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CAREER GROWTH: Career Tracks & Readiness Management

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Presentation on theme: "CAREER GROWTH: Career Tracks & Readiness Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 CAREER GROWTH: Career Tracks & Readiness Management
Uzoma Okoronkwo 29th MARCH, 2015

2 Our focus CAREER vs JOB vs WORK Determining your Career
Readiness Management Corporate Career Tracks Successful Career Growth

3 They are different Career – an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress Job - Job is an activity through which an individual can earn money Work – Your Divine Assignment. Some people call it PURPOSE!!! (Gen. 2:15, John 4:34)

4 Choosing your career Natural endowment Intuition Passion MBTI Birkman
Predictive Index Personality Capacity Capability Education Learnt Skills Life experiences Learning Agility Interest Commitment

5 ? Readiness Management Define Destination Know Requirements
Direction Ownership Focus Monitor Ready Employers DO IT!!! Define Destination Know Requirements Assess capability Identify gaps Get training & experience Feedback & Feed-in ?

6 Corporate Career Track
Entry Level Junior Management Middle Management Senior Management Executive Management Promotional Lateral Commitment Teamwork Collaboration Character Integrity Networking Global Outlook Humble confidence

7 Scriptural Secrets for a successful Career
7 Scriptural Secrets for a successful Career Follow Clear Instructions (1st Samuel 30:8) Count the Cost ; Pay the Price (Luke 14:28) Pursue Peace but be Battle Ready (Ephesians 6: 13 – 18) Keep learning (2nd Timothy 2: 15)

8 Scriptural Secrets for a successful Career
7 Scriptural Secrets for a successful Career Know your limitations; Trust Gods provision ( Ex.4:10; John 15:5) Refresh and Recharge (Judges 16: 16,19) Follow a leader (1st Corinthians 11: 1, 1st Peter 5: 5 – 7)

9 Thank You!

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