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“Unlikely Faith? Unlikely God” ( The healing of Jairus daughter and the bleeding woman) July 20, 2014 Luke 8:40-56.

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Presentation on theme: "“Unlikely Faith? Unlikely God” ( The healing of Jairus daughter and the bleeding woman) July 20, 2014 Luke 8:40-56."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Unlikely Faith? Unlikely God” ( The healing of Jairus daughter and the bleeding woman) July 20, 2014 Luke 8:40-56

2 Introduction  Miracles of Jesus  Calming of the Storm – power of nature and weather  Gerasene Demoniac – power over the powers and principalities  Jairus Daughter and the bleeding woman – power over disease and death  Feeding of the 5,000 – power over creation itself. Creating something from nothing.

3 Introduction  Guacamole  Let the avocados do their work.

4 They were all expecting him  Coming back from the Gerasene region  Proclaiming the Good news of the Kingdom of God  Living the Gospel  proclaim good news to the poor. to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, [and] to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.

5 They were all expecting him  Good news was Jesus  Into their midst comes a synagogue ruler  Humbles himself, throwing himself at Jesus feet.  His daughter, dying. Pleads with Jesus

6 The Edge of his Cloak  Pressing in from all sides  Someone touches his cloak, the fringe.  Woman with a bleeding condition for 12 years  Think mosquito  Dan’s eczema  The woman – no help from doctors  She would have been “unclean”

7 The Edge of his Cloak  She chases down Jesus and touches his cloak  Bleeding stopped

8 The Edge of his Cloak  Fringe of the cloak

9 The Edge of his Cloak  Fringe of the cloak  Reminder of the Law; Sign of obedience  Pharisees had bigger fringe  Jesus would have had a white fringe even though they were supposed to be blue or purple  She touches Jesus fringe, and here life is saved.  Jesus noticed

10 The Edge of his Cloak  The human Jesus – didn’t have all the details  “Someone touched me!”  Peter: “Lots of people here”  “Power has gone out from me”  The woman courageously reveals herself (v47)  She humbles herself. (She was already pretty humble)  Daughter

11 The Edge of his Cloak  “Your faith has healed you, go in peace”  He elevates her by calling her daughter  A daughter outranks everybody.  Entered the scene broken, hopeless  Left as the beloved of the most popular rabbin in Israel.  New life.

12 Don’t bother the teacher anymore  Jairus Daughter  Is said to be now dead  “Don’t be afraid, Just believe, and she will be healed” (v 50)  Peter, James, and John  People outside mourning

13 She is not dead, but asleep (she was dead)…  Jairus Daughter  Is said to be now dead  “Don’t be afraid, Just believe, and she will be healed” (v 50)  Peter, James, and John  People outside mourning  They Laughed at Jesus claim that she was only sleeping.

14 She is not dead, but asleep (she was dead)…  They knew she was dead.  They thought Jesus was kidding/crazy/lying  She was dead  Jesus not lying, Just had other plans.  “My Child, get up!”  “Get this girl something to eat!” (not a ghost)  “Don’t tell anybody”

15 Don’t Tell anybody  Looking at both miracles  Both bring life  Woman – spectacle  Little girl – only for the family, a personal affair  Little girl not the only one brought to life  Jairus – “God Awakens”  Crowd sees healing power, People at the house see no power

16 Truly Live  Jairus saw everything change.  Jesus awakened him so he could live  Miracle for the girl and for Jairus  Miracle also for us. (because of Peter, James, John)  Peter, James, John  Mark  Luke & Matthew  Us

17 Truly Live  The Point – God wants us to know the power of Jesus  Not about having great faith.  Lots of people have faith in all kinds of things (money, self, success, etc..)  Luck doesn’t bring people back from the dead  Jesus is the best bet as the object of your faith  He has the power to bring life  He’s the real deal  Peter’s confession (Luke 9:20)

18 Truly Live  Dan’s dark story  Alive but dead inside  No Job, no money, no nothing.  Friends brought me to the feet of Jesus  Jesus showed up  Check from Jesus  Job  Here today

19 Truly Live  Gospel – Jesus wants you to live  Restoration  He has the power to make it happen

20 Swing your robe down low  Give me your hand to hold 'Cause I can't stand to love alone And love alone is not enough to hold us up We've got to touch your robe So swing your robe down low Swing your robe down low (Caedmon’s call – Love Alone)

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