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Al-Qaeda. Islamic fundamentalism is a construction based on the proclaimed primacy of religious identity Political Islamism is a political ideology, based.

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Presentation on theme: "Al-Qaeda. Islamic fundamentalism is a construction based on the proclaimed primacy of religious identity Political Islamism is a political ideology, based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Al-Qaeda

2 Islamic fundamentalism is a construction based on the proclaimed primacy of religious identity Political Islamism is a political ideology, based on Islamic fundamentalism, which aims to seize power in the nation-state The movement symbolically represented by Al- Qaeda is a different kind of movement  It is based on Islamic fundamentalism but is explicitly global.

3 February 23rd 1998 Osama bin Laden establishes the “World Islamic Front for the Jihad Against Jews and the Crusaders”  a fundamentalist, terrorist, global network Origins can be traced to the CIA-financed training camps for anti-Soviet mujahedeen in Pakistan  today extends to at least 65 countries and numerous autonomous groups

4 The values and goals: The building of the umma Muslim societies should be ruled by shari'a law (The Taliban regime came closest to the Islamic ideals espoused by bin Laden) Bin Laden and al-Qaeda are not preoccupied by the kind of society they want to build ("pragmatic militants")

5 The values and goals: The defense of Islam starts with the defense of the holy sites in Saudi Arabia and Jerusalem Martyrdom No negotiation, no surrender, no way out

6 Islamic global terror networks rely on two main tactics of action: 1. Terror-->the expectation is that over time the institutions of democratic states crumble under the collective fear (al- Qaeda aims at the heart of Westerners) 2. Media politics-->transforming consciousness is the ultimate goal (al- Qaeda aims at the mind oppressed Muslims)

7 The dream They hope for: An unreasonable response from the West-->inflame the rotten world-->new society from the ashes

8 Who are the adversaries? The political regimes of Muslim countries (pawns of the Crusaders) Zionists The U.S. (and other Western powers)

9 Six stages of development 1. Resistance to Soviet occupation of Afghanistan (1979) 2. Militants return home and engage in political-military battles against their own national governments 3. First direct attacks by al-Qaeda (1993 in NYC) 4. Concentrated on supporting movements in countries where a power base could be achieved (Sudan/ Afghanistan) 5. al-Qaeda moves toward open confrontation with the U.S. (embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, USS Cole bombing in Aden, 9/11) 6. U.S. destroys the Taliban regime, obliterates the basis of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, bin-Laden killed, many associated networks emerge around the world (inc in the U.S.)

10 Who are the members of al- Qaeda? They come from a number of ethnic and national groups (very few Palestinians) The nucleus was formed in camps Young (20s and 30s), male The core group of al-Qaeda come from wealthy families

11 Who are the members of al- Qaeda? Many are highly educated professionals (the core group of 9/11 attackers were engineering students) The military commanders mostly trained in national military academies

12 The structure Networking is critical-->core leadership but no control center Cells are largely autonomous

13 al-Qaeda provides training and indoctrination Fighting principle: string as hard as you can, anytime and anywhere you can, all Westerners are potential targets, as are symbolic points of connection between Muslim societies and non- believers (airports, multi-national corporate facilities, tourism centers) Nation-specific organizations fight against the states that oppress true-Muslims in their own countries

14 Establishing new networks bin Laden helped establish most active network in the world today: Jamaah Islamiyah in South East Asia

15 Chechnya A secular, ethnic-nationalist struggle against Russia becomes an Islamic struggle Rebels receive training and money from al- Qaeda For bin Laden, the Chechen struggle was simply a continuation of the fight against Russians in Afghanistan The dual character of local struggles and global networking is the essence of al-Qaeda's strategy


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