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GRDG626 LITERACY, LANGUAGE, & DIVERSITY IN AMERICAN EDUCATION Week 4 – Theories of Diversity Part 1 Dr. Gloria E. Jacobs St. John Fisher College Week 4.

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Presentation on theme: "GRDG626 LITERACY, LANGUAGE, & DIVERSITY IN AMERICAN EDUCATION Week 4 – Theories of Diversity Part 1 Dr. Gloria E. Jacobs St. John Fisher College Week 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRDG626 LITERACY, LANGUAGE, & DIVERSITY IN AMERICAN EDUCATION Week 4 – Theories of Diversity Part 1 Dr. Gloria E. Jacobs St. John Fisher College Week 4 – Theories of Diversity Part 1 Dr. Gloria E. Jacobs St. John Fisher College

2 A GENDA Sharing Small Group Discussion Focused Discussion School Analysis Next week Break Text Analysis

3 S HARING A frame clash in our class

4 CRT & C OMMUNITY C ULTURAL C APITAL Challenges the deficit idea that minority students and families are at fault for poor academic performance because of lack of normative cultural knowledge and skills or that parents don’t value education.

5 O VERVIEW OF CRT CRT theorizes and challenges the ways race and racism impact society Intercentricity of race/racism Challenges dominant ideology, white privilege, race neutrality Commitment to social justice Centrality of lived experience Interdisciplinary Racism disguised in normative values Schools simultaneously oppress/marginalize, but hold power to emancipate

6 O VERVIEW OF C OMMUNITY CULTURAL CAPITAL Capital: What people have Economic (money) Social (who you know) Cultural (what you know) Assumes that if you don’t have it, you are deficient and need to be fixed. Community Cultural Capital Aspirational – holding dreams in face of barriers Navigational – ability to move through institutions Social – networks of people Lingusitic – the intellectual and social skills achieved through facility in more than one language Familial – Sense of community history, memory, cultural intuition Resistance – Knowleges and skills fostered through opposition behaviors that challenge inequality

7 SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION Group 1 Danielle Amanda Jessica Group 2 Lucia Michelle Stacy Karyl Group 3 Cristen Jeannie Cindy Group 4 Robyn Brandon Meghan Group 5 Sarah Jacque Alysse Group 6 Shannon Angela Kristina


9 N EXT W EEK Reading Compton-Lilly Chapter 5 Rex & Schiller (2009) chapters 8 & 9 (delete 10) Writing Community Analysis Submit via

10 B REAK Reconvene at the library ground floor (curriculum library) in 15 minutes to conduct the text analysis (see handout).

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