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Delivering Powerful Presentations: How To Empower Your Audience! David K. Miller, RN, BSN, MS Ed, CDE.

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Presentation on theme: "Delivering Powerful Presentations: How To Empower Your Audience! David K. Miller, RN, BSN, MS Ed, CDE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delivering Powerful Presentations: How To Empower Your Audience! David K. Miller, RN, BSN, MS Ed, CDE

2 OBJECTIVES Discuss two key areas of powerful presentations. Compare and contrast the elements of strong presentations. Formulate an action plan to improve the participant’s presentation skills.

3 What We Fear… 1.Speaking before a group 2.Heights 3.Insects 4.Financial problems 5.Deep water 6.Sickness, death (tie) The Book of Lists, Wallace and Wallechinski

4 Key Areas Message Content Delivery Skills

5 Quality Standards Message Content Clear Purpose Well Organized Supporting Evidence Good intro/conclusion Audience-oriented Delivery Skills Confident Enthusiastic Good eye contact Effective gestures Use and design of visuals

6 Know Your Audience… How long is the normal attention span? How long is the maximum attention span?

7 Know Your Audience… How long is the normal attention span? Five to Ten Seconds How long is the maximum attention span? Thirty Seconds

8 Know Your Audience… Listening –Active Listening _____% –Looking Ahead ______% –Reminiscing ______% –Other thoughts ______% American Psychological Association

9 Know Your Audience… Listening –Active Listening _20__% –Looking Ahead _ 20__% –Reminiscing _40__% –Other thoughts _20__% American Psychological Association

10 Assess The Situation Time Setting Other Influences

11 Assess The Audience Who? What are their needs? What is their knowledge? Bias? Questions? Actions?

12 Assess The Purpose Do Know Feel

13 Brainstorming Rules –Don’t judge ideas –Write quickly –Don’t worry about accuracy –Don’t organize your ideas –Write down everything Techniques –Key Words –Paper Slips –Project Mapping –Free-Writing –White Pages

14 Activity # 1 Directions: In 30 seconds, memorize as many words from your list as you can.

15 Formula For Success Proclaim Affirm Recap

16 Using PAR Body should be 80% of your allotted time Use 3-5 key ideas Key ideas should clarify your purpose, help your audience understand, and provide evidence Options to support ideas: –Definition –Explanation –Example –Testimony –Statistics –Facts –Comparison –Analogy

17 Activity #2 Select one of the following topics: –Describe your favorite season –Why someone should visit French Lick Brainstorm Identify one key point Use PAR

18 Activity # 3 Listen to the following list of words Write down as many as you can remember What do you notice?

19 Introduction 10% of your allotted time Should gain attention Proclaim your purpose Preview your main points Ideas for gaining attention: –Illustrations –Humor –Quotations –Stories –Shocking statements of facts –Challenges

20 Conclusion 10% of your allotted time Recap your points without detail Reaffirm your purpose Close with POWER Ways to close with power: –The personal “I” –The communal “We” –Optimism, uplift, challenge –A reference to the future

21 Delivery Skills Eye contact – Direct –Sweep the room –Maintain for five seconds –Must master this one first! Facial expressions – Smile –Most people unaware of expressions –Conveys that you are approachable

22 Delivery Skills Gestures – Natural and expansive –Honor zone –Watch tools in your hands –Gains attention Movement – Purposeful –Maintains attention –Be conscious of personal space (3 feet)

23 Delivery Skills Appearance – Professional –Dress better than your audience –What not to wear Voice – Variety –Projection, rate, pitch, diction –Pauses –Watch non-words

24 Questions and Answers Timing Don’t end with question and answer Don’t say “Good question” What if I don’t know the answer? Remember your pauses!

25 Choosing Visuals


27 Recap Assess the situation Proclaim, Affirm, Recap! 3-5 key points Practice delivery skills Choose visuals wisely

28 Contact Information David K. Miller – Health Education and Life Promotion (HELP) 812-546-0592

29 Reference American Psychological Association (2004). Retrieved on April 8, 2005 from Covey, S. (1999). Presentation Advantage: Facilitator Manual. Salt Lake City,UT: Franklin Covey Co. Wallace, A. & Wallechinski, D. (1986). The Book of Lists.

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