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The Vermont Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Learning Community Training Series Implementing the Strategic Prevention Framework in Vermont: Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "The Vermont Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Learning Community Training Series Implementing the Strategic Prevention Framework in Vermont: Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Vermont Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Learning Community Training Series Implementing the Strategic Prevention Framework in Vermont: Overview and Primer December 11-12, 2007 Vermont College Campus Montpelier, Vermont The Vermont Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Learning Community Training Series Implementing the Strategic Prevention Framework in Vermont: Overview and Primer December 11-12, 2007 Vermont College Campus Montpelier, Vermont

2 This Training Series is presented by: The Center for Health and Learning Brattleboro, Vermont under funding from The Vermont Department of Health Office of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs Presenters: Katy Cahill, Ph.D.: Pacific Institute for Research an Evaluation (PIRE) Matt Myers: Northeast Center for the Application of Technology (NECAPT) Associate Carol Oliver: NECAPT Associate Dodi Swope: NECAPT Associate JoEllen Tarallo-Falk, Ed.D.: Executive Director,CHL, NECAPT Associate

3 Spirit of the Day Maximum interaction and learning opportunities for participants Maximum interaction and learning opportunities for participants The opportunity to learn in the context of your own prevention experience The opportunity to learn in the context of your own prevention experience The chance to build upon what participants have been already doing in the field The chance to build upon what participants have been already doing in the field

4 Learning Objectives Participants will be able to: Articulate the key principles of the SPF model Articulate the key principles of the SPF model Articulate one action a coalition can take to ensure culture competence is woven in Articulate one action a coalition can take to ensure culture competence is woven in List two distinct differences between prevention planning in the past and the SPF prevention planning model List two distinct differences between prevention planning in the past and the SPF prevention planning model Distinguish between the state and community roles within the SPF process Distinguish between the state and community roles within the SPF process Articulate the Vermont priorities and the decision- making process that went into their selection Articulate the Vermont priorities and the decision- making process that went into their selection Define the components of the CSAP generic logic model and will be able to apply them to Vermont’s priorities Define the components of the CSAP generic logic model and will be able to apply them to Vermont’s priorities

5 Learning Objectives, continued Practice process for assessing Vermont’s selected priorities locally Practice process for assessing Vermont’s selected priorities locally Consider risk and protective factors and underlying conditions related to Vermont’s priority problem Consider risk and protective factors and underlying conditions related to Vermont’s priority problem Define capacity building as it relates to the SPF Define capacity building as it relates to the SPF Examine the community capacity resources and readiness tools to be used locally Examine the community capacity resources and readiness tools to be used locally Pair share: (Handout 1) (New Instructions Below) Look over the learning objectives with a neighbor Identify one that you feel you have not yet achieved but hope to before leaving today

6 Day 2 Agenda Inside the Racetrack: Cultural Competence and Sustainability Inside the Racetrack: Cultural Competence and Sustainability Cultural Competence and the SPF Cultural Competence and the SPF The Three Keys to Sustainability The Three Keys to Sustainability Assessing Capacity: Resources and Readiness Assessing Capacity: Resources and Readiness Stages of Community Readiness Stages of Community Readiness Tools for Community Assessment Tools for Community Assessment Using Capacity Assessment to Mobilize Communities Using Capacity Assessment to Mobilize Communities Partnership Development Partnership Development Cultural Competence Revisited Cultural Competence Revisited

7 SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework Steps Sustainability & Cultural Competence Assessment Capacity PlanningImplementation Evaluation

8 Cultural Competence Definition Respect for differences among cultural groups, continuous self-assessment, expansion of cultural knowledge and attention to the dynamics of difference. Operationally Individual levelIndividual level Organizational levelOrganizational level

9 Sample Elements of Culture Ceremony Ceremony Communication forms Communication forms Ethics Ethics Formality versus informality Formality versus informality Gender roles Gender roles Generational interrelationships and kinship patterns Generational interrelationships and kinship patterns Health and medicine Health and medicine Individual orientation versus group orientation Individual orientation versus group orientation Language and linguistics Language and linguistics Relationship focus versus goal focus Relationship focus versus goal focus Individual orientation versus group orientation Individual orientation versus group orientation

10 Culture Activity Draw a picture, diagram, or symbol representing you, ethno-culturally, in relation to health and wellness Draw a picture, diagram, or symbol representing you, ethno-culturally, in relation to health and wellness List what causes illness in your culture(s) List what causes illness in your culture(s) Describe how people stay healthy Describe how people stay healthy List who are considered the healers List who are considered the healers or health care providers in your culture(s) Share with your table Share with your table Table Activity (Handout 13)

11 Cultural Competence Understand your own cultural background.Understand your own cultural background. Learn about the cultures represented in your community Learn about the cultures represented in your community Experience other cultures Experience other cultures Culturally tailor prevention process, methods, materials, programs, practices Culturally tailor prevention process, methods, materials, programs, practices Deliver substance abuse prevention services within a cultural framework Deliver substance abuse prevention services within a cultural framework Cultural competence is about attitude, knowledge, and skills

12 Cultural Competence Principles of the SPF Ensure community involvement in all areas. Ensure community involvement in all areas. Use population-based definition of community Use population-based definition of community (let community define itself). Stress the importance of relevant, culturally appropriate approaches. Stress the importance of relevant, culturally appropriate approaches. Support the development of culturally specific services. Support the development of culturally specific services. Employ culturally competent evaluators. Employ culturally competent evaluators. Promote organizational cultural competence staff and ensure that they reflect the community they serve. Promote organizational cultural competence staff and ensure that they reflect the community they serve. Include the target population in each step of the SPF process. Include the target population in each step of the SPF process.

13 Sustainability The ability of states and communities to continually apply the SPF process over time to reduce alcohol and other drug-related problems and their associated consumption patterns.

14 Keys to Sustainability  Ensure Effectiveness  Strategies are aligned with problem and have sufficient reach. Logic Model Development, Quality of Implementation  Develop Community Support Continually  Encourage community ownership through positive relationship building. Develop system and community leaders and champions  Develop Organizational Capacity  Support strong administrative structure. Formalize linkages with key partners. Think about access to resources and expertise

15 Strategies for Promoting Sustainability Think about sustainability from the beginning Think about sustainability from the beginning Build ownership among stakeholders Build ownership among stakeholders Track and tout outcomes Track and tout outcomes Identify program champions Identify program champions Invest in capacity Invest in capacity Identify diverse resources Identify diverse resources

16 What is Capacity?

17 Various types and levels of resources within the community and within an organization, such as a coalition Various types and levels of resources within the community and within an organization, such as a coalition The community’s level of readiness to engage in and support prevention efforts. The community’s level of readiness to engage in and support prevention efforts. Capacity = Resource + Readiness

18 Community Resources Community efforts Community efforts Community knowledge of those efforts Community knowledge of those efforts Knowledge about the issues Knowledge about the issues Knowledge about prevention research, theory and practice Knowledge about prevention research, theory and practice People, financial resources, organizational structures People, financial resources, organizational structures Knowledge of and practical experience working with sub- populations Knowledge of and practical experience working with sub- populations Cultural Resources Cultural Resources Non-institutional support systems Non-institutional support systems Key politics Key politics Triad Activity

19 What is Community Readiness? The community’s awareness of, interest in, and ability and willingness to support substance abuse prevention initiatives Source: Achieving Outcomes, August 2002 SAMHSA

20 Stages of Community Readiness 1.Community Tolerance 2.Denial 3.Vague Awareness 4.Pre-planning 5.Preparation 6.Initiation 7.Institutionalization 8.Confirmation & Expansion 9.Professionalization —Edwards et al (2000) (Handout 14 reference)

21 Resources and Readiness Case Study In your Learning Community Groups: Pick Hilltown or Dexter to use as your case study Pick Hilltown or Dexter to use as your case study Read the case study and work together to fill in the resources and readiness matrix Read the case study and work together to fill in the resources and readiness matrix Discuss how you would rate the capacity of your community to engage in prevention planning? Discuss how you would rate the capacity of your community to engage in prevention planning? Learning Community Task (Handout 15)

22 Assessing Capacity: Evaluators Presentation

23 Using the Tools In your Learning Community Groups, ask: In your Learning Community Groups, ask: How will you use these tools to assess capacity? How will you use these tools to assess capacity? What challenges do you anticipate? What challenges do you anticipate? How might we work together to support our efforts? How might we work together to support our efforts? Learning Community Task (Handout 16: A future reference for building an assessment team)

24 Lunch Break Participants Write Down Their Questions To-Date

25 Stop the Music!

26 Why Assess Capacities? To help make a realistic match between the needs identified and the resources necessary to address them. To help make a realistic match between the needs identified and the resources necessary to address them. To reveal strengths and shortfalls in key resource categories such as people, funding, people working together. To reveal strengths and shortfalls in key resource categories such as people, funding, people working together. To provide an opportunity to address any shortfalls in advance. To provide an opportunity to address any shortfalls in advance. To provide an understanding of the key elements of culture that will influence planning, program selection and program adaptation. To provide an understanding of the key elements of culture that will influence planning, program selection and program adaptation.

27 The Spectrum of Organizational Readiness to Engage in the SPF Planning Process Forming new coalition or planning group Early stage coalition Identified mission Membership Coalition with experience Membership Outcomes Structure Advanced Coalition Multiple funding sources Leadership Multiple strategies Diverse membership

28 New and Advanced Coalition Focus Forming new coalition or planning group Forming new coalition or planning group Membership development Membership development Buy-in to project Buy-in to project Initial coalition development i.e. mission, vision, group roles, structure Initial coalition development i.e. mission, vision, group roles, structure Emphasis on community buy-in and organizational development Emphasis on community buy-in and organizational development Advanced coalition Advanced coalition Aligning project to groups mission Aligning project to groups mission Harnessing resources of the group Harnessing resources of the group Identifying key stakeholders that are missing Identifying key stakeholders that are missing Placing emphasis on needs assessment process and planning Placing emphasis on needs assessment process and planning

29 Community and Stakeholder Buy-in Start by identifying who will be most interested and most effected by the project Start by identifying who will be most interested and most effected by the project Create project material that is easy to understand Create project material that is easy to understand What is the problem of substance abuse in our community? What is the problem of substance abuse in our community? Why a community planning process? Why a community planning process? Why a five steps process ( why can’t we just select strategies)? Why a five steps process ( why can’t we just select strategies)? What’s in it for me? What’s in it for me? Plan strategic outreach to your stakeholders. Include targeting their interests, needs and hidden agendas Plan strategic outreach to your stakeholders. Include targeting their interests, needs and hidden agendas

30 Targeting Outreach Interested but not a current priority Hard to engage, not interested, do not see this as a problem Individuals, organizations, systems most effected by adolescent substance abuse

31 Mobilizing and Building Capacity Involves… Short Term External and Internal Partnership Development External and Internal Partnership Development Community Awareness Community Awareness Long Term Organizational Capacity Organizational Capacity Workforce Development Workforce Development

32 The Role of Partnership Development in the SPF Process Looking at partnerships and partnership gaps to assist with selecting strategies Looking at partnerships and partnership gaps to assist with selecting strategies Building partnerships to reduce gaps before implementing strategies Building partnerships to reduce gaps before implementing strategies

33 Partnership Development In your Learning Communities: In your Learning Communities: Review the Partnership Activity Handout Review the Partnership Activity Handout Think about initiating the SPF at the local level Think about initiating the SPF at the local level Ask what partnerships are already in place Ask what partnerships are already in place Ask how ready your coalition is to begin assessment Ask how ready your coalition is to begin assessment Discuss whom you would seek to engage Discuss whom you would seek to engage Share strategies for outreach and engagement Share strategies for outreach and engagement Learning Community Task (Handout 17)

34 Cultural Competence Revisited Think back to the components of culture you discussed at your tables this morning. Think back to the components of culture you discussed at your tables this morning. How does culture impact the way you do your assessment? How does culture impact the way you do your assessment? What are some considerations you might have? What are some considerations you might have? Table Activity

35 Living Case Study In your Learning Community Groups In your Learning Community Groups Identify a key challenge you face in coalition development (recruitment, retention, cultural representation). Identify a key challenge you face in coalition development (recruitment, retention, cultural representation). Follow the process outlined in Handout 18: Living Case Studies Follow the process outlined in Handout 18: Living Case Studies Learning Community Task (Handout 18)

36 Reflect and Review At your tables: At your tables: Share key learnings from the past two days Share key learnings from the past two days Share one thing you’ll use upon returning to your home community Share one thing you’ll use upon returning to your home community Read Handout 19 and Share any questions in large group Read Handout 19 and Share any questions in large group Table Activity (Handout 19)

37 Wrap-Up Please fill out evaluation forms

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