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JHU/SOE Center for Technology in Education Chadia Abras PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "JHU/SOE Center for Technology in Education Chadia Abras PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 JHU/SOE Center for Technology in Education Chadia Abras PhD

2 Overview Models Blended & Online Strategies Audience Delivery Systems LMS / CMS / LCMS Future Cloud Computing / Mobile Technology


4 Blended & Augmented Learning Definition accepted today (Sloan-C Blended Learning Workshop) A Blended Course is the integration of online with face-to- face instruction in a planned, pedagogically valuable manner; and not just a combination (addition) of online with face-to-face but a trade-off (replacement) of face-to- face time with online activity (or vice versa).

5 Why Blend? To assist students Access Improve learning Information fluency To support faculty Training and development Supplement and improve teaching with technology To maximize facilities Recapture classroom space

6 Online Learning Definition accepted today (Simonson et. Al. 2006, Schlosser & Simonson, 2002): Institution–based formal education learning group is separated Time Space Where interactive telecommunications are used to connect learners, resources, and instructors

7 Concepts of the Definition Institution-based ≠ self-study Separation: time, place, & intellectual Interactive telecommunications: synchronous or asynchronous connecting resources learners instructors If any of the above concepts are missing, then the event is something different than Distance Education

8 Best Practices Taken from USDLA WCET Sloan-C Own research Framework Collaborative Constructivist Learner-Centered Iterative

9 Face-To-Face Affordances SpontaneousTeacher-centeredRich ContextHands-on Temporal Scope & Sequence Constraints EphemeralVoices may be lostTime & Space ConstraintsLess ReflectiveNo Individual Detour

10 Online Affordances ReflectivePermanentPolyvocalNon-linear Access Anytime Anywhere Constraints Hard for Skill Learning and Negotiating Less SpontaneousLess AuthoritativeRequires Skills to navigateDisembodied

11 Millennial Generation Who is your audience? Generation born 1980-2001 Raised using technology Gaming as part of daily life Learn in bits and bytes Shift in learning needs and modes Shift in teaching styles

12 Multiple Instructional Strategies Learning Contracts: online conferencing. Lecture: Video casting tools Discussion: Voice Boards Mentorship: Voice Boards, Voice Emails Small Group Work: synchronous meetings Collaborative Learning: online conferencing Case Study: conferencing groups

13 Delivery Systems Delivery Systems Learning Management Systems (LMS) Content Management Systems (CMS) Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS)

14 Learning Management Systems

15 Content Management Systems

16 Learning Content Management Systems



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