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Colabs project Our aims and scope Márta Turcsányi-Szabó assosiate professor HUNGARY Eötvös Loránd University, Informatics Methodology.

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Presentation on theme: "Colabs project Our aims and scope Márta Turcsányi-Szabó assosiate professor HUNGARY Eötvös Loránd University, Informatics Methodology."— Presentation transcript:


2 Colabs project Our aims and scope Márta Turcsányi-Szabó assosiate professor HUNGARY Eötvös Loránd University, Informatics Methodology Group lab

3 ICT in education Hungarian picture at present…

4 Teaching Passive recievers

5 Learning Acive contributers

6 ICT Communication Technology Information Online materials CD-s Networks Interaktív materials

7 Teaching ?? Communication Technology Information Communication Technology Information Online materials CD-s Networks Interaktív materials + ICT

8 Our approach for solution,

9 Learning Constructive, collaborative problemsolving - learning how to learn

10 Model of development Communication Personality Knowledge Mind maps Acquire knowledge Expression Creativity

11 background „Activity theory” Tools of learning Subject of learning Object of learning methodology

12 ConsumerProblem solver Use of tools as...

13 to circle forward 1 forward 1 right 1 right 1 circle circleend to random_word :words output item random count :words :words output item random count :words :wordsend to run forward 5 forward 5 setshape shape + 1 setshape shape + 1 run runend to sum :x :y output :x + :y output :x + :yend Modelling

14 Constructivism Explore Critics Plan Apply Comminicate I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. Chinese saying „Learning by doing”

15 Collaborative learning Knowledge 3 Knowledge 1 Knowledge2 „Zone of proximal development” (Vygotsky)

16 Types of materials produced so far



19 Story  animation  story 

20 Convergent Divergent


22 MÉRGES, mint alma közt a férges. BOSSZÚS, mint tányéron a rossz hús. DÜHÖS, mint szamár mikor rühös. SZENDE, mint álmából felkelt medve. Facial expressions and poetry...

23 Tipography  picture poetry  picture poetry

24 Write a wording to the song 

25 At last, we got to the point, when you do the breakfast. Who said I made it for you?

26 The Berlin wall before destruction. Some people wanted to take it down, but could only take out a few bricks.


28 Select a picture and write what it might represent as well as what feeling it gives! Choose a suitable music to accompany it!



31 Creative Communications projects tools Writing - Narration - DTP - Picture - Montage - Animation - Mind maps themes

32 Types of materials to be developed

33 Writing stories Narration Language tools Tipography Visual expression Montage Animation Action poetry Mind maps Imagine microworlds

34 Training: teacher and student

35 Competencies — Technology Information Media Communication (language) What? When? How? Why? Tools

36 Evaluation Applications Technology Information Media Communication What? When? How? Why? Educational programs competencies methods motivation proof Learning communities real - virtual constructive collaborative  Self expression  Configured tools  Working communities

37 Role of tele-house „Virtual sight outside” Capacity building on-line More than 400 tele-houses operating

38 teacher trainer mentor student mentor local helper student local international e-learning model

39 ELTE-HU101301-CP-1-2002-1-HU-MINERVA-M

40 ELTE-HU101301-CP-1-2002-1-HU-MINERVA-M Method Formal evaluation Case studies summative evaluation Loacl + international

41 ELTE-HU101301-CP-1-2002-1-HU-MINERVA-M Those involved Teacher training institutes (informatics, general, special) elementary, secondary, special schools, telehouses international community

42 ELTE-HU101301-CP-1-2002-1-HU-MINERVA-M External evaluation Local conferences, workshops International conferences, workshops Local external evaluation Colabs partners The evolving process itself

43 ELTE-HU101301-CP-1-2002-1-HU-MINERVA-M Dissemination Web Conferences Papers Exhibitions Broshures

44 ELTE-HU101301-CP-1-2002-1-HU-MINERVA-M Commersialisation Local sales of Imagine (nation-wide) Royalty share from project (for doing further developments)

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