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Rash, impulsive impetuous. Theory requiring proof hypothesis.

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Presentation on theme: "Rash, impulsive impetuous. Theory requiring proof hypothesis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rash, impulsive impetuous

2 Theory requiring proof hypothesis

3 outstanding exemplary

4 Guilt diminishing extenuating

5 Flushed, ornate florid

6 lucky fortuitous

7 Pleasure seeker hedonist

8 thrifty frugal

9 Overused, cliched hackneyed

10 Arrogant, condescending haughty

11 Motionless; non-reactive inert

12 To oppress a race or group of people because of ethnicity or religion persecute

13 A statement of beliefs or set of principles creed

14 Strong, effective or powerful; exerting persuasion, influence, or force potent

15 A fortress or strongly fortified building in or near a city, used as a place of refuge citadel

16 Something which has qualities that seem to contradict each other paradox

17 Punishment that is inflicted in return for a wrong vengeance

18 dread apprehension

19 Ill feeling toward something or somebody resentment

20 Opinion or claim stated in the course of an argument contention

21 Difficult to deal with or overcome formidable

22 Invoke supposed supernatural powers; influence with spells conjure

23 Too eager to obey subservient

24 Insincere or feigned behavior pretense

25 Great in amount, size or extent prodigious

26 Dissenting minority with a larger group faction

27 To cause severe mental or physical distress to the body afflict

28 Fear or uneasiness about a future event trepidation

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