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Transportation Workforce Development AASHTO Human Resources Subcommittee Annual Meeting Clark Martin Office of Technical Services Federal Highway Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Transportation Workforce Development AASHTO Human Resources Subcommittee Annual Meeting Clark Martin Office of Technical Services Federal Highway Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transportation Workforce Development AASHTO Human Resources Subcommittee Annual Meeting Clark Martin Office of Technical Services Federal Highway Administration May 20, 2013 Mobile, Alabama

2 Awareness of Field Build Skills Early Career Choices College/ Technician Choices Stay in Major Employment/ Graduate School Development Choices Rehire K-12 COLLEGE EMPLOYMENT Workforce Development Continuum

3 USC Section 504(f) Transportation Education Development Program  Grant Program to develop transportation curriculum /programs  $1.875 million, each year, FY06-09  Grants limited to $300,000 each recipient  100% federal  Institutions of higher education

4 K-12  FAST FORWARD; Monthly Electronic Transportation Magazine directed to middle, high school and community college students and teachers - 4 th issue out next week. Next issue September   Grades 6-12 transportation lesson plans integrated into math, science, social studies classes:  135 hour Introduction to Transportation course; 9 th – 10th grades; developed by Maryland Dept. of Education with US Dept. of Education grant  U. of Vermont High School Transportation Systems Academy  Additional Summer Transportation Institutes; @ 50 in place  Continue Construction Career Day Clearinghouse/Technical Support  Tie together into a cohesive National Strategy

5 Community Colleges  Transportation Lessons Plans integrated in curriculum  Replicate successful curriculum (Truckee Meadow CC engineering technology course)  Challenge of Community College support for transportation – local connection  Identify transportation jobs that community college curriculum can support (engineering tech/TDL)  Best practices for high school, community college, college pathway  US Department of Labor curriculum development grants

6 University Possible for FHWA Support  University of Oregon Sustainable Cities Initiative: Multi-discipline Teams Support Local Transportation Projects  Introduction to Engineering – 12 university consortium; Experiential curriculum to encourage freshman/ sophomores to pursue transportation engineering careers  Identify/Promote Best Practices for technical/soft skills curriculum

7 Professional Development  Penn State/North Dakota State Certificate Program  Expand University of Baltimore/Maryland SHA professional development to other occupations  (job classifications >competencies > education/training)  U. of Vermont State DOT Transportation Academy  Focus on Leadership Skills, Succession Planning  Compress Knowledge and Skills to Prepare Next Generation of Transportation Leaders

8 Other  Working to extend University of Vermont TEDP; Focus on Career Pathways including State DOT Transportation System Institute  Southeast/Midwest Regional Workforce Centers to provide for communication/coordination for transportation across transportation/education/labor  RFA to be released in next three weeks  Institutions of higher education eligible to submit proposals  Hope to expand to at least two other Region Centers in next authorization  Virtual Career Network; In place for health industry  APTA/Rutgers University developing for transit with FTA grant  Possible Transportation VCN through Region Center websites

9 23 USC Section 504(e)  Provides for state core funds to be used for training, education, workforce development-100% federal funding; no state match  Since inception in SAFETEA-LU; 41 state have used $71 million  Reauthorized in MAP-21  MAP-21 core programs are National Highway Performance Program; Surface Transportation Program; Highway Safety Improvement Program; Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality  Bridge, Interstate Maintenance, National Highway System no longer core state programs  FHWA revised guidance available in the next two weeks.

10 National Transportation Workforce Summit  April 24-26, 2012 - Washington, DC  Brought together key private and public sector transportation, and education and labor workforce develop interests  Identify issues/barriers to workforce development, successful programs, develop/support national strategy  Institutionalize Transportation Workforce Development processes/best practices  Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, Assistant Secretaries for Transportation, Education and Labor. Eight CEO panel including John Horsley, breakout sessions, discussion, issues/strategies/actions  CUTC Workforce Workgroup continues to focus on what UTCs can do to address Strategies identified at Summit

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