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Just $129,000.00 needed to Reach our goal of $1,000,000,00 !!! In 2011, the Knights of Columbus established a scholarship program, pledging $1 million.

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Presentation on theme: "Just $129,000.00 needed to Reach our goal of $1,000,000,00 !!! In 2011, the Knights of Columbus established a scholarship program, pledging $1 million."— Presentation transcript:

1 Just $129,000.00 needed to Reach our goal of $1,000,000,00 !!! In 2011, the Knights of Columbus established a scholarship program, pledging $1 million in scholarship money to the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA. Fundraising for the Order-wide project is led by the Fourth Degree, the patriotic degree of the Knights.

2 Three years into the five year program, the Knights of Columbus has received contributions of $871,000.00 and has delivered checks in the amount of $800,000.00. Our goal is to raise the balance of $129,000.00 by June 30, 2015, completing the campaign in only 4 years. These funds, in turn, will help produce a new generation of much-needed Catholic chaplains to minister to U.S. military personnel and their families. Thanks to all for your sacrifice and generosity !

3 Fr. Joseph T. O’CallahanFr. Vincent R. CapodannoFr. Charles J. WatersFr. Emil Kapaun Catholic Chaplains Awarded the Medal of Honor We as Knights proudly proclaim our dedicated stand in solidarity with our priests and our support of their unselfish service to the men and women in our Armed Forces. Through your generosity to the Knights of Columbus Military Chaplains Scholarship program, we will continue to help provide our Military servicemen and women and their families with dedicated and devoted priests who will follow in the tradition of their predecessors, giving all for the spiritual welfare of their comrades in arms.

4 Please makes checks payable to: Knights of Columbus Charities include on Memo line, Military Chaplain Scholarship Fund mail to: Donald Hall, VSM Attn: MCSF 301 Garden Drive Wintersville, Ohio 43953-4113 Donate on Line RJH charityType=MCSCHOLAR&donorType=US

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