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Mahayaha Buddhism #15 Buddhism in Tokugawa Era Masayo Urasaki 26 September 2012.

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1 Mahayaha Buddhism #15 Buddhism in Tokugawa Era Masayo Urasaki 26 September 2012

2 Today ’ s schedule 1) To understand Japanese pre-Modern society (Tokugawa Era) and transformation of Buddhism. 2) To understand that influences of Kamakura Revolution in Tokugawa Era

3 Keywords ・ Pre Modern (Tokugawa – Era 徳川時代 ) ・ System of family which supports a temple (檀家制度) ・ Subsidiary system of temple (本末制度) ・ Investigating of Religion affiliation (宗門 改) ・ Myo-ko-nin/ Ideal person of Shin Pure land (妙好人) ・ Hakuin (白隠) ・ Ryoukan (良寛)

4 Kamakura Era ’ s Buddhist Revolution  Essence of the Revolution ・ Buddhism for the Public (local people) ・ Everybody can become Buddha ・ Easy practices ・ Prefer faith to practices → Spread to Local People, built many Temples. There are monks who engaged in Arts, financier. (Power of Buddhist become strong)

5 Influences of Christianity  Francisco de Xavier/ Born 1506 at Spain.Catholic missionary. First Propagate at Japan in 1549 → He wanted to go to Kyoto for propagate, but Shogun and Monk not permitted → propagate at Kyuryu or Shikoku 2 years. → Some Japanese Feudal Lord ( daimyo 大名) convert to Christian expecting not only faith but also profit of trading.

6 From Middle Age to Pre Modern  Era of Civil War → Unification of all Japan 1) Oda Nobunaga (織田信長) ・ Set fire to the temple for weaken power of monk (Mt.Hiei, Mt.Koya, Kofuku-ji at Nara) ・ Permit to propagate Christian Missionary, use them to oppress Buddhism 2) Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豊臣秀吉) ・ Strong Control of Buddhist Temples ・ At first, Protect Christian, spreaded too much, so he prohibited to propagate at 1587.

7 Tokugawa Era  Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川家 康)  Tokugawa Era ( 1603-1867) Conquer all Japan almost 300 years Toward Christianity → prohibit → But local people still faith secretly Toward Buddhism → Using the power of Buddhism to control local people

8 Tokugawa Era ’ s Policy toward Religion Strong Control and Umbrella of the Politics 1) System of family which supports a temple (檀家制度) All people had to belong the temple. → Government easy to grasp the information → Aim of prohibiting Christianity completely → Temple didn ’ t need to propagate so hard

9 2) Subsidiary system of temple (本末制度) Control to use “ head and branch temple relations 3) Investigating of Religion affiliation (宗門改) People should submit their faith, address, family information → It was also benefit to guarantee the relationship between local people and temple Main Temple

10 What happened to each schools?  Tendai / Shingon After destroyed by Shogun Oda, obey the Gov ’ s policy.  Nichiren Fuju Fuse (不受不施派) movement ←protest Gov. / Underground movement  Pure-Land Tokugawa family ’ s temple/Gov. treat Zojo-ji well  Shin Pure-Land Ikko- ikki (一向一揆) Poor people protest Gov. Myoko-nin (妙好人) Ideal person of Shin Pure land  Zen Protect from Gov. Rich monk-Artist, Tea ceremony

11 Outstanding Monks at Tokugawa Era ・ Hakuin(1685-1768) Rinzai Zen Born at Shizuoka Province. Revival of Rinzai Zen. Became monk 15 years. Zen Artist. Teaching of Health Care. (Ex.Breath Meditation before sleep) ・ Ryokan (1757-1831) Soto Zen Born at Niigata-Province. Became Monk 18 years old. Poet and Calligrapher. He likes to play children. Intimate Character.

12 Prepare for Final Examination  Range of test >> All (China, Nara, Heian, Kamakura, Tokugawa)  Full score >> 50 points 20 points >> Question “True or False” (10 questions) 30 points >> Writings short essay (3 questions)

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