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By Etti Cook All these slides are copyright of Elite Physiotherapy

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1 By Etti Cook All these slides are copyright of Elite Physiotherapy
EQUINE PILATES By Etti Cook All these slides are copyright of Elite Physiotherapy

2 Introduction About me Why am I holding these courses?
Where have these exercises come from? Anatomy Human Horse Structure, function and rehabilitation

3 This presentation and a clear routine of pictures of the exercises for you to follow will go up on my website

4 About me Human Physio “Equine Physio” / ACPAT physio
Rehab, prevention, management of injuries. “Equine Physio” / ACPAT physio What is an ACPAT physio Chartered (Human 1st) CPD Research and development – e.g. these exercises Event rider

5 Why am I holding these courses?
I want you to be able to help your own horses Use techniques learnt in the human world and learn how we can apply them to horses I want to help horses Reduce injuries Reduce surgery Speed recovery from injury Research new techniques

6 Development of these exercises
Hilary Clayton and Narelle Stubbs in America Anecdotal evidence Research/proof

7 The Human Spine Vertebrae Discs Nerves Soft tissues Function
Movement vs Stability

8 Movement Flexion, extension, side bending and rotation
Limited by articular surfaces and soft tissues Joints need movement – health Stiff joint = pain Mid range no stress on other structures

9 Stability Soft Tissues Ligaments, Tendons and Muscles

10 Muscle function Generally: Design/ muscle architecture is different
Long muscles to produce movements, Shorter muscles, close to joint lines to control movement Design/ muscle architecture is different Maintain control of movements Reduce stress on other structures Lax joint = pain

11 Summary Stiff joint = pain Lax joint = pain Full range
Control of movements PILATES!!

12 PILATES It was created in the 1920s by the physical trainer Joseph Pilates for the purpose of rehabilitation. First used on soldiers returning from war and dancers -to strengthen their bodies and heal their aches and pains Now it is used as exercise programme by many, from rehabilitation patients to elite athletes

13 Pilates An exercise system focused on improving Flexibility, Strength,
Body awareness, without necessarily building bulk.

14 The Horses Spine

15 Mobility As an athlete the horse needs to learn to use his muscles to give mobility but also stability

16 Requirement of different disciplines

17 How does the equine back function?
Bow and String theory Abdominal muscles Spinal stabilisers

18 The complicated stuff! Muscles Neck muscles Forelimb sling muscles
Abdominals Above the spine Below the spine Pelvic stabilisers

19 Breathe!! That’s the dry stuff done with, now for some fun!
Any questions on the anatomy, and rationale for exercises, etc?

20 THE EXERCISES Mobility exercises Stability exercises
Balance/body awareness exercises Others

21 Frequency The evidence suggests: Hold each for 5 secs if possible
5 reps of each 5 times a week

22 1) Mobility Exercises

23 Rounding Exercises (EOR 3-5 reps)
Chin to chest (keep head straight) Chin to knees (if horse moves backwards move it into a corner) Chin to fetlocks (abdo’s)

24 b) Lateral Bending Exercises
Chin to girth (standing next to horse’s sh) Chin to flank (stand behind sh, long and low) Chin to hock c) Neck Extension (after all other mobilisations or collecting work)

25 2) Stability Exercises

26 Lifting/rounding Wither lift Lumbar lift Lumbar lift with lateral bend

27 3) Balance exercises 5 secs, 3-5 reps
Tail pull to side Weight transference Wt T/F with FL lift HL lift

28 N.B. SAFETY (hat, gloves, guard for fingers!)
Every horse is different – like people Take account of your horses Shape/conformation/breed Age Use and fitness

29 Conformational differences!!!

30 If in doubt ask! Don’t stress your horse out if he is not happy with any of the exercises (especially reflex exercises)

31 Measuring your horses progress
Quality of movement Ease of movement Behaviour Palpation Curves

32 Further exercises Groundwork Ridden Polework Long reining Hill work
Over, round, between, in hand, lunge (anywhere will do!!) Long reining Ridden Hill work Jumping exercises

33 Further evening clinic
In 6-8 weeks, return Problem solving Measurements/evidence Further advanced exercises Especially concentrate on pole work, mounted and unmounted General Advice

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