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Foundations of Literature WEEK 24. DO NOW At a level zero, please take out your homework from over the weekend You will read your SSR book for 15 minutes.

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Presentation on theme: "Foundations of Literature WEEK 24. DO NOW At a level zero, please take out your homework from over the weekend You will read your SSR book for 15 minutes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundations of Literature WEEK 24

2 DO NOW At a level zero, please take out your homework from over the weekend You will read your SSR book for 15 minutes Once you are finished reading, you are going to journal. ◦In your journal, you are going to choose a quote and then respond to the quote using one of the metacognitive strategies  ◦Monitoring your thinking – Connections – Questions – Predictons

3 Chapter 1 Review WIN MY SEAT BACK! What is the relationship between Emma, Miss Sarah and Miss Frances? What is the relationship between Emma, Will, and Mattie? What symbol is being repeated throughout the first chapter? ◦What is its significance?

4 Interlude 1 Emma as an Old Woman We are reading form Emma’s perspective in the FUTURE! What can WE, as the reader, understand from Emma in the future… ◦How does this change our understanding of the present?

5 Week 23 Vocabulary ◦Abolish- Bittersweet ◦Dehumanize- Prosperous - Ruthless- Tolerant

6 Abolish (verb) Definition - to put an end to something Synonym - destroy Antonym – create The taxes were abolished by Congress to help the American businesses.

7 Bittersweet (adj) Definition – describes a situation that is both sad and happy Synonym - pleasure plus pain Antonym - unemotional The room with all its memories, good and bad, gave her a bittersweet feeling.

8 Dehumanize (verb) Definition - to treat someone as if they are less than human, such as an animal or object Synonym - oppress Antonym – equalize The community experienced the dehumanizing effects of war.

9 Prosperous Definition - describes someone who is financially successful or wealthier than others. Synonym - fortunate Antonym – unfortunate College graduates are more prosperous than high school graduates.

10 Ruthless Definition - describes someone who is heartless or shows no mercy Synonym - cruel Antonym – humane The ruthless banker gave no money to the poor even when he could afford it.

11 Tolerant Definition - someone who is capable of understanding differences Synonym - open- minded Antonym - prejudice We must be tolerant of others and get along to have peace.

12 Vocabulary Practice 1

13 Chapter 2 – Read Aloud Master – Mrs. Cecil Mattie: Eric Slave-seller: Ronaldo Frances: Jacky Sarah: Jalexis

14 Chapter 2 Focus How does Master feel about selling the slaves? What relationship does Master have with Frances versus Sarah? What does Mattie worry will happen to Emma? Where is Master planning to leave and how does the reader know this?

15 Homework Finish Chapter 2 Complete Packet Pages 2-3!

16 Wednesday, February 18 th !

17 Do Now You know the drill… 15 minutes SSR 5 minutes journaling!

18 Vocab Practice 2 1. Prosperous 2. Abolish 3. Ruthless 4. Dehumanization 5. Tolerant

19 Chapter 2 Review Win Your Seat Back Please answer the following questions in order to win your seat back! ◦ How does Master feel about selling the slaves? ◦What relationship does Master have with Frances versus Sarah? ◦What does Mattie worry will happen to Emma? ◦Where is Master planning to leave and how does the reader know this?

20 Interlude II Read aloud! What do we want to focus on as we are reading? How was the Slave-Seller’s life changed in the future? How does he reflect on what occurred during the auction?

21 On the handout Make a list of the ideas that have already been repeated several times in the book. What are our characters focused on and why?

22 Symbolism A literary term for a person, item, or event that has meaning in itself but can also stand for something more than itself

23 Deep Dive – Chapter 1 & Interlude 1 As a class, we are going to go through and analyze the quotes for chapter 1 and interlude 1!

24 Homework Complete the chart for Chapter 2 and Interlude 2, focusing on rain and its symbolism!

25 Thursday, February 19 th

26 Do Now SSR at a level zero for 15 minutes You will then journal for 5 minutes Once you are finished, you will have 10 minutes to complete vocab practice 3

27 Vocab Practice 3 1. Yes 2. No – Insulted 3. No - Tolerate 4. No - Prosperity 5. Yes

28 Chapter 3 Read Aloud EMMA: Keyondra FRANCES: Jose SARAH: Ms. Cecil

29 INTERLUDE 3 Ms. Senter will read and annotate…! HOMEWORK: Complete packet pages 8-9!

30 Friday, February 20 th

31 SSR & Journal 15 minutes to read, 5 minutes to journal Vocab Practice 4

32 CRS practice answer and find evidence in your Day of Tears book REL 201: Which of the following happened first? A.Sarah begins crying B.Frances demands for her hair to be brushed starts raining D.Emma comforts Sarah SUP 401: Interlude IV suggests that frances: a.supports runaway slaves bothered by the idea of freedom for slaves c.was tolerant of equal rights for slaves d.shares Sarah’s feelings about slavery

33 CRS Practice – Find the evidence for each correct answer and record it on your slip REL 201: Which of the following happened first? A.Sarah begins crying B.Frances demands for her hair to be brushed C.It starts raining D.Emma comforts Sarah SUP 401: Interlude IV suggests that frances: a.supports runaway slaves bothered by the idea of freedom for slaves c.was tolerant of equal rights for slaves d.shares Sarah’s feelings about slavery

34 Chapter 4 Read Aloud Master: Ms. Cecil Emma: Jacky Mattie: Eric

35 Motives vs. Actions: Motives are THE CHARACTER’S REASON FOR DOING SOMETHING. How do we tell action and motives apart? Actions and motives are not the same. Be careful not to confuse what a character physically does from the reason he or she is doing that. Actions are seen in…Motives are seen in… -What a character says -What character does -Thoughts -Feelings

36 Review motives vs. actions - Complete the chart below on your classwork sheet. Example ActionsExample Motives -George Weems, the slave seller, says he is the “man to go to if you want to get the most money for your slaves” (21). -He wants to build his reputation -Frances shouts at Emma, “You didn’t finish brushing my hair” (36) -Out of jealousy, she wants to interrupt Emma comforting Sarah in the chair.

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