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CPED New Member Orientation 8:30-9:00amBreakfast 9:00am Welcome David Imig and Jill Perry, CPED 9:20amIntroduction activity—Ask Me About Michael Neel,

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Presentation on theme: "CPED New Member Orientation 8:30-9:00amBreakfast 9:00am Welcome David Imig and Jill Perry, CPED 9:20amIntroduction activity—Ask Me About Michael Neel,"— Presentation transcript:


2 CPED New Member Orientation 8:30-9:00amBreakfast 9:00am Welcome David Imig and Jill Perry, CPED 9:20amIntroduction activity—Ask Me About Michael Neel, CPED 10:00amThe PI talk Sharon Ryan, Rutgers University 10:45amUtilizing Critical Friends & Contribution to the Cause Valerie Storey, Lynn University & Rick McCown, Duquesne University 11:00amGroup questions with Members of the CPED Executive Committee Steve Staples (W&M), Sharon Brown-Welty (CSU-Fresno), Debby Zambo (Arizona State University), Susan Wunder (University of Nebraska), Valerie Storey, (Lynn University), and Jane Jensen (University of Kentucky) 11:45amLunch 1:00pmConvening

3 When? CPED Bi-annual Convenings Signature activity of Carnegie Foundation programs Central feature=coming together CPED Convening Idea Centered Mix of Pedagogies Multiple Voices High Expectations Unstructured Conversations

4 The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate Common Commitment to Distinguishing and Differentiating Between the Doctorates in Education (142 Colleges & Universities) Research Scholars vs. Scholarly Practitioners Practical and Narrative Knowledge vs. Analytic Knowledge Guided by a Set of Shared Principles Work Based on a Shared Language (Shulman) Capstones and Decathlons and Signature Pedagogies Work funded by the Carnegie Foundation

5 The Professionalization Project Strengthening Professions by Strengthening Doctoral Education Fostering the Stewardship of a Profession vis a vis Stewardship of a Discipline Lee S. Shulman

6 Why the Professional Practice Doctorate (PPD)? Dissatisfaction with the PhD for Practitioners (Lack of Fit, TCD, Cost-Benefits) Need for a More Practice Oriented Degree Need for Alignment with NBPTS Certification New Focus on Clinical Practice (NCATE) Alignment with Other ProfDs in Graduate Schools & Professional Schools (DSW Clinical, DM, PsyD, DPT) Competition from Alternative Providers

7 Directed at Real Problems and Real Solutions Emphasis is on Preparing Transformational Leaders to Change Schools and Colleges & Other Learning Organizations Enabling Doctoral Programs to Meet the Needs of Practitioners (Part Time Students with Full Time Responsibilities) Doing So in a Rigorous, Responsible, Practical, Transparent, and Ethical Manner Ed.D. = The Degree of Choice

8 TELL ME ABOUT… your name your program TELL ME ABOUT… three words that describe your EdD program redesign After one person goes, the other person says TELL ME ABOUT... Each person must share in 90 seconds or less.

9 University of Vermont Convening October 5-7, 2011

10 Phase I Members Continuing = 22 Arizona State University, California State Fresno, Duquesne University, Lynn University, Northern Illinois University, Rutgers University, The College of William & Mary, University of Central Florida, University of Colorado-Denver, University of Connecticut, University of Houston, University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, University of Maryland, University of Missouri-Columbia, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Oklahoma, University of Vermont, University Southern California, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia Tech, Washington State University Additional CSUs= 8 Long Beach, Fullerton, Pomona, San Diego, San Marcos, San Francisco, Sacramento, San Bernardino 2 nd Wave= 27 Baylor University, Boston College, Florida State University, Fordham University, Illinois State University, Indiana University, Kansas State University, North Carolina State University, North Dakota State University, NYU Steinhardt, Portland State University, Texas Southern University, Texas Tech University, University of Akron, University of Alabama, University of Alaska Anchorage, University of Arkansas, University of Dayton, University of Hawaii, University of Idaho, University of Massachusetts Amherst, University of Mississippi, University of Missouri, University of Pittsburgh, University of San Francisco, University of Tennessee, Kent State University Total = 57

11 Expanding Our Impact To welcome & incorporate 27 new member institutions Goal To continue our dialogue about the Ed.D. Goal To further develop our notions of Clinical Practice Goal To begin developing Networked Improvement Communities Goal

12 Wednesday 1:00pmWelcome - Silver Maple Ballroom Dean Fayneese Miller, UVM David Imig & Jill Perry, CPED 1:15-2:00pmIntroductions: Only Child 2:00-4:00pmHow To Panels—30 minute Rotations Incorporating CPED Principles –Val Storey (Lynn Univ), Jeni Hart (Missouri-Col), Susan Wunder (Nebraska- Lincoln) Designing Capstones— Rick McCown (Duquesne Univ), Henry Clark and Charol Shakeshaft (Virginia Commonwealth), Lori Mueller (Research Fellow), Deidre Reid-Thomas (Research Fellow), Jaime Stacy (Research Fellow) Role of Inquiry—Debby Zambo (Arizona State Univ), Jane Jensen (Kentucky), Anysia Mayer (Connecticut) Designing Labs of Practice— Teresa Wasonga (Northern Illinois U) Sharon Brown-Welty (CSU-Frenso), Nancy Shanklin, (Colorado-Denver) 3:30pmBreak 4:00pmPresentation: University of Vermont - College of Education and Social Services 5:30pmCocktail reception- Sugar Maple Ballroom 6:30, 6:45, & 7:00pm Bus Transportation from Davis Center to Sheraton Dinner on your own

13 If different than your program: “Interesting.” If similar to your program: Men: “No, no, I am your bro.” Women: “what’s this, I’m your sis.” Then explain the similarity.

14 Incorporating CPED Principles –Val Storey (Lynn Univ), Jeni Hart (Missouri-Col), Susan Wunder (Nebraska-Lincoln) Designing Capstones— Rick McCown (Duquesne Univ), Henry Clark and Charol Shakeshaft (Virginia Commonwealth), Lori Mueller (Research Fellow), Deidre Reid-Thomas (Research Fellow), Jaime Stacy (Research Fellow) Role of Inquiry—Debby Zambo (Arizona State Univ), Jane Jensen (Kentucky), Anysia Mayer (Connecticut) Designing Labs of Practice— Teresa Wasonga (Northern Illinois U) Sharon Brown-Welty (CSU-Frenso), Nancy Shanklin, (Colorado-Denver)

15 University of Vermont Ed.D. Development

16 Thursday 7:45, 8:00, & 8:15am Bus Transportation from Sheraton to Davis Center (Note: we will be leaving for dinner from the convening—dinner is business casual dress—no jeans, t-shirts or shorts) 8:30amContinental Breakfast – Sugar Maple Ballroom 9:00amClinical Faculty Discussion Rick Sawyer, Washington State University, Grant Hayes, University of Central Florida, Marsha Levine, NCATE David Imig, CPED 10:15amBreak 10:30amHow do we go about program assessment? Debby Zambo, Arizona State University, Robert Rueda, University of Southern California, Sharon Brown-Welty, California State University – Fresno, Robert Gabriner, San Francisco State University 12:00 pmLunch- Sugar Maple Ballroom 1:15- 1:45pmFIPSE Research Update Jill Perry, CPED, Deidre Reid-Thomas, CPED Research Fellow, Lynn University, Lori Mueller, CPED Research Fellow, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, Jaime Stacy, Virginia Commonwealth University, Ed Crowe, External Evaluator for FIPSE Grant 1:45- 2:30pmBreak & New member video Poster Session 2:30-5:00pmLearning from each other—Incorporating new members Interviews with top three mentor institutions 5:15 pmBus Transportation from Davis Ctr. To Burlington Country Club EveningReception & Dinner at the Burlington Country Club (note: dress is business casual) 8:30 pmBus Transportation from Burlington Country Club to Sheraton

17 CLINICAL PRACTICE & Rick Sawyer, Washington State University Marsha Levine, NCATE David Imig, CPED Sit with your FRUIT

18 How do we go about program assessment? Debby Zambo, Arizona State University, Robert Rueda, University of Southern California, Sharon Brown-Welty, California State University – Fresno, Robert Gabriner, San Francisco State University SEATING: Ed Leadership 1-10 Higher Ed/Organizational leadership 11-15 Teacher leadership 16-20

19 Working Principles for the Professional Practice Doctorate in Education The Professional doctorate in education: 1.Is framed around questions of equity, ethics, and social justice to bring about solutions to complex problems of practice. 2.Prepares leaders who can construct and apply knowledge to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals, families, organizations, and communities. 3.Provides opportunities for candidates to develop and demonstrate collaboration and communication skills to work with diverse communities and to build partnerships. 4.Provides field-based opportunities to analyze problems of practice and use multiple frames to develop meaningful solutions. 5.Is grounded in and develops a professional knowledge base that integrates both practical and research knowledge, that links theory with systemic and systematic inquiry. 6.Emphasizes the generation, transformation, and use of professional knowledge and practice.

20 CPED-FIPSE research agenda = documenting change Document and evaluate change in the organizational structures of graduate schools to accommodate new professional practice degrees for school and college leaders. (Institution) Document and evaluate change in the signature learning processes, learning environments, and patterns of engagement of faculty and candidates in Ed.D. programs that participate in CPED. (Program and individual) Document and evaluate fidelity to the set of guiding principles developed in Phase I. (Program) Disseminate lessons learned and best practices for the design and implementation of professional practice degrees to a new cohort of graduate schools of education. (Field)

21 Larger Study Spring 2012 Call for Researchers Oct-Nov 2011 3 Pilot Studies– Research & Critical Feedback Site Pre-Visit Questionnaire *External Evaluation

22 CPED member/ FIPSE Researcher Experiencing another member’s program Ed.D. student/ FIPSE researcher Experiencing the research as a current/former student Receiving a research team… what was THAT like??

23 MENTOR INSTITUTIONTABLE # Arizona State University 1 California State Polytechnic U - Pomona 2 California State University - Fresno 3 California State University - Fullerton 4 California State University - Long Beach 5 California State University - San Bernardino 6 California State University- Sacramento 7 California State University- San Marcos 8 College of William & Mary 9 Duquesne University 10 Lynn University 11 Northern Illinois University 12 Rutgers University 13 San Diego State University 14 San Francisco State University 15 University of Central Florida 16 University of Colorado, Denver 17 University of Connecticut 18 University of Houston 19 University of Kentucky 20 University of Louisville 2 University of Maryland 4 University of Missouri-Columbia A University of Nebraska-Lincoln B University of Oklahoma 5 University of Vermont 6 University Southern California C Virginia Commonwealth University 7 Washington State University D

24 Mentor Match-up List

25 Friday 7:45, 8:00, 8:15amBus Transportation from Sheraton to Davis Center 8:30 amContinental Breakfast – Sugar Maple Ballroom 9:00amFollow up & Updates Jill Perry, CPED 9:30am-11:30amDeveloping Networked Improvement Communities in CPED Setting the Action Plan and Benchmarks Rick McCown, Duquesne University 11:30amClosing Remarks & “Grab & Go” Snack 11:45, 12:00, & 12:15pm Bus Transportation from Davis Center to Sheraton

26 *Website *UCEA & AACTE events -UCEA, Saturday -AACTE, Forthcoming -AERA, Forthcoming *Next steps FIPSE: -Call for researcher -Questionnaires *Facebook – Calling all alumni! *Forthcoming publications *2012 Convenings -Fresno and William& Mary * Evaluations

27 Looking forward…. June 27-29 th, 2012 Wednesday – Friday California State University Fresno

28 2008 DEED Model Current: Improvement Science McCown & Perry SAC Bryk et al NIC PELA HCEF Hazelwood Empirical Design experiments Empirical Design experiment Statway -CC Problem-Solution space = democratic engagement Problem-Solution Space=Network PDSA Tool DDS= Investment, training

29 Network Improvement Communities Rick McCown, Duquesne University Sit with your SMILEY COLOR

30 Network Improvement Communities con’t…

31 High Leverage Problems “high leverage” problem, if addressed, would likely leverage other positive change within the organization. A central component of a high leverage problem is that there is agreement across stakeholders that the investment of time, energy and other resources to address the problem is worthwhile.

32 I have ENERGY to improve…..


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