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Archetypal Patterns: The Hero’s Journey D.O.O.R. I. The Departure II. Overcoming Obstacles (Initiation and Transformation ) III.The Return.

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Presentation on theme: "Archetypal Patterns: The Hero’s Journey D.O.O.R. I. The Departure II. Overcoming Obstacles (Initiation and Transformation ) III.The Return."— Presentation transcript:

1 Archetypal Patterns: The Hero’s Journey D.O.O.R. I. The Departure II. Overcoming Obstacles (Initiation and Transformation ) III.The Return

2 Pre-conditions Miraculous or unusual circumstances around the Hero's conception or birth (with or without a prophecy) “Two Worlds” the mundane world a special/different/unusual world The journey begins in the ordinary world of the Hero's hometown, often in one of two formats:the ordinary world of the Hero's hometown The Peaceful Kingdom; for a story in which the Hero must save the world from impending doom, andThe Peaceful Kingdomsave The Wasteland, for a story in which the Hero must restore his worldThe Wastelandrestore

3 1. The Call to Adventure Invites the Hero into the adventure May be a sudden traumatic change or a vague sense of discontent. 2. The Hero may initially refuse the call (voluntary/involuntary). Can take many forms: Something is taken Something is lacking in life Desire to restore honor or to win rights for our people I. The Departure

4 3. Crossing the First Threshold The “jumping off point”; the gateway to the unknown. At the threshold, we will encounter Helpers and Threshold Guardians. Helpers: often bring a talisman or offer Supernatural Aid to help the Hero through the ordeal. The most important Helper is the Mentor. Helpers and guides continue to appear throughout the journey. Threshold Guardians: force the Hero to rethink whether or not he wishes to proceed on this adventure. The Hero will not be permitted to pass the Threshold easily; he must earn his passage across. Threshold Guardians are not necessarily good or evil, but their role can be said to always be adversarial to that of the Hero. Threshold Guardians also show up when the hero is trying to get back safely.

5 4. The Belly of the Whale The Hero’s first real brush with danger or death. The Hero usually needs a Helper to succeed at this point. Occurs at the end of the Departure (early in the Journey).

6 II. Overcoming Obstacles 5. The Road of Trials Any and all of the obstacles and conflicts the Hero faces prior to The Return. Constitutes the bulk of the Journey. The Meeting with the Goddess

7 6. Temptation Away from the True Path Tempters try to pull Hero away from path. May pretend to be a friend or helper. Use fear, doubt, or distraction. Usually occurs near the end of the Journey, although minor temptations may occur throughout.

8 7. The Abyss Represents the greatest challenge in the Journey (the climax of the story). Often takes the shape of something he dreads, or has repressed, or needs to resolve. In The Abyss, the hero faces his worst fear…alone.

9 8. Refusal of the Return Sometimes, at the end, the task of returning seems almost too much to bear. The Hero has gone through so much, that he feels he cannot go back to where he began. At this point,theHero needs Rescue from Without.

10 9. Rescue from Without A Helper or Guardian assists the Hero in returning to the path and completing his journey.

11 III. The Return 10. Crossing the Return Threshold The final stage of the Journey: the return to everyday life. Sometimes, The Return is symbolic, as the Hero himself is dead. However, his example remains and alters society in some positive way.

12 11. The Apotheosis Hero becomes god-like. May be shown as a literal rising into the heavens or flying up into the sky.

13 12. The Ultimate Boon (Reward) Upon the return, the Hero discovers his gift. Sometimes he receives a personal reward, but this is not as relevant as the reward he brings to the community: enlightenment sacrifice riches.

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