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University of Vermont, School of Business Administration, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Vermont, School of Business Administration, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Vermont, School of Business Administration, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics The EcoValue Project: A Web-based, Geographic Approach to the Delivery of the Economic Values of Ecosystem Services: Current Status and Issues of Concern USSEE Conference Tacoma, Washington July 2005 Treg Christopher, Matthew A. Wilson PhD. & Austin Troy PhD The Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, School of Business Administration, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Vermont

2 University of Vermont, School of Business Administration, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics Presentation Outline Introduction to the Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Goods and Services Goals and Steps of the EcoValue Project Current Limitations and Future Directions

3 Millennium Assessment (MA) 2003 Typology of Ecosystem Goods and Services Regulating Benefits obtained from regulation of ecosystem processes climate regulation disease regulation flood regulation Provisioning Goods produced or provided by ecosystems food fresh water fuel wood genetic resources Cultural Non-material benefits from ecosystems spiritual recreational aesthetic inspirational educational Supporting Services necessary for production of other ecosystem services Soil formation Waste Treatment and Nutrient cycling Primary production Adapted from Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Ecosystems and Human Well Being (2003)

4 The economic valuation of ecosystem services represent the tradeoffs that individuals make between alternative conditions of these services.  Cost-Benefit Analyses  “Greening” National Income Accounts  Natural Resource Damage Assessments Valuation Methods:  Direct Use: Goods traded in the market  Non-Direct Use: Hedonic Pricing, Travel Cost, Replacement Cost  Non-Use: Contingent Valuation Advantages:

5 University of Vermont, School of Business Administration, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics Introduction to the EcoValue Project A work in progress at the University of Vermont by: Treg Christopher, Matthew A. Wilson PhD, Austin Troy PhD, Robert Costanza PhD, Shuang Liu Scaling-up individual, “environmental economic” studies Modifying these values to account for spatio-temporal, context and scale Disseminating information to stakeholders via the web

6 Steps in the EcoValue Project Literature review and collection Processing the literature into the database MS Access Database Integrating the literature database with spatial data in a GIS Delivery of the values for ecosystem services via the internet

7 Relationship Between Land Cover and Ecosystem Services

8 Economic References

9 The EcoValue Project’s website

10 Select a state in the northern forests

11 Vermont Map Viewer

12 A color ramp of total economic value by county

13 Identifying a spatial unit

14 Results of a query of a spatial unit

15 University of Vermont, School of Business Administration, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics Current Issues and Future Directions Marginal utility Spatio-temporal context Spatio-temporal scale Quality of original studies Aggregation of economic values Limited availability of Land Cover change-detection data

16 What was the initial condition and what is the proposed change? Water Quality and Recreation Spatial context Topological elements of a cover type such as area, connectivity, fragmentation, and proportion of the landscape Ecosystem Dynamics Threshold of service Non-linear change Supply-side Issues

17 Socio-economic factors Income Demographics Ethnicity and other cultural characteristics Population Substitutability Demand-side Issues

18 Temporal scale –Distribution of the impact of service –Time lags Spatial scale: –Who are the stakeholders? Who are the appropriate valuers? Disjunct between human scales of perception and scales at which services operate or generate impacts –“Only a fraction of what exists, is perceived and only a fraction of what is perceived is responded to” (Jedrzejczak, 2004) Scale Issues

19 University of Vermont, School of Business Administration, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics Thank You! Treg Christopher EcoValue Project website: http://ecovalue.uvm.edu Funding: The northern forest module of the EcoValue Project was developed with support from the Northeastern States Research Cooperative.

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