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Picto PowerPoint Chapter 5 BY: Scott Clay Picto PowerPoint Chapter 5 BY: Scott Clay.

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2 Picto PowerPoint Chapter 5 BY: Scott Clay Picto PowerPoint Chapter 5 BY: Scott Clay

3 diēs, diēī M. = day (diary, diurnal, quotidian, post meridian, ante meridian, daily, per diem) Clipart

4 calidus, calida, calidum = warm (calorie, calibration, calibrated)

5 ad puellās= toward the girls


7 auxilium, auxiliī N. = help, aid [auction, auctioneer, augment, augmentation, augmentative, August, august, augustly, augustness, author, authoress, authoritarian, authoritative, authoritativeness, authority, authorization, authorize, auxanogram, auxanography, auxanology, auxanometer, auxesis, auxetic, auxetical, auxiliary, auxiliometer, auxilytic, auxin, auxoautotrophic, auxocardia, auxochrome, auxocyte, auxodrome, auxoflore, auxograph, auxoheterotrophic, auxology, auxometer, auxospore, auxotonic, unauthorized]

8 eum = him; eam = her Clipart

9 lupus, lupī M. = wolf (lupine, lupus) GoogleImages

10 NOUN silva, silvae F. = forest, woods (sylvan, Sylvester, Pennsylvania) GoogleImages

11 Adjective frīgidus, frīgida, frīgidum=cool, cold (frigid, refrigerator, refrigeration) GoogleImages

12 ignāvus, ignāva, ignāvum=lazy, cowardly This chair is a ____boy (knave, knavery) GoogleImages

13 clāmor, clāmōris M. = a shout, shouting [proclaim, exclaim, declaim, clamor, clamorous, exclamation, declamation, proclamation, disclaim, disclaimer] Clip Art

14 excipiō, excipere, excēpī, exceptus = to welcome (exception, accept) GoogleImages

15 errō, errāre, errāvī, errātus = to wander; be wrong (err, error, errand, errant, erroneous, aberration)

16 Phrase Ferte auxilium! =Bring help! Go and get someone Get for me Clip art [offer, refer, deference, infer, ferry, transfer, Lucifer]

17 appropinquō, appropinquāre, appropinquāvī, appropinquātus = to approach, to reach (approach, propinquity, appropriate) GoogleImages

18 nōlō, nōlle, nōluī,= to be unwilling, not want, refuse I will never abandon my ship! (willy nilly) ClipArt

19 Adverb ibi = there We are where? We are ________ GoogleImages

20 perterritus, perterrita, perterritum = frightened, terrified GoogleImages

21 exeō, exīre, exiī (exīvī), exitus = to go out, to exit (exit) GoolgeImages

22 arripiō, arripere, arripuī, arreptus = to grab hold of, to snatch [correption, enrapt, enrapture, enraptured, fluviraption, rapacious, rapaciously, rapaciousness, rape, rapid, rapidity, rapidly, rapidness, rapids, rapine, rapt, raptorial, rapture, rapturing, raptured, raptures, rapturist, rapturous, rapturously, rapturousness, ravage, raven, ravening, ravenous, ravenously, ravenousness, ravin, ravine, ravines, ravish, ravisher, ravishingly, ravishment, surreption, surreptitious, surreptitiously, usurp, usurping, usurpant, usurper, usurpation, usurpatory, usurper, usurpingly] ClipArt

23 parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus = to prepare, to get (prepare, compare, repair)GoogleImages

24 Missing Words petō, petere, petuī, petitus = to seek, search; ask [ab + abl. of person] possum, posse, potuī, ---------- = to be able, can [possible, impossible, potential, potentiality] prope [Adverb/preposition + Acc.] = near [appropriate] Quem…? = Whom…? repellō, repeller, reppulī, repulsus = to repel, drive back [repel, repulsive, repulsion] respondeō, respondēre, respondī, responsus = to answer [respond, responsible, responsive, R.S.V.P.] rīvus, rīvī M. = stream [river, rivulet, derive, derivation, arrive] salvus, salva, salvum = safe [salve, salvation, El Salvador, savior] sī = if statim [adverb] = at once, immediately [stat!] temerārius, temerāria, temerārium = rash, reckless [temerity] timeō, timēre, timeō, ---------- = to be afraid [of], fear [timid, timidity, intimidate, timorous] ubi [conjunction] = where[?], when [ubiquitous, ubiquity] vult = he/she/it wants, is willing  volō, velle, voluī, ------- = to want, wish, be willing [volition, volunteer, voluntary, voluntarily, involuntarily, involuntary, willy nilly]


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