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Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Old Testament or New Testament?

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Old Testament or New Testament?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Old Testament or New Testament?

2 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Gospels: Written after the cross. Therefore, could not be nailed to the cross (Col 2:14). Inspired of the Holy Spirit.

3 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Two Erroneous Views: They are NT books, but state no binding commands before the cross. They are OT books.

4 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John The Erroneous Arguments: Jesus was explaining the Law of Moses. Jesus showed how to keep that Law. Content of M,M,L,J: Law of Moses Prophecies fulfilled Parables for the Jews

5 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John The Erroneous Arguments: The law of the Lord went forth from Jerusalem (Isa 2:1-4; Luke 24:46-49). Therefore, everything commanded or done before Acts 2 is irrelevant to us.

6 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Answering The Arguments: All 27 books of the NT went forth from Jerusalem (Heb 2:3-4). Peter spoke of things that were later recorded in M,M,L,J (Acts 2:22-24, 36).

7 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John What went forth from Jerusalem? Gospel preached by Jesus (Matt 24:3-14). Pre-cross events of faith (Matt 26:6-13). Pre-cross teachings of Jesus (Jn 14:25-26). Pre-cross examples (Jn 15:20; 13:12-17). “Whatever I HAVE commanded” (Matt 28:18-20)

8 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Contains many facts & terms of The New Covenant of Christ

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