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Published byAshley Jones Modified over 9 years ago
Chapter 1: Perspectives on Sexuality
Controversy and Diversity in Human Sexuality Sexuality and the study of sexuality evokes strong emotions and often much controversy: This course will look at all aspects of human sexuality. We will be dealing with difficult and controversial topics at times from a variety of perspectives.
What is Sexuality? A uniquely human trait More than just mating rituals Laws, customs, fantasies, art, music, etc.
What is Sex? Gender –state of being male or female Sexual activities –such as kissing, intercourse, or masturbation Anatomy –structures that play a role in reproduction or sexual pleasure Erotic –feelings, experiences, or desires
Contradictory and Confusing Sexually “repressed” society surrounded by sexual images Believe everyone is sexually active, yet an uncomfortable discussion topic Explore our sexuality vs. moral restrictions Diversity in sexual expression
Class Exercise Make a list of all the places/sources where you got information about sex when you were growing up and as an adult. Identify: –If the information was accurate –Where you would have liked to gotten the information from
Sexual Intelligence Four components of sexual intelligence: –Understanding self –Having interpersonal sexual skills and integrity –Obtaining accurate scientific sexual knowledge –Having consideration of the cultural context of sexuality Increasing sexual intelligence will allow for responsible decisions in sexual behavior
Course Goals: Improving Sexual Intelligence Broad, accurate knowledge of sexuality Know society’s influences on our sexuality Identify trends, changes, and many other influences affecting attitudes and behaviors Understand biological roots and social issues related to sexuality Become more comfortable discussing sex Your personal goals
Studying Sexuality: From a Biopsychosocial Orientation A Psychosocial / Biopsychosocial Orientation takes into account: Psychological factors - Emotions, attitudes, motivations Social factors - Process which we learn our social norms Biological factors - Hormones, nervous system, genetics, etc.
Studying Sexuality: Many Perspectives The study of human sexuality draws upon the scientific expertise of many different fields including: Anthropology Biology Medical Research Sociology Psychology Public Health
Studying Sexuality The study of sexuality Sexologist – a person who engages in the scientific study of sexual behavior –Havelock Ellis (1859-1939) –Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1840-1902) –Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) –Alfred Kinsey (1894-1956)
Values Studying human sexuality requires you to explore your own values in order to fully understand your decisions and attitudes. Expression of sexuality is a matter of choices. Choices are dictated by value systems. Value systems provide a framework for judging the moral acceptability of sexual options
Class Exercise What are your sexual values? Where did they come from?
Perspectives on Human Sexuality
1.Historical 2.Biological 3.Evolutionary 4.Cross-Species 5.Cross-Cultural 6.Sociocultural 7.Psychological
History of Sexuality Hebrews Ancient Hebrews –Gender roles highly specialized –Sex within marriage a necessity –Hebrew Bible had explicit rules Forbade adultery Forbade male homosexual intercourse Forbade incestuous relations –Discussed sexual misconduct –Stories of marital love
History of Sexuality Ancient China Tao – the basic unity and interdependence of the universe; comprised of two principles –Yin: feminine, passive, inexhaustible –Yang: masculine, assertive, limited Man should feed yang with prolonged contact with yin, without ejaculation Female orgasm gave energy to yin Sexual instruction and manuals common Utilized drugs and sexual devices
History of Sexuality India Karma – cycle of birth and rebirth Goal – live a just life, marry, procreate Marriage – religious and economic obligation Kamasutra – 3 rd -4 th century B.C. –Nature of love –Good family practices –Moral guidance in love and sex –Sexual techniques
History of Sexuality Greece (1000 – 200 B.C.) More sexually permissive than the Hebrews Stories of sexual exploits, incest, rape, bestiality Distinguished between love and sex –Aphrodite: goddess of sexual intercourse –Eros: god of love Idealized men and the male form, as well as the female form Sex was a symbol of power
History of Sexuality Rome (5 th to 7 th Century B.C.) Marriage and sex were ways to improve economic and social standing Passionate love almost nonexistent Few restrictions for early Romans
History of Sexuality Early Christianity Jesus – liberal in thinking about sexuality, and its punishment for transgressions Later followers established the dominant western view of condemnation –Spirituality through celibacy –Sex outside of marriage as sinful; Sex for procreation only –Highest love is that for God
History of Sexuality The Middle Ages From 1050-1150, sexuality was liberalized In 1215, church began confession and penance Women changed from a temptress (Eve) to a model of virtue (Mary) Thomas Aquinas (1200s) argued sex organs were for procreation; condemned homosexuality Late 15 th century – campaign against witchcraft, women’s insatiable “carnal lust”
History of Sexuality The Reformation Protestantism – early 16 th century Bible showed obligation to reproduce and have marital love, instead of valuing celibacy Women were men’s partners in all things, not just to have children Allowed divorce Companionship was focal in marriage Women were weaker than men Sex permissible only in marital union
History of Sexuality The Enlightenment 18 th century Prized rational thought over traditional authority Human nature best understood through study Sexual reproduction was shown to be a great evolutionary achievement “Free love” and rise in premarital pregnancy and illegitimate births Homosexuality: condemnation and persecution, then tolerance
History of Sexuality Victorian Era Women’s role constrained; women as asexual Emotional & physical distance between husband and wife Public behavior important, especially to the upper class Conservative sexual attitudes, not always practiced Prostitution flourished Continued polarized view of women: Madonna vs whore Mosher’s research contradicts prevailing view: -Victorian women experienced sexual desire, enjoyed intercourse, and experienced orgasm
In the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries, many doctors taught that masturbation was harmful, and so devices, such as the two barbed rings and the shock box shown here, were created to keep children- especially boys-from achieving unwanted erections.
History of Sexuality Sex in American History The Colonies United States – New World 19 th century 20 th century
History of Sexuality The Colonies Puritans had severe sanctions for sexual transgressions Sexuality was natural within marriage Bundling for young, courting couples
History of Sexuality United States – New World Church’s power diminished Right to personal happiness, sexual liberation Brothels, contraception, abortive medicines Sexuality embraced within marriage, and without Female indentured servants and slaves were commonly raped Myth of slave promiscuity Sexuality of minorities was used to oppress them
History of Sexuality The 19 th Century 1820s free love movement 1852 – Mormons announce practicing polygamy End of 19 th century – Medical model of sexuality –Women ruled by their wombs; ovarectomies –John Kellogg’s sanitarium –Homosexuality an illness, not a sin Comstock Act of 1873 – prohibited mailing obscene writing or ads, including contraceptive information and artwork containing nudity
History of Sexuality 20 th Century Sexuality Social Movements: –Suffrage movement –Temperance movement –Civil rights movement –Lesbian & gay movement World War II: –Roles were expanded & more flexible –Postwar return to stricter roles 60’s & 70’s –Feminism –Sexual Revolution –Research
Biological Perspective The roles of genes, hormones, the nervous system, and other biological factors. Human sexuality is more than just the physical process.
Evolutionary Perspective Some individuals are better adapted to their environment than others; those who are able to adapt are more likely to survive and pass on their genes. Evolutionary psychology – behavior patterns, such as sexual behavior are genetically transmitted. Erotic plasticity – people showing different levels of sexual desire in response to social and cultural influences.
Cross-Species Perspective The examination of sexuality in other animal species, placing human sexuality in a larger context (i.e. male-female, male-male, and kissing behaviors)
Cross-Cultural Perspective How do cultural beliefs affect sexual behavior and people’s sense of morality? Among societies there are great commonalities and differences in sexual behavior.
Sociocultural Perspective Focuses on the differences in sexuality among the subgroups of a society, such as differences in religion, race, age, or gender.
Cultural Perspectives Variation among societies Variation within societies Major influences on sexual attitudes & behaviors in all cultures: – Socioeconomic status – Education level – Religion – Ethnicity and/or nationality – Gender
Cross-Cultural Perspectives Islamic Middle East Based on beliefs of Muhammad Belief that sex should be enjoyed by both sexes Women viewed inherently more sexual than men (this power contained by veils, segregation, female circumcision) Oppression of women and many sexually related restrictions stem from patriarchal cultural traditions and fundamentalist sects, not from religion and the teaching of the Qur’an
Cross-Cultural Perspectives China Sexual conservatism with communist rule (1949) –Lack of basic information about sexuality –Sex outside of marriage and frequent sex within marriage discouraged –Almost no STDs Current trends –increasing rates of pre-marital sex –increasing STDs –slightly more open to homosexuality –still lack sexual knowledge and safe-sex skills
Psychological Perspective Psychological influences: perception, learning, motivation, emotions and personality. –Sigmund Freud and psychoanalytic theory – we internalize conflicts between sexuality and society. How we resolve the conflicts determines our ability to love and work. –Learning theories – environmental factors help shape behavior (rewards and punishments) –Social-Learning – behaviors are determined through learning theories, but also through observational and cognitive experiences.
The Media and Sexuality How have mass media reflected and influenced sexual norms? What are elements unique to sexuality on the Internet compared with other mass media?
The Media and Sexuality Television –News, advice, and educational programs –Increased access to sexual material Percentages of sexual content –Cable and music videos –Video games –Determining of social norms Advertising (Man’s last stand, woman’s last stand)Man’s last standwoman’s last stand) Magazines
Sexual Taboos and Television
Cyberspace and Sexuality 1.5 billion Internet users worldwide 80% of people obtain health information from Internet Source of sexual expression MySpace, Facebook, Twitter Availability on hand held devices –PDA, iPod, Cell phones
Sexuality Where the Personal is Political Impact of social norms Freedoms and responsibilities today Controversies facing human sexuality How can something as personal as sex be political?
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