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A Tale of Two Neighbors Luke 16:19-31. The Rich Man & Lazarus in Life The Rich Man is Living Luxuriously Luke 16:19 Dressed in Purple and Fine Linen Lived.

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Presentation on theme: "A Tale of Two Neighbors Luke 16:19-31. The Rich Man & Lazarus in Life The Rich Man is Living Luxuriously Luke 16:19 Dressed in Purple and Fine Linen Lived."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Tale of Two Neighbors Luke 16:19-31

2 The Rich Man & Lazarus in Life The Rich Man is Living Luxuriously Luke 16:19 Dressed in Purple and Fine Linen Lived in great luxury every day He had a fine home The Rich Man is Living Luxuriously Luke 16:19 Dressed in Purple and Fine Linen Lived in great luxury every day He had a fine home

3 The Rich Man & Lazarus in Life Lazarus is Barely Living Luke 16:20-21 A beggar Probably crippled He had some sort of disease He was starving Lazarus is Barely Living Luke 16:20-21 A beggar Probably crippled He had some sort of disease He was starving

4 The Rich Man & Lazarus in Death Lazarus is Comforted Luke 16:22a No mention of Lazarus being buried Lazarus was "being comforted" Lazarus is Comforted Luke 16:22a No mention of Lazarus being buried Lazarus was "being comforted"

5 The Rich Man & Lazarus in Death The Rich Man is cast into Hell Luke 16:22b-23 He was buried He was tormented- Luke 16:23 The Rich Man is cast into Hell Luke 16:22b-23 He was buried He was tormented- Luke 16:23

6 The Rich Man’s Requests Luke 16:24-31 Request #1 Just a little bit of water Luke 16:24-26 Have pity Send Lazarus Abraham’s Answer Lk 16:25,26 Request #1 Just a little bit of water Luke 16:24-26 Have pity Send Lazarus Abraham’s Answer Lk 16:25,26

7 The Rich Man’s Requests Luke 16:24-31 Request #2 Warn my brothers Luke 16:27-31 “So that they will not also come to this place of torment” Lk. 16:28 “But if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent” Luke 16:30b Request #2 Warn my brothers Luke 16:27-31 “So that they will not also come to this place of torment” Lk. 16:28 “But if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent” Luke 16:30b



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