus to stay with Paul and work with him, but what did he urge Onesimus to do? Go back to his boss.

19 THE 10 TH COMMANDMENT 12.Read Genesis 16:7-9. Sarai mistreated Hagar so that she fled. What did the angel urge Hagar to do? Go back to Sarai and obey her.

20 THE 10 TH COMMANDMENT 13.A friend asks, “Do you think I should stay with my husband for the sake of our children, or should I take this opportunity to develop the relationship with the man at work?” How would you respond? Stay with your husband, not just for the sake of your children but because you promised God you would. Stay away from that man at work. And talk to your pastor for help with God’s Word to build a stronger marriage.

21 THE 10 TH COMMANDMENT 14.Jerry considered “stealing” Don’s best employee away from him by offering him a higher salary. Do you approve? No. It’s wrong. Be glad that Don has such a valuable employee. Jerry can ask him for some advice, but don’t take him away from Don’s business.

22 KEY POINT #2 God commands us… to urge our neighbor’s spouse, workers, and animals to stay and do their duty.

23 WHAT DOES GOD COMMAND IN THE 9 TH & 10 TH COMMANDMENTS? 1.God commands us to do all we can to help our neighbor keep his property. 2.God commands us to urge our neighbor’s spouse, workers, and animals to stay and do their duty. SUMMARY God commands us to do all we can to help our neighbor keep his property, spouse, and workers.

24 The 9 th & 10 th Commandments (Summary) You shall not covet.

25 NT Books of the Bible—Part 2 1 & 2 ThessaloniansTitus 1 & 2 Peter 1 & 2 TimothyPhilemon 1,2,3 John Hebrews Jude James Revelation

26 Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

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