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Teneo, tenēre tenui, tentus To hold. Condo, condere, condidi, conditus To found.

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Presentation on theme: "Teneo, tenēre tenui, tentus To hold. Condo, condere, condidi, conditus To found."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teneo, tenēre tenui, tentus To hold

2 Condo, condere, condidi, conditus To found

3 longe Far off; at a distance

4 Ops, opis Wealth; riches

5 Rough; experienced Asper, aspera, asperum

6 Nimbus, -i cloud

7 Flammo (1) To inflame; to anger

8 Indignor,-ari To be angry; To feel wronged

9 Carcer carceris Cell; jail

10 vinculum chain

11 Furo, -ere To be mad; to rage

12 Voluto (1) To revolve; to consider

13 Celsus,a,um Lofty; high

14 antrumcave

15 Mollio,-ire mollivi, mollitus To soften

16 tempestasstorm

17 Premo,-ere To press; to control Oppress impress

18 Mons montis mountain

19 Sedeo, sedÉre, sédi, sessus To sit; to settle

20 Inimicus,a,um unfriendly

21 Aequor Aequoris Flat; level (the sea)

22 penates Household gods

23 Puppis puppis ship

24 Disicio,-ere, disieci,disectus To scatter

25 Flammato corde With an enflamed heart

26 volutans Revolving;considering

27 Furentibus montibus With raging mountains

28 Ventos premit s/s controls the winds

29 Illi furebant Those were raging

30 Tempestates carcere premit He controls the storms with a jail

31 In patriam nimborum Into the country of the clouds

32 premendo By controlling

33 Ad ventos premendos For contolling the winds

34 vivendi Of living

35 Carthago delenda est Carthage must be destroyed

36 Ad inauguranda templa For inaugurating temples

37 Laudaverat He had praised

38 conficiebas You were completing

39 inceperimus We will have begun

40 laudabit He will praise

41 Incepti sunt They were begun

42 Implicatus est He was entangled

43 Augustus’ Wife Livia

44 Livia’s sons DrususTiberius

45 Augustus’ daughter Julia

46 Claudius’ father Drusus

47 Claudius’ mother Antonia

48 Claudius’ maternal grandfather Marc Antony

49 hostibus appropinquantibus senatus Cincinnato nuntiavit eum factum esse dictatorem

50 Vulgus ex veritate pauca, ex opnione multa aestimat

51 de mortuis nihil nisi bonum dicamus.

52 Urbem Romam condiderunt atque habuerunt initio Troiani.

53 Sera tacitīs poena venit pedibus

54 Tense: potaret Past Imp (subj)

55 Tense: portabit Future imp (indic)

56 Tense: portavissemus Past Perf subj

57 Tense: portaverunt Present perfect indicative

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