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 By: Gautum Magu, KyuJun Shim, Narayan Kumar.  New England  Mid-Atlantic /images/NortheastUSA.jpg.

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Presentation on theme: " By: Gautum Magu, KyuJun Shim, Narayan Kumar.  New England  Mid-Atlantic /images/NortheastUSA.jpg."— Presentation transcript:

1  By: Gautum Magu, KyuJun Shim, Narayan Kumar

2  New England  Mid-Atlantic /images/NortheastUSA.jpg

3  Appalachian Mountains  Lake Ontario  Niagara Falls ages/appalachian_mtns-usgs.jpg http://pho tos.travelb otos/442 38/20198 1/f/1511 838- Sunset- over-Lake- Ontario- 0.jpg /nature/image/aerial_view_of_niagara_falls, _ontario,_canada.jpg

4 Population of Northeastern states and capital of US States + Capital of US Population Pennsylvania12,702,379 New York19,378,102 Vermont625,741 Maine1,328,361 New Hampshire1,316,470 Massachusetts6,547,629 Rhode Island1,052,567 Connecticut3,574,097 New Jersey879,894 Delaware897,934 Maryland5,773,552 Washington D.C601,723 Total Population 54,678,449 US Census

5 States +Washington D.CPopulation change % from 2000 to 2010 Pennsylvania3.4 New York2.1 Vermont2.8 Maine4.2 New Hampshire6.5 Massachusetts3.1 Rhode Island0.4 Connecticut4.9 New Jersey4.5 Delaware14.6 Maryland9.0 Washington D.C5.2 Mean5.05 US Census

6  White People -Pennsylvania79.5 -New York58.3 -Vermont94.3 -Maine94.4 -New Hampshire92.3 -Massachusetts76.1 -Rhode Island76.4 -Connecticut71.2 -New Jersey59.3 -Delaware65.3 -Maryland54.7 -Washington D.C34.8 Mean:74.7 Black /African-American persons -Pennsylvania10.8 -New York15.9 -Vermont1.0 -Maine1.2 -New Hampshire1.1 -Massachusetts6.6 -Rhode Island5,7 -Connecticut10.1 -New Jersey13.7 -Delaware21.4 -Maryland29.4 -Washington D.C50.7 Mean:10.6 US Census

7 Persons of Hispanic/Latino origin -Pennsylvania5.7 -New York17.6 -Vermont1.5 -Maine1.3 -New Hampshire2.8 -Massachusetts9.6 -Rhode Island12.4 -Connecticut13.4 -New Jersey17.7 -Delaware8.2 -Maryland8.2 -Washington D.C9.1 Mean:9.95 US Census

8  Founded by the Dutch in 1624.  Most Populous city.  Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island.  2 nd largest film industry.  Public transport.  Many tourist attractions. estination/new_york_city_84/new-york- city-skyline-blue-large.jpg

9  Pennsylvania5.2%  New York 21.3%  Vermont3.7%  Maine3.3%  New Hampshire5.2%  Massachusetts14.1%  Rhode Island12.5%  Connecticut12.8%  New Jersey19.7%  Delaware7.8%  Maryland12.3%  Washington D.C12.5%  Mean10.9% US Census

10  New York- Statue of Liberty.  Washington D.C- National Air and space Museum.  Pennsylvania- Philadelphia Zoo. /city-guide/liberty/liberty.jpg content/uploads/2011/05/dc_air_space_ museum.jpeg im/files/2011/05/Zoo.jpg

11  Maine Maritime Museum, Bath.  Seneca Falls, New York. http://www.mainethi wp- content/uploads/20 11/03/maine- maritime- museum.jpg http://freepages.genealo /~darmi/photos/photos3 /trinitysenfalls2.jpg

12  Crops such as beans and squashes.  Cranberries, sheep farming and maple syrup.  Baked beans and succotash.  Blues.  Jazz.  Country. Food in United States Northeast Region, Music of the United States http://nativepeoplephotogra erican_stock_pho/images/2 007/12/13/gallery534.jpg A8Jf4ILynYU/TizESaUKFoI/AAAAAAAAAGM /8AZY5nVItFA/s1600/white-nick-jazz.jpg

13  Flooding in Vermont. i/9/4/0/p- medium/5697610451_0147d6ed88_b.jpg content/uploads/2011/08/londonderry-vt-flood- 3.jpg

14  "Geography of the United States." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. WIkipedia. Web. 14 Sept. 2011..  State and County QuickFacts. US Census Bureau. Web. 13 Sept. 2011.  Oak, Manali. "Facts about New York City." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. Web. 13 Sept. 2011.  "Food in United States Northeast Region - Northeast American Food, Northeast American Cuisine." Food in Every Country. Food in Every Country. Web. 14 Sept. 2011. Cumulative-Index/United-States-Northeast-Region.html Cumulative-Index/United-States-Northeast-Region.html  bebop, one of the early innovators of, and Charlie Parker. "Music of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2011. <

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