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EB-5 Immigrant Investor program An untapped opportunity for Oregon.

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Presentation on theme: "EB-5 Immigrant Investor program An untapped opportunity for Oregon."— Presentation transcript:

1 EB-5 Immigrant Investor program An untapped opportunity for Oregon

2 Presentation outline  Introduction  Potential benefits for Oregon  Recommended course of action 2www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015

3 Introduction 3www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015

4 The EB-5 Visa Program  Started in 1990  Makes immigrant visas (green cards) available to foreigners who:  Invest at least $1 million or $500,000 into a targeted employment area (TEA)  Create at least 10 jobs  Investors can invest directly into a company or into a Regional Center (RC) 4www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015 Introduction

5 Interest in immigrant investor programs  Immigration  Political safe haven  Transparent legal system  Education opportunities for children  Lifestyle, environment  “The American Dream” Introduction 5/13/

6 EB-5 Statistics 6www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015 Introduction YearNumber of Investor Visas Growth from previous year 2006744- 20078068.5% 2008136068.8% 20094218310%

7 EB-5 Statistics Top Ten Countries of Origin Total EB-5 investors in FY 2009 1. China1979 2. South Korea903 3. Great Britain326 4. Canada85 5. Japan84 6. India72 7. Russia60 8. Netherlands38 9. Mexico33 10. South Africa31  Strong interest from both developed and developing markets  ~3000 from East Asia, but the rest are spread throughout the world 7www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015 Introduction

8 Global competition Qualification Requirements USACanadaUKBulgaria (EU) Investment SizeUSD 1 million. CDN 800,000 With finance options £ 1 million With finance options € 512,000 With finance options  Thousands of wealthy individuals looking for a peaceful, safe, and stable place to settle  Globally competitive, immigrant investors have multiple options  The U.S. has the only program that requires investor capital to be put at risk 8www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015 Introduction

9 National competition  Over 100 EB-5 regional centers  No regional centers in Oregon  Strong interest in internationally known locations (New York, Miami, Los Angeles) 9www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015 Introduction

10 Case study: Vermont  The only state-run Regional Center  Operated by Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development  Current projects:  Jay Peak ski resort  Seldon Clean Water Products  200 investors  Created over 2000 jobs  Invested over $100 million 10www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015 Introduction

11 11www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015 EB-5 Program Benefits for The State of Oregon

12 Immigrant demographics  Wealthy  Well educated  Entrepreneurial 12www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015 Potential benefits for Oregon

13 Job creation  Each investor must create at least 10 jobs, but usually create more  Tend to create jobs in areas that need them most 13www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015 Potential benefits for Oregon

14 New Source of Capital  Recession has tightened capital sources, stifling businesses  Multiplier effect of investment 14www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015 Potential benefits for Oregon

15 Global exposure  Investors will link Oregon companies with their home countries  Expose Oregonian products to a wider global audience  Increasing global awareness of Oregon will stimulate tourism 15www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015 Potential benefits for Oregon

16 Recommended course of action 16www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015

17 Designate TEAs  A TEA has 150% national unemployment rate or is a rural area  An RC in a TEA requires only $500,000 investment  By working with economists, the state can designate TEAs  Designated TEAs will help Oregon companies know where to establish Regional Centers 17www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015 Recommended course of action

18 Financial support  Startup costs are high: Registration fees Legal costs Economic impact studies Marketing (int’l offices, agent commissions, global seminars, online campaign)  Provide financial support (grants, low- interest loans, etc.) 18www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015 Recommended course of action

19 Co-investment into projects  Foreign investors prefer projects with government support  Opportunity to promote targeted industries (such as environmentally sustainable projects)  Tax breaks to initiate investment 19www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015 Recommended course of action

20 Non-monetary support  The recognition and support of government officials is important to international investors  Participate in international marketing  Governors of Vermont and Idaho recently toured Asia to promote the EB-5 program 20www.aginskyconsulting.com5/13/2015 Recommended course of action

21 SUMMARY BENEFITSRECOMMENDATIONS Bringing active, educated, and entrepreneurial people Designate TEAs Creating many new jobsProvide financial support Providing a new source of capital Co-invest into projects Giving more global exposure to the State Non-monetary support

22 Forecast  Case study: Seattle regional center  650 EB-5 investors  Raised $450 million, $325 million from EB-5  Forecasted to create over 7000 jobs 5/13/2015www.aginskyconsulting.com22

23 Thank you For more details, please contact us directly. Thank you AGINSKY CONSULTING GROUP, LLC. WEB: EMAIL: TEL: 877-WITH-ACG

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