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“Embracing Change To Experience Life!” Luke 1 : 5 – 25.

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Presentation on theme: "“Embracing Change To Experience Life!” Luke 1 : 5 – 25."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Embracing Change To Experience Life!” Luke 1 : 5 – 25

2 In the Old & New Testaments, we encounter a very different culture. The culture of the Jews was such that “ NAMES ” were of incredible importance.

3 … means “Jehovah Will Remember” … means “Jehovah Will Remember”

4 “It was the time of the morning sacrifice. As the massive Temple-gates slowly swung on their hinges, a three-fold blast from the silver trumpets of …. In his “Jesus the Messiah” gave us an insight of the incidence here…. In his “Jesus the Messiah” gave us an insight of the incidence here….

5 …. the Priests seemed to waken the City, as with the Voice of God, to the life of another day. As its echoes came in the still air… up the slopes of the Upper City, down the busy quarters below, or away to the new suburb beyond, they must, if but for a moment, have brought ….

6 …. holier thoughts to all. For, did it not seem to link the present to the past and the future, as with the golden chain of promises that bound the Holy City to the Jerusalem that was above, which in type had already, ….

7 …. and in reality would soon descend from heaven? Patriot, saint, or stranger, he could not have heard it unmoved, as thrice the summons from within the Temple-gates rose and fell.” …. and in reality would soon descend from heaven? Patriot, saint, or stranger, he could not have heard it unmoved, as thrice the summons from within the Temple-gates rose and fell.”

8 your “PROMISE” Jehovah your “PEOPLE” Jehovah It has been 400 years that Jehovah has not spoken to His people – not even once! Remember….

9 At that moment, Zechariah was ALONE … Zechariah approached the altar. He spread the incense. He waited as it kindled on the coals.

10 As Zechariah opened his eyes, he was aware that he was NOT ALONE!

11 … means “Mighty One of Jehovah” … means “Mighty One of Jehovah”

12 Gabriel had come, the “Mighty One of God” to deliver a message, but before he could deliver the message he had to calm the fears of those to whom he had appeared.

13 The last words of God were recorded over 400 years ago by the prophet Malachi, people had come not to expect to hear from God.

14 The angel had come to inform Zechariah that his prayer had been heard and that his wife would now bear him a son, to whom the name John would be given.

15 Zechariah would indeed have a son in his old age. The son will be the immediate forerunner to the promised Messiah.

16 Whether from fear or doubt, Zechariah dared to challenge Gabriel with the question… “How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.” (Luke 1:18)

17 … means “Jehovah Is An Oath” [Jehovah, the Absolutely Reliable One] … means “Jehovah Is An Oath” [Jehovah, the Absolutely Reliable One]

18 Elizabeth was a descendant of Aaron of the priestly line and she had married a priest, their union was said by tradition to have a double blessing, but things just didn’t seem to turn out that way. Elizabeth was a descendant of Aaron of the priestly line and she had married a priest, their union was said by tradition to have a double blessing, but things just didn’t seem to turn out that way.

19 The DESIRE of every Jewish woman was to be mother of the Messiah who would restore their nation and fulfill the promise of God. The DESIRE of every Jewish woman was to be mother of the Messiah who would restore their nation and fulfill the promise of God.

20 Elizabeth and her husband were UPRIGHT in the sight of God, OBSERVING all the Lord’s commandments and regulations blamelessly.

21 Zechariah and Elizabeth did not concern themselves with the whispers and questions of their neighbors, they knew whom it was they were meant to please, and that was the Lord. They were blameless in the sight of God! Zechariah and Elizabeth did not concern themselves with the whispers and questions of their neighbors, they knew whom it was they were meant to please, and that was the Lord. They were blameless in the sight of God!

22 Elizabeth became pregnant after Zechariah’s silent return and then she secluded herself for a period of five months. Elizabeth became pregnant after Zechariah’s silent return and then she secluded herself for a period of five months.

23 The name which seemed so long to be misplaced on her now took on its fullest meaning…. The name which seemed so long to be misplaced on her now took on its fullest meaning….

24 What must it have been like for Elizabeth, to gaze at this miracle child, to gently caress the little hands and feet or to look into the child’s eyes of one announced by the angel Gabriel himself. What must it have been like for Elizabeth, to gaze at this miracle child, to gently caress the little hands and feet or to look into the child’s eyes of one announced by the angel Gabriel himself.


26 Those things which we call “SUPERNATURAL” because they are outside of our regular experience God calls “NATURAL. ” Those things which we call “SUPERNATURAL” because they are outside of our regular experience God calls “NATURAL. ”

27 … means “Jehovah Is Gracious” … means “Jehovah Is Gracious”

28 The day of circumcision arrived for Elizabeth’s son eight days after he was born… the male child was set apart with the sign of God’s covenant with Israel. The day of circumcision arrived for Elizabeth’s son eight days after he was born… the male child was set apart with the sign of God’s covenant with Israel. An unusual event – the dedication of a miracle child.

29 NAMING of the child… As old Zechariah could no longer speak it was assumed that the name Zechariah would be given to this child, that he might model his life after his father’s and serve as a priest of God. As old Zechariah could no longer speak it was assumed that the name Zechariah would be given to this child, that he might model his life after his father’s and serve as a priest of God.

30 Suddenly Elizabeth interrupted the ceremony… “No, his name will not be Zechariah, he will be called John.” (Luke 1:59,60) “No, his name will not be Zechariah, he will be called John.” (Luke 1:59,60)

31 Why the name “JOHN?” It was the name given to him by the command of God through the angel Gabriel.

32 What’s in a Surely there must be some reason for God choosing the name “JOHN” rather than allowing the parents to name the son. Surely there must be some reason for God choosing the name “JOHN” rather than allowing the parents to name the son. The name “JOHN” means, “Jehovah is Gracious.”

33 to an elderly couple in giving them a son, but to really understand the fullness of his name we have to revisit the words of Gabriel. to an elderly couple in giving them a son, but to really understand the fullness of his name we have to revisit the words of Gabriel.

34 He is a “sign” given to the Jews of the coming arrival of their king.

35 He (John) will precede the coming of the Lord with the spirit and power of Elijah. Gabriel tells us that he (John) will turn many people back to the Lord their God.

36 John the Baptist forms the “BRIDGE” between Old Testament and New Testament for us. John the Baptist forms the “BRIDGE” between Old Testament and New Testament for us.

37 Malachi 4:5-6 …. the final words God spoke in the Old Testament before 400 years of silence. Malachi 4:5-6 …. the final words God spoke in the Old Testament before 400 years of silence.

38 “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.” (NIV) Malachi 4:5,6….

39 John …. the last prophet of the Old Covenant. John …. the last prophet of the Old Covenant. It was an Old Testament prophet who was needed to come and graciously turn the people of Israel back to their God and to prepare the way for the promised One.

40 It is to John that the announcement of the Messiah falls… “Behold the Lamb of God who take away the sins of the world.” Jesus would later say of him, “No greater prophet has ever lived.” Jesus would later say of him, “No greater prophet has ever lived.”

41 John comes to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, to restore right family relationships. John comes to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, to restore right family relationships.

42 John comes to turn the disobedient back to the way of the righteous. John comes to turn the disobedient back to the way of the righteous.


44 As I conclude this message, I want to remind you that we serve … A God who

45 A God who is

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