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Historical Books. The sixteen historical books of the bible tell the story of God at work in the history of ancient Israel from the settlement of Canaan.

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Presentation on theme: "Historical Books. The sixteen historical books of the bible tell the story of God at work in the history of ancient Israel from the settlement of Canaan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Historical Books

2 The sixteen historical books of the bible tell the story of God at work in the history of ancient Israel from the settlement of Canaan to the Kingdom of the Maccabees. Spans Israelite history from 1250 BC to 100 BC Conquest of Canaan under Joshua, and the leadership of the Joshua and the Judges –Judges as military, conciliatory, and spiritual leaders –Formation of a tribal confederation. –Miracle of Divine warfare

3 HISTORICAL BOOKS CONT’D Rise of the United Kingdom under King David –King Saul –King David –King Solomon Division of the kingdom into Judah (south) and Israel (north) Solomon begins to oppress the people; His son continues the tyranny –Rehoboam –Jeroboham Fall of the kingdoms (722 BC & 587 BC) –Destruction of Israel by the Assyrian Empire –Conquest by and Exile of Judah to Babylonia

4 God in the History of Israel Tribal Confederation United Kingdom Divided Kingdom Destruction of Israel & Exile of Judah Return to Jerusalem Short time of Independence

5 Pattern of Sin Disaster Prayer Help People Are saved God Offers His Love Sin Israelites would forget their covenant with God and sin. They would suffer a disaster. Then they would pray to God and ask for forgiveness and help. God would send help They would achieve success God offers his love When they were comfortable again, they would return to their sinful ways and begin the cycle again

6 Divine Warfare The Idea, unique to the Israelites, that God will fight not just with them but for them against their enemies Battle of Jericho Battle against Sisera Battle against the Midianites The destruction of the Philistine temple. ☺*“BATTLE” BETWEEN DAVID AND GOLIATH

7 Book of Joshua Spans from about 1250- 1200BC Military hero- Joshua Conquest of the Promised Land by a number of well executed battles. Beginning with the battle of Jericho Divine or Miracle warfare Theme: God will preserve the Israelites on their land as long as they obeyed the commandments Division of the land Farewell from Joshua

8 Book of Judges Spans from about 1220- 1000BC Military heroes- Judges (12) The gradual takeover of the Promised land by the Israelites. God sends chosen leaders when they are needed Theme: God raises up mighty heroes to protect the people, even flawed heroes Divine or Miracle Warfare; Gideon Deborah Samson

9 Conquest & Settlement of the Promised Land Book of Joshua –Battle of Jericho –Canaan won by intense battles –Israelites drove the Canaanites out –Concentrates on Joshua as the hero –Assignment of the land Book of Judges –Israelites gained control of the land gradually by small battles and just moving in –People were a mixture of Israelites and Canaanites who stayed –Concentrates on the Judges as the leaders of the people. Both books relay the account of the conquest and settlement of the Promised Land

10 Post Exilic History Ezra Nehemiah 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees Book of Tobit Book of Esther

11 Archeology Conquest & Settlement –Major Upheaval in Middle East about 1200 BC –Dark Age followed Exile –Signs of absence of activity in Jerusalem

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