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1 | Friends of the World Food Program | April 6, 2009 A Roadmap to End Global Hunger Friends of the World Food Program Kevin Anderson, Senior Public Policy.

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1 1 | Friends of the World Food Program | April 6, 2009 A Roadmap to End Global Hunger Friends of the World Food Program Kevin Anderson, Senior Public Policy Associate

2 2 | Friends of the World Food Program | April 6, 2009 The World Food Program & Friends of the WFP  Friends of WFP Friends of WFP unites organizations and individuals committed to solving world hunger. Our education, advocacy and fundraising efforts in the United States support WFP’s life-saving global food assistance and development programs. Lead advocacy efforts to expand school meals programs, food assistance, and other inter- national humanitarian and development programs.

3 3 | Friends of the World Food Program | April 6, 2009 Global Hunger Crisis  Skyrocketing food and fuel prices last year increased the number of hungry persons from about 848 million (in 2005) to 963 million at the end of 2008.  Though prices came down by the end of 2008, they are still more than double 2005 levels and primary drivers of the crisis are still in place.

4 4 | Friends of the World Food Program | April 6, 2009 Drivers of the Global Hunger Crisis  Growing demand and changing diets  Rising fuel prices  Extreme weather and poor harvests  Low global food stocks  Declining value of the dollar photo credit: WFP/ Marcus Prior

5 5 | Friends of the World Food Program | April 6, 2009 Global Financial Crisis  Global financial crisis is rippling through developing world: Declines in employment, remittances, exports, investments and other key sources of revenue for developing countries.

6 6 | Friends of the World Food Program | April 6, 2009 What has the United States committed to?  1974: UN World Food Conference United States and world proclaim end to hunger within ten years  2000: UN Millennium Summit United States and world commit to eight Millennium Development Goals  2008: High Level UN Con- ference on Food Security United States reaffirms commitment to Millennium Development Goals

7 7 | Friends of the World Food Program | April 6, 2009 The Roadmap to End Global Hunger: Background  Though the international community has made great strides in addressing global hunger, these successes are threatened by impact of food and financial crises.  Several studies undertaken last year, which examined US government efforts to address hunger reached similar conclusions: Lack of comprehensive strategy Insufficient coordination US Foreign Assistance Chart

8 8 | Friends of the World Food Program | April 6, 2009 Roadmap: Mechanisms to Coordinate  Appoint a White House Coordinator to ensure inter-agency coordination  Establish a Joint House/Senate Committee Focused on Global Hunger

9 9 | Friends of the World Food Program | April 6, 2009 Roadmap: The Comprehensive Strategy  Guiding Principles for the Strategy: Comprehensive Balanced and Flexible Sustainable Accountable Multilateral

10 10 | Friends of the World Food Program | April 6, 2009 Roadmap: The Comprehensive Strategy  Emergency Response and Management  Safety Nets  Nutrition  Agricultural Development photo credit: WFP/Tom Haskell

11 11 | Friends of the World Food Program | April 6, 2009 What can you do?  Support forthcoming legislation Representatives Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Jo Ann Emerson (R- MO) are drafting bipartisan legislation to enact key elements of the Roadmap to End Global Hunger, which will be introduced in the weeks ahead. Visit for more Email: Sign-up to receive additional information from Friends of the World Food Program

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