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Kathleen Lindaman Aebischer PT
50 Shades of Aging Kathleen Lindaman Aebischer PT Introduce self, credentials, experience, and type of therapy provided Story about the purchase of condoms for “work” Attitude shapes expectations: expect the best outcome and work towards it
Much more than you think!
What is the pelvic floor and what does it have to do with my quality of life? Much more than you think! What is the pelvic floor and what does it have to do with my quality of life? Much more than you think We as a society don’t discuss what happens below the belt buckle, especially anything located in the what is considered our “private areas” where the pelvic floor is located. Many suffer with incontinence, a sense of urgency and frequency as well as pain that may prevent sexual expression. On average, once we overcome our embarrassment and discomfort, and seek medical help, it may take up to 2 years to find a provider who is able to treat our signs and symptoms. Only 38% of men and 22% of women discuss sexual problems with their physician. That is a very low number considering it is an integral part of our lives By the end of this presentation you should be able to understand what the pelvic floor is, its function, changes with aging, and what happens when something goes wrong You will also have a basic knowledge of some preventative measures to improve the quality of life as you age
Statistics 2010 40 million adults over the age of 65 (12.9% of the population) 53,364 adults are greater than 100 yrs old (.13% of the population) 2030 Estimated 72 million over the age of 65 (19% of the population) 40 million over the age of 65 (12.9% of population) 53,000 are over the age of 100 By 2030 the estimated population of seniors will grow to 72 million or 19% of the population
Life Expectancy Adults over the age of 65 have an average lift expectancy of 78.2 yrs with women living 20 yrs more on average and men only 17 yrs on average The average lift expectancy is 78.2 yrs old with women living approximately 3 yrs longer then men Older women outnumber men 23 million to 17.5 million
Who do The Seniors Live with?
72% of older men and 42% of older women live with spouses at home Widows account for 8.7 million of the population and widowers 2.1 million 29% over the age of 65 live alone 72% of older men and 42% of older women live with their spouse at home Widows number 4x greater in number than widowers 29% of the population live alone and Almost ½ million over the age of 65 are primary care givers for grandchildren
Nursing Homes Only 1.5 million (4.1% of the population) live in nursing facilities We all have an image of large numbers of elderly Living in nursing facilities, but it’s a relatively low percentage They generally need assistance in 3 or more major activities of daily living such as toileting, bathing, dressing, eating, ambulating, meal prep, and assistance with medications and medical care This contrasts with those who live at home either independently or with family / agency assistance and have deficits in only one or two of the major ADLs
2009 Seniors Living Outside Nursing Facilities
40% rate their health as excellent or very good despite having at least one chronic medical condition 37% of those over 65 categorize themselves as having a disability vs. being disabled Seniors living at home 40% rate health excellent or very good: most have at least one chronic condition: uncontrolled HTN, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, cancer, or sinusitis Major disability: hearing, vision, cognition, ambulation, and self care needing assist of family or outside agencies to live at home
A Much Larger Segment of Seniors
17.4% over the age of 65 are working or seeking work (6.7 million) A larger % of seniors are in the work force then are in nursing homes Work is a choice vs. out of necessity. When asked, seniors state they work to stay mentally sharp and physically active
Views on Retirement 59% view retirement as a time to be active and involved Only 24% see retirement as a time to relax and enjoy leisure 59% see retirement as a time of activity and being involved. set new goals and explore new activities or second careers Only 24% see it as a time to relax and enjoy leisure
Older Volunteers 46.6% of seniors from 65 to 74 volunteer in their communities 43% of those 75+ yrs old also volunteer Almost 47% seniors 65 to 74 volunteer in their communities 43% over 75 volunteer as well The hours volunteered by older adults are almost twice the national average 56 hrs/yr for younger adults AND 96 hours/yr seniors
The next generation retirees will be the healthiest and longest lived with 40% of the population expected to reach 90 by 2050 The upcoming generation of retirees will be the healthiest and longest lived 40% expected to each 90 by 2050
How Do We Get To That Healthy
Vigorous Life of Possibilities ? How do we get to the health, vigorous life of possibilities? First we have to understand the changes with aging
General Changes as We Age
Loss of Muscle Mass Weight gain Decreased skin elasticity Loss of height Loss of bladder capacity Stiffening of the joints and ligaments Loss of muscle mass as we age Btw 40 and 70 muscle strength drops 10 to 20% and it drops 30-40% btw 70 and 80 It leads to weight gain into the sixties for women, and only into the 50s for men; men also have the advantage again as they start with a larger muscle mass then women Skin has decreased blood supply, decreased collagen , a reduction in immunity cell leaving skin wrinkled, rough, yellowed, leathery, and spotted As we age, the discs in our backs dry out and shrink, by age 80 we lose 2 inches of height The arches flatten, the spine curves, and hip and knee joints change angles Loss of bladder capacity occurs over the age of 65. Seniors normally have to get up during the night to urinate once Most of us begin to lose flexibility as early as in our late teens and continues to worsen as we age
General Changes with Aging
Decreased circulation Glucose tolerance deteriorates Bones become more brittle There is a decrease in the immune response effectiveness Decreased circulation leads to decreased endurance and stamina as well as being cold due to decreased circulating oxygen Insulin efficacy decreases, and less glucose is delivered to the cells for energy leading to a higher rate of diabetes Less new bone growth occurs and bones become more brittle. Osteopenia, weakening of the bone occurs when bone becomes less dense and can lead to osteoporosis, a serious condition. There is a higher incident of spinal compression fractures, hip and wrist fractures Healing rates slow due to a decrease immune response that protects us from bacteria, viruses, and other infections
Many of these conditions can be improved or slowed by remaining active
Regular exercise Stretching, aerobics, and strengthening Many of these conditions can be prevented, improved or deterioration slowed by remaining active with a healthy diet Stretching maintains and restores flexibility to the joints and muscles decreasing stiffness and pain slows the deterioration of the joints (arthritis) by maintaining good joint mechanics Aerobics burn fat, improves circulation, and improves oxygen delivery to the tissues Strengthening of muscles increases muscle mass, providing more cells to burn full, control weight, and strengthens bone
Dietary Changes Slow Aging
Dietary Changes slow aging, lower risks of HTN, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and stroke Low in saturated and hydrogenated fats Low in processed carbohydrates and sugars High in fiber High in Calcium with vitamin D2 High in nutrients and minerals These changes are not going to be covered today in this presentation but dietary changes are being covered in the Anti-inflammatory Med.
Sexuality and Aging Interest and pleasure in sex does not decrease in healthy aging adults but sexual behavior does decline Sex remains a way to communicate love, affection, warmth, sharing and bonding Interest in sex does not decline with aging for healthy seniors but sexual behaviors decrease by 5% per yr for women and 8% per yr for men after the age of 50 Sex expresses love, affection, warmth, sharing and bonding 73% population are sexually active ages 57-64 53% seniors are sexually active ages 65-74 26% seniors are sexually active 75-85 Those who report their overall health as poor are less likely to be sexually active In retirement communities there are more women then men and competition for companionship is fierce; there is a growing number of STDs as the men in the communities have multiple partners and 2/3rds of sexually active seniors do not practice safe sex. They think of condom use for birth control instead of as a method of practicing safe sex.
Benefits of Sex Sex burns fat Boosts the immune system
Releases brain endorphins Relieves stress Slows the pronounced changes that occurs with aging Improves flexibility of the tissues Improves body image Sex burns fat Boosts the immune system Releases brain endorphins Relieves stress Slows the pronounced changes that occurs with aging Improves body image The more sexually active someone is, the more they want to remain sexually active: it increases blood flow, decreases atrophy, and lubricates tissues
Aging Changes Specific To Women
Low sexual desire/sex drive Pain due to illness Lack of mobility Medications Poor body Image Depression Fatigue and stress Slower sexual arousal Low testosterone Low sex drive Pain due to illness/lack of mobility: arthritis, stroke, and other nerve, muscle and bone problems. Mechanics of how the physical act is completed must be changed and the energy cost goes up. Stretching and exercise helps mitigate these changes Medication: HTN, anti-histamines, anti-depressants, tranquilizers, appetite suppressants, ulcer drugs; Discuss medications with your physician and pharmacist Alcohol Poor body image: Depression, fatigue, and stress Slower Arousal Low testosterone and other hormonal changes: A small percentage of physicians do give post menopausal women testosterone treatments as an off label use for improving sexual drive but estrogen replacement is also given; Not for anyone with a history of an estrogen dependent cancer and long term affects and safety are not known
Menopause The largest change in aging for women Symptoms Hot flashes
Worsening of organ prolapse Incontinence, urgency, frequency Frequent urinary tract infections Vaginal dryness Menopause We live 1/3rd of life in the post menopausal stage and it’s the largest change in aging for women Symptoms Hot flashes can be treated with estrogen therapy Worsening of organ prolapse due to loss of tissue engorgement and decreased support of the pelvic organs Incontinence, urgency, frequency due to more pressure on the pelvic floor Behavioral Therapy such as Physical Therapy, biofeedback, and exercise combined with dietary changes can assist in preventing worsening of organ prolapse, and urinary S & S in 80% of the population. Others may need surgery to repair their organ prolapse: cystocele, rectocele, and uterine prolapse as well as vaginal vault prolapse Frequent infections: the vagina is less acidic and the good bacteria that live there die off and harmful bacteria flourishes leading to yellowish discharge that irritate the skin and leaves the tissue more prone to tearing and becoming infected
Lack of Estrogen Causes a cascade of physical changes in the body
Lean fit women are at more risk for post menopausal problems associated with lack of estrogen Lack of Estrogen Post menopausal: the production of the hormone estrogen decreases significantly leading to a cascade of physical changes in the body Lean fit women are at more risk for post menopausal problems associated with lack of estrogen: estrogen is manufactured and stored in our fat cells
Atrophic Vaginitis The vagina shortens and becomes more narrow
The tissue is thinner with loss of elasticity Vaginal dryness Intercourse is painful for 25 to 45% of post menopausal women The vagina shortens and becomes more narrow The tissue is thinner with loss of elasticity and combined with vaginal dryness can cause bleeding and pain with intercourse and examinations Intercourse is painful for 25 to 45% of post menopausal women. When sex hurts, it is avoided and this loss of intimacy may jeopardize relationships Other signs and symptoms: itching, burning, burning with urination, urinary urgency, frequency, UTIs and yeast infections
Treatments Vaginal moisturizers Dilators Vibrator use Lubricants
Replens Dilators Purchased sets / Candles Vibrator use Lubricants Vaginal moisturizers Replens Dilators Purchased sets / Candles Vibrator use increases circulation and improves tissue elasticity Lubricants: many petroleum based lubricants can damage latex condoms
Local estrogen treatment
Vaginal estrogen creams such as Estrace and Premarin Vaginal tablets such as Vagifem Vaginal estrogen rings such as Estring Vaginal suppositories Localized estrogen treatment first choice as very little is absorbed into the blood stream and most stays in the vaginal tissue Vaginal estrogen creams such as Estrace and Premarin Vaginal tablets such as Vagifem Vaginal estrogen rings such as Estring Vaginal suppositories
Systemic estrogen treatments
Estrogen is absorbed into the blood stream and reaches all the tissues Estrogen patches Hormonal Replacement Therapy or HRT oral estrogen replacements Homeopathic remedies Systemic estrogen treatments are utilized only when local treatment is not effective. The Estrogen patches Hormonal Replacement Therapy or HRT oral estrogen replacements Homeopathic remedies
Side Effects Vary Headache Stomach upset, bloating, nausea
Weight changes Breast tenderness Back and abdominal pain Respiratory infections Vaginal itching or yeast infections Change in sexual interest Headache Stomach upset, bloating, nausea Weight changes Breast tenderness Back and abdominal pain Respiratory infections Vaginal itching or yeast infections Change in sexual interest
Vaginal Irritants Soaps and laundry detergents with dyes and perfumes
Lotions Douches Condom use Smoking Soaps and laundry detergents with dyes and perfumes Lotions Douches: not recommended due to the changes in the acidity of the vagina Condom use Smoking Non cotton underwear that doesn’t allow the tissue to breathe Wearing bathing suits for prolonged periods of time Swimming in chlorinated pools
Preventative Measures
Use natural oils to hydrate the tissue in the vulva (area between the inner vaginal lips) Exercise regularly including stretching, aerobics, and strengthening Maintain a healthy diet Work on loving the body you are in Use natural oils to hydrate the tissue in the vulva (area between the inner vaginal lips) Vitamin E, Safflower, Coconut or olive oil used 3-4x/week for several months hydrates and heals tears in the vaginal tissue and vulva Exercise regularly including stretching, aerobics, and strengthening Maintain a healthy diet Work on loving the body you are in
Use It Or Lose It! AND Use it or lose it Sex increases blood supply
The more vaginal penetration occurs, the more elastic the tissue stays The more sex you have, the more sex hormones are produced, improving vaginal lubrication and tissue health Better sense of well being
Pelvic Floor Function Supports the internal organs
Assists the round sphincter muscles in clamping tubes so we don’t loose urine or feces Assists with sexual function Supports the internal organs: the muscles run from front to back and side to side forming a hammock in the lower pelvis -Assists the round sphincter muscles in clamping tubes so we don’t loose urine or feces -Assists with sexual function -Understanding pelvic anatomy helps us to understand function and the DYSFUNCTION when things go wrong -Lithotomy position -Labia Majora: large lips Labia Minora: inner lips -Vestibule area inside -Clitoris sexual organ of arousal and orgasm -Urethra opening for urination -Introitus or opening to the vagina
Pelvic Floor Muscles 3 muscle layers
Superficial External Genital Muscles Urogenital layer (Perineal Membrane) Pelvic layer 3 Diaphragms Superficial External Genital Muscles Urogenital Diaphragm (Perineal Membrane) Pelvic Diaphragm
-Urogenital triangle -anal triangle -EAS -IAS
Supportive Dysfunctions
Incontinence Stress Urge Mixed Overflow Treatment Physical Therapy Medication Botox and other injections Surgery PT Treatment Joint alignment Biofeedback Postural education Bowel and bladder retraining Strengthening core and pelvic floor Electric stimulation
Supportive Dysfunctions
Organ Prolapse Uterine prolapse Bladder prolapse Rectal prolapse Vaginal vault prolapse Treatment Physical Therapy Pessary use Surgery PT Treatment Joint alignment Biofeedback Postural education Bowel and bladder retraining Strengthening core and pelvic floor Electric stimulation
Signs and Symptoms of Supportive Pelvic Dysfunctions
Painful intercourse (dyspareunia) Pressure against the vaginal wall Full feeling in the lower belly Groin stretching pain Feeling like something is falling out of the vagina Incontinence S & S Supportive Dysfunction Painful intercourse (dyspareunia) Pressure against the vaginal wall Full feeling in the lower belly Groin stretching pain Feeling like something is falling out of the vagina Incontinence
Contributing Factors to Supportive Pelvic Dysfunctions
Obesity Long lasting coughing bouts Frequent constipation Pelvic Organ tumors Difficult vaginal delivery Contributing factors Obesity Long lasting coughing bouts Frequent constipation Pelvic Organ tumors Difficult vaginal delivery
Hypertonus Pain Dysfunction
Signs and Symptoms Pain Dyspareunia/sexual dysfunction Difficulty with defection/urination Difficulty with sitting -Muscle tone is like a good firm hand shake, ready to contract or relax at any given time. The limp fish hand shake is low tone and its not functional as it has too tighten up too much before it can be useful and never makes it. High tone is the bruising crushing hand shake. It can’t tighten any more so its not functional and is actually tight but weak and it can’t relax -Tighten your fist and hold it clenched. Feel the changes? IC, vulvadynia, levator ani syndrome, tension myalgia, protaglia fugax, vaginismus, anismus, coccydynia, and pelvic congestion syndrome There is also a chronic pain syndrome where the Pudendal nerve is irritated and fires when it should not. All stimuli such as pressure, light touch, clothing rubbing are perceived as severe pain that is burning and itching in nature. “Like the worst yeast infection that never goes away”
Hypertonus Treatments
Relaxation and biofeedback Physical Therapy Trigger point injections Epidurals Anti-depressant medication Pain medications and regular muscle relaxants do not work well on the pelvic floor Hypertonus treatments Relaxation and biofeedback Trigger point injections Epidurals Anti-depressant medication Pain medications and regular muscle relaxants do not work well on the pelvic floor Physical Therapy Joint alignment Muscle relaxation then strengthening Biofeedback Postural education Soft tissue/Visceral mobilization: TP release Strain/counter strain Accessory muscle augmentation Behavorial training
Hypertonus Contributing Factors
History of rape, abuse or incest Post surgical pain Scar tissue restrictions Fractures of the coccyx (tailbone) Pain due to hemorrhoids or severe constipation Unknown History of rape, abuse or incest Post surgical pain Scar tissue restrictions Fractures of the coccyx (tailbone) Pain due to hemorrhoids or severe constipation Unknown
Incoordination (Muscle Dys-synergy)
Inappropriate use of muscles of the pelvic floor and core Inappropriate use of the muscles of the pelvic floor and core
S & S of Muscle Incoordination
Val salva Improper tissue contractility Neurologic disorders Adhesions CNS disorders Disuse
Contributing Factors Incoordination/Disuse Dysfunction
Lack of awareness: Weakness, lack of coordination of muscles Muscle disuse atrophy Muscle imbalances: post-op reconstruction, Lack of training Neurological diseases Lack of awareness: decreased proprioception and kinesthesia Weakness, lack of coordination of function Muscle disuse atrophy, incontinence (stress, urge, mixed), fecal incontinence, sexual dysfunction Muscle imbalances, post-op reconstruction, lack of training, neurological diseases
Incoordination Treatment
Physical Therapy Muscle re-education Muscle coordination Relaxation Postural education Electric stimulation Biofeedback Neuromuscular re-education Muscle balancing Muscle relaxation Biofeedback Diaphragmatic breathing Postural education Soft tissue mobilization Electric stimulation
Visceral Pelvic Dysfunction
Abnormal mobility of the pelvic organs Endometriosis is the most common cause Adhesions, trauma, surgery and childbirth Congenital muscle imbalances Abnormal mobility of the pelvic organs due to Adhesions, trauma, surgery, childbirth Endometriosis which is the most common
S & S of Visceral Dysfunction
Weakness Decreased sensation Constipation or diarrhea, or both Flatulence Pain in the back, abdomen, thigh and leg S & S of Visceral Dysfunction Weakness, decreased sensation, bowel/bladder difficulties, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, pain in the back, abdomen, thigh and leg Causes: congenital, muscle imbalances, tissue changes due to trauma/surgery, disease, childbirth
Visceral Dysfunction Treatment
Physical Therapy Acupuncture Surgery Hormonal Treatment Visceral Dysfunction treatment Physical Therapy Neuromuscular Re-education Muscle relaxation Biofeedback Electric stimulation Visceral mobilization Myofascial release Acupuncture Surgery Hormonal Treatment
Incontinence What population has the greatest % of incontinence in women? Treatment (Physical Therapy) Behavioral Therapy Toileting schedules Dietary changes Pelvic floor and core exercises Biofeedback Coordination of exercise Incontinence Is not a normal part of aging Strengthening exercises: isolation of the pelvic floor, then with accessory muscles Postural exercise/core strengthening Neuromuscular re-education: abdominal use and avoidance of val salva Biofeedback Dietary changes Toileting schedules Education about product use
Treatment continued Teach how to avoid holding your breath and why
Pessary use Surgery for bladder suspension Injections Val Salva: holding your breath is bad on many levels Increased disc pressures in the back Decreases the blood supply to the heart Reflex turns off the pelvic floor when you need to to work Pessary use Surgery Injections
Our perception and attitude toward any situation will determine the outcome!
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