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Enabling Science Developing Team Skills: Testing Professional Development Framework Mike Jarred & Dr. Luke Avsejs.

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Presentation on theme: "Enabling Science Developing Team Skills: Testing Professional Development Framework Mike Jarred & Dr. Luke Avsejs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enabling Science Developing Team Skills: Testing Professional Development Framework Mike Jarred & Dr. Luke Avsejs

2 Enabling Science Slide 2 © IDBS 2012 Welcome, Introductions and Agenda  Welcome  Introductions  Agenda ◦ Objectives, and constraints ◦ What is the Testing PDF? ◦ IDBS – overview and regulation ◦ Why did we do it? ◦ Some things we had to think about… ◦ How have we implemented the PDF ◦ The good, the bad and the beautiful…

3 Enabling Science Slide 3 © IDBS 2012 Objectives and Constraints  Objectives of this session ◦ It’s a ‘show and tell’ – our journey to date, not an attempt to sell a generic approach ◦ Keep it interactive – feedback and thoughts from other practitioners in the community ◦ Garner feedback and improvement suggestions. This is under continuous improvement, all ideas welcome  Constraint ◦ Our framework is not publically available , but check out the BCS SFIA plus for a good starting point if interested

4 Enabling Science Slide 4 © IDBS 2012 So, what is the Testing PDF?  It’s a mechanism for specifying roles, competencies, skills, skill levels, training and qualifications required to deliver testing services to our projects  Competencies and skills are broken down into Technical (what we want people to do) and Transferable (how we want people to be, inc. soft skills / behavioral attributes)  Provides a consistent, logical approach to staff development through benchmarking of knowledge, experience, training and qualifications  Under continuous improvement – updated regularly as new competencies and skills are identified as the demands on testing change  Lets take a look at it in a little more detail…

5 Enabling Science Slide 5 © IDBS 2012 Career Path Senior Tester / Test DBA / Automation Test Engineer ISTQB Advanced Technical Test Analyst / Test Analyst Tester 1/2 ISTQB Foundation Tester 0 ISTQB Foundation Test Manager ISEB Practitioner / ISTQB Advanced / PRINCE2 Practitioner Test Lead / Test Team Lead ISTQB Advanced Test Manager / ISEB Practitioner Test DBA ISTQB Advanced Technical Test Analyst / Test Analyst Automation Test Engineer ISTQB Advanced Technical Test Analyst / Test Analyst Career LevelProject ExperienceEducation Tester 1 / 2Experience should include participation in at least two medium projects, with exposure to: 1.Multi Tier Architecture 2.More than 3 systems being integrated 3.Minimum of 100 tests created 4.Minimum of 100 tests executed Writing Test Plans Web Application Security Tester

6 Enabling Science Slide 6 © IDBS 2012 Example Competency Skills Matrix CompetencySkillJob Role 1Job Role 2Job Role 3Example Evidence / Indicators Competency 1 Competency Skill 1234 Test Scripts, Defect Reports, Test Results, Reports, Data Models, Project Documents, Test Project Plan Competency Skill 2122 Competency Skill 3123 Competency Skill 4223 Competency Skill 5224 Competency Skill 6124 Competency Skill 7124 Competency 2 Competency Skill 1223 Think beyond the day-to-day tactical solution Capable of developing strategies to meet medium /long-term business goals Competency Skill 2234 Competency Skill 3134 Competency Skill 4023 Skill Level (0-5)

7 Enabling Science Slide 7 © IDBS 2012 Delivering Software to Regulated Environments  IDBS is a global provider of innovative enterprise data management, analytics and modelling solutions ◦ Used by more than 200 pharmaceutical companies, major healthcare providers, global leaders in academic study, and high tech companies ◦ Our products enable increased efficiency, reduced costs and improved productivity of industrial R&D and clinical research ◦ Our platforms are enabling translational medicine – personalised medicine (right drug, right patient, right time)  Customer work in highly regulated environments ◦ GxP (GLP, GCP, GMP etc…) FDA regulated, 21 CFR Part 11, EU Annexe 11  Customers audit us to ensure risk of non-compliance introduced by our products is mitigated through robust software development practice  The Test Group are under particular scrutiny as we provide the safety net...

8 Enabling Science Slide 8 © IDBS 2012 So, why did we do this…? Drivers  Demonstrate to customers how we holistically maintain a competent testing group (we are always asked under audit )  Demonstrate internally that we are driving professionalism / increasing capability in test group  Enable clear objective setting and structured appraisal reviews  Provide clarity regarding competencies and skills needed in the test group  Demonstrate the Career Paths open to individuals in the Test Group – there was an org structure, but no visibility of how to progress Benefits  A more structured & professional approach to career development  Visibility to all staff of how to progress within testing  Increase skill levels and broaden experience  Gain Industry recognized qualifications  Commitment from IDBS to their development  Opportunities to cross skill into a different framework e.g. Development (once rolled out to other groups)

9 Enabling Science Slide 9 © IDBS 2012 Some things we had to think about…

10 Enabling Science Slide 10 © IDBS 2012 How have we applied the PDF?  Overview of PDF, benefits, risks and pilot implementation plan provided to Exec team – secured approval and sponsorship  Test Management contributed and reviewed PDF content  Test Group received PDF overview as part of change management  Team members skill levels for competencies are validated through the appraisal mechanism. Evidence of skill levels required  Outputs from appraisal are linked to Personal Development Plans  Experience, skills and qualifications are continuously reviewed as part of personal development meetings  Once a level on the PDF, is established, further opportunities for development will be provided where possible as part of project delivery and departmental initiatives  Transitions points to other frameworks will be identified as the framework is rolled out to other groups

11 Enabling Science Slide 11 © IDBS 2012 The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful…  Lots of positive feedback (within, and outside the Test Group)  Training economies of scale  Competency based recruitment, and succession planning  Increasing team flexibility  Some scepticism over value of PDF and our ability to support career aspirations  Evidencing skill levels has proven time consuming, but is a one off activity – consensus is it’s worth investing in  Evidencing transferable skills is difficult  Beautiful – heat map / pie charts (management information)

12 Enabling Science Slide 12 © IDBS 2012 Example heat map & pie charts

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