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Welcome to the Thetford Home Energy Forum Please take this time to: Fill out Pledge Cards Review Materials Enjoy Refreshments Socialize with your Neighbors.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Thetford Home Energy Forum Please take this time to: Fill out Pledge Cards Review Materials Enjoy Refreshments Socialize with your Neighbors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Thetford Home Energy Forum Please take this time to: Fill out Pledge Cards Review Materials Enjoy Refreshments Socialize with your Neighbors

2 Thetford Home Energy Forum How to Save Energy, Save Money and Increase Your Home Comfort

3 Agenda Welcome and Vermont Home Energy Challenge Welcome and Vermont Home Energy Challenge Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Thetford HPwES Contractors and Homeowners Case Studies Thetford HPwES Contractors and Homeowners Case Studies Other Thetford HPwES Stories Other Thetford HPwES Stories Group Discussion Group Discussion Meet the Contractors and Homeowners Meet the Contractors and Homeowners

4 The Vermont Home Energy Challenge – What? Implemented by Efficiency Vermont, in partnership with Vermont Energy and Climate Action Network Implemented by Efficiency Vermont, in partnership with Vermont Energy and Climate Action Network Goal to weatherize 3% of homes in participating Challenge towns Goal to weatherize 3% of homes in participating Challenge towns Support for local partners from Efficiency Vermont, VECAN, and regional partners (SERG in Upper Valley) Support for local partners from Efficiency Vermont, VECAN, and regional partners (SERG in Upper Valley)

5 The Vermont Home Energy Challenge – Why? State falling short of residential thermal efficiency goals State falling short of residential thermal efficiency goals 80,000 homes by 2020, achieving average savings of 25% 80,000 homes by 2020, achieving average savings of 25% Requires 3% of homes annually; currently we are reaching 0.5 - 1% Requires 3% of homes annually; currently we are reaching 0.5 - 1% Energy prices continue to rise; e.g., fuel oil has increased 350% since 1999 Energy prices continue to rise; e.g., fuel oil has increased 350% since 1999

6 The Thetford Home Energy Challenge Thetford’s 3% Goal translates to 32 residences weatherized in 2013, whether owner-resident or rental. Thetford’s 3% Goal translates to 32 residences weatherized in 2013, whether owner-resident or rental. Qualifying weatherizations must go through EVT’s “Home Performance with ENERGY STAR” program. Qualifying weatherizations must go through EVT’s “Home Performance with ENERGY STAR” program. Potential for Thetford to win $10,000 from EVT. Potential for Thetford to win $10,000 from EVT.

7 Home by Home Savings Reduce your energy bills. Reduce your energy bills. Average reduction of 25% of heating fuel consumption Average reduction of 25% of heating fuel consumption Average savings of $750 - $1,000 per year Average savings of $750 - $1,000 per year Improve health of your home. Improve health of your home. Increase your comfort. Increase your comfort. Money not spent on fossil fuels more likely to stay local. Money not spent on fossil fuels more likely to stay local. Reduce carbon emissions. Reduce carbon emissions.


9 Global Impact Current path of carbon emissions means we will go far beyond 2  C (3.6  F) increase in average temperatures, the limit usually cited as maximum non- disastrous increase. Current path of carbon emissions means we will go far beyond 2  C (3.6  F) increase in average temperatures, the limit usually cited as maximum non- disastrous increase. Vigorous action required at all levels of society, from policy to personal lives. Vigorous action required at all levels of society, from policy to personal lives.


11 Neighbor to Neighbor Support for Change Weatherization is not simple, and heat loss is not visible Weatherization is not simple, and heat loss is not visible Learning from neighbors about their weatherization experience helps Learning from neighbors about their weatherization experience helps Home Performance talk becomes normal Home Performance talk becomes normal Recognition of savings Recognition of savings Contractor references Contractor references

12 Home Weatherization Programs Weatherization Assistance Program Weatherization Assistance Program Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Contractor work performed Contractor work performed Do-It-Yourself work performed Do-It-Yourself work performed Volunteer Assisted Programs Volunteer Assisted Programs COVER COVER Thetford HEAT Thetford HEAT

13 Weatherization Assistance Program FREE audits and improvements to income qualifying Vermonters FREE audits and improvements to income qualifying Vermonters Provides same services as HPwES program Provides same services as HPwES program Run by Central Vermont Community Action Council in Orange Cty. Run by Central Vermont Community Action Council in Orange Cty. Contacts: 1-877-919-2299, Contacts: 1-877-919-2299, Eligibility Guidelines Eligibility Guidelines Number of Household Residents – Qualifying Income Levels for Orange County: 1-$28,3802- $32,4603-$36,4804-$40,560 5-$43,8006-$47,0407-$50,2808-$53,520

14 Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Comprehensive, whole-house home assessment and improvements Comprehensive, whole-house home assessment and improvements Improves home health, safety, comfort and efficiency Improves home health, safety, comfort and efficiency Run by Efficiency Vermont Run by Efficiency Vermont Provides up to $2,000 to help homeowners install improvements Provides up to $2,000 to help homeowners install improvements Implemented by trained and certified HPwES contractors Implemented by trained and certified HPwES contractors

15 HPwES Process 1. Get a “home performance audit” from EVT authorized contractor. 2. Using audit report, decide what weatherization work to pursue. 3. Get weatherization work done by EVT authorized contractor. 4. Have “test out” to confirm improvement. 5. Receive incentive rebates from EVT.

16 HPwES Costs, Incentives and Savings Audits normally $400 - $600, depending on house. Audits normally $400 - $600, depending on house.  EVT now providing $100 up-front discount  18 contractors offering additional $50 discounts Average weatherization work: $8,000. Average weatherization work: $8,000.  Ranges widely—you can do work piecemeal over time and still benefit from EVT incentives  Some work can be done by home owner Average rebate incentive from EVT: $1,300 ($2,000 max) Average rebate incentive from EVT: $1,300 ($2,000 max) Federal tax credit for weatherization: $500 (max) Federal tax credit for weatherization: $500 (max) Typical payback—ignoring Federal tax credit—6-7 years and return-on- investment of 11 – 15%. Typical payback—ignoring Federal tax credit—6-7 years and return-on- investment of 11 – 15%.

17 Sample HPwES Financing Scenario (using actual loan terms from local lender as of Feb 2013) Average net cost of weatherization is $6,700 Average net cost of weatherization is $6,700 Average projected annual savings approx $875, so average monthly savings of approx $73 (assuming stable fuel prices) Average projected annual savings approx $875, so average monthly savings of approx $73 (assuming stable fuel prices) If financed with 10-year 5.25% loan, monthly payments are $71.89 If financed with 10-year 5.25% loan, monthly payments are $71.89 If financed with 15-year 6.25% loan, monthly payments are $57.45 – immediate cash flow gain of approx $15/month If financed with 15-year 6.25% loan, monthly payments are $57.45 – immediate cash flow gain of approx $15/month

18 Case Summary Stephen Branchflower & Colleen Fox Houghton Hill Road, Thetford

19 To Do… 1. Fill out EVT Pledge Card and Home Energy Kit request form, available here. 2. Pick up a $50 Discount Coupon available here, choose a contractor and get your audit done ASAP! 3. Follow up with home energy improvements before Fall/Winter crunch. 4. Spread the word. 5. Volunteer short term with Thetford Home Energy Action Team (HEAT) to support all our efforts.

20 Home Energy Saving Contacts Vermont Home Energy Challenge – Vermont Home Energy Challenge – – Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Home Performance with ENERGY STAR –, 888-921-5990 Thetford Home Energy Action Team (HEAT) Thetford Home Energy Action Team (HEAT) Mike Kiess, 802-299-5864,

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