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1 2015-2017 Multifamily & Low Income Plan Neil E. Curtis, Sr. Strategic Planning Manager November 12, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 2015-2017 Multifamily & Low Income Plan Neil E. Curtis, Sr. Strategic Planning Manager November 12, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 2015-2017 Multifamily & Low Income Plan Neil E. Curtis, Sr. Strategic Planning Manager November 12, 2014

2 2 Vision 1.Effect a significant impact in all 99,000 low income households by 2024. (*Tangible energy reduction and development of ongoing relationship.) 2.Efficiency Vermont’s resources (both income specific and non-income specific) are equitably distributed among low, moderate, and high income communities. 3.All low income households are net zero energy by 2050. (Net ‐ Zero site energy: the annual amount used equals the amount produced)

3 3 2015 Annual Goal - 1 201520162017Total TEPF $930,000 $1,040,000 $1,130,000 $3,100,000 EEC $3,500,000 $10,500,000 Total $4,430,000 $4,540,000 $4,630,000 $13,600,000 Meet increased 3-year low-income spending minimums

4 4 2015 Annual Goal - 2 Achieve energy savings and household-served goals Svgs (MWh) Svgs (Mmbtu) Households Served Total:3,7514,6003,500

5 5 2015 Annual Goal - 3 Increase consumer knowledge and awareness of Efficiency Vermont as a resource for assisting low-income Vermonters through development and implementation of a strategic marketing and communication plan.

6 6 Service Matrix DepthSingle FamilyMultifamilyBoth MF & SF “Deep” Targeted High Use High Performance MH Comprehensive Track Special Use Funds VFEP Building Performance WAP Add-On “Wide” WIC Refrigerator replacement Products Rental Property Owner Rebates Benchmarking Community Grants

7 7 1. WAP Contract New Measure Characterizations Domestic Hot Water Tank Heat Pumps Mini-Split cold climate heat pumps Dehumidifiers Quality assurance support SectorUnitsBudget Total Savings Average /Unit Savings SF / MF~900$1,260,000963 MWh$139

8 8 2. VFEP 2015 Activities 1.Coordinate EVT / Capstone marketing and external communications 2.Coordinate outreach to private property owners SectorUnitsBudgetTotal Savings Average /Unit Savings MF~270$1,000,0004,600MMBtu$430

9 9 3. MF Comprehensive Track SectorUnitsBudgetTotal Savings Average /Unit Savings MF~325$522,0001,150 MWh$450 Track20142015 Electric Only$200$500 EVT Certified$500$1,750 ENERGY STAR$1,000$2,500 Increased incentives for Multifamily New Construction & Major Rehabilitation projects

10 10 4. MF Special Use Funds Objectives 1. Provide technical and financial support for housing developers to experiment with innovative measures in support of attaining net-zero. 2.  Fully utilize the Low Income non-energy benefit adder when identifying cost effective measures. SectorUnitsBudgetTotal Savings Average /Unit Savings MFtbd$125,000tbd

11 11 5. Multifamily Benchmarking Support affordable housing developers and providers to benchmark and actively monitor energy performance 90% of affordable multifamily housing by 2017. SectorUnitsBudgetTotal Savings Average /Unit Savings MF3,900 (2015)$125,000tbd

12 12 6. Rental Property Owner Rebates Objectives: Reduce energy burden for low income apartment renters Overcome first cost barrier caused by split Incentives Maintain EVT wide consistency with Efficient Products Leverage the wide reach of Efficient Products marketing campaigns to effect more LI apartments SectorUnitsBudgetTotal Savings Average /Unit Savings MF60$12,50074 MWh$160

13 13 7. Targeted High Use 2015 Activities 1.Broaden program eligibility and messaging 2.Outreach and communication to additional utilities, low income service providers and advocates SectorUnitsBudgetTotal Savings Average /Unit Savings SF~300$600,000750 MWh$325

14 14 8. WIC Refrigerator Replacement 2015 Activities 1.Broaden program eligibility and messaging SectorUnitsBudgetTotal Savings Average /Unit Savings SF~100$108,00098MWh$127

15 15 9. High Performance Modular Homes Program Design: Develop parameters and criteria for use of Very Low Income Incentives in coordination w/ HOC’s & affordable housing partners. Marketing: Educating and Outreach to critical partners (affordable housing advocates, Homeownership Centers, park owners, etc.) SectorUnitsBudgetTotal Savings Average /Unit Savings SF~30$505,00084MWh$364

16 16 10. Efficient Products Food Bank Partnership Hard To Reach Initiatives Identify new measures and develop appropriate measure characterizations (LED’s, Smart Strips, etc.) SectorUnitsBudgetTotal Savings Average /Unit Savings SF / MF~2,500$119,000432MWh$22

17 17 11. Community Outreach Objectives: 1.Identify and facilitate energy-saving opportunities in low income, hard-to-reach households 2.Distribute and directly install energy efficient products 3.Provide referrals to additional, deeper energy efficiency initiatives SectorUnitsBudgetTotal Savings Average /Unit Savings SF / MF~1,500$340,000200MWh$22

18 18 Summary InitiativeUnitsBudgetSavings WAP AddOn 900$1,260,000963 MWh VFEP 270$1,000,0004,600 MMBtu MF Comp Track 325$522,0001,150 MWh MF Special Use tbd$125,000Tbd MF Benchmarking 3,900$125,000Tbd Rental Rebates 60$12,50074 MWh Targeted High Use 300$600,000750 MWh WIC Refrigerator 100$108,00098 MWh High Performance MH 30$505,00084 MWh Efficient Products 2,500$119,000432 MWh Community Outreach 1,500$340,000200 MWh Total: 9,885$4,716,500 3,751 MWh 4,600 MMBtu

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