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Newsletter November - December 2010 Daniel Huisman Indonesia +62 81399142041

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Presentation on theme: "Newsletter November - December 2010 Daniel Huisman Indonesia +62 81399142041"— Presentation transcript:

1 Newsletter November - December 2010 Daniel Huisman Indonesia +62 81399142041 Dear Friends, Greetings from Indonesia. The 18th of November I arrived here and I will stay for 6 months. Everybody here is happy again that I have come to help in the technical department of the Mission Hospital Bethesda in west Borneo.

2 I will be here till May, so hopefully I can do al the things on the list I have gotten with urgent things that needs to be fixed and built. From water pipes and tanks, electricity, steam for sterilization, incl all kinds of medical equipment and machines.

3 There is a lot to do here. The most important is to always keep the medical equipment running. On the picture I am fixing and cleaning the Hematology machine in the lab.

4 The entrance of; Bethesda Mission Hospital, West Borneo, Indonesia “Be to Serve”

5 Good News !! I have a special relationship with Jennifer Sanchez from Chile. We are in a time of prayer to be married on the 11-11-2011 Lord willing. Jeny is now in Chile where she lives with her parents. We have met each other on the internet since May 2007. In the meantime we have met in person and I got to know her parents and her pastor. We are about the same age and she wants to work in missions. God will provide a partner for me. Her parents are happy that Jeny can fulfill her desire to go into missions with me. Jeny also has technical skills; she can program and fix computers and make websites. And she has studied architecture for 3 years and she has a talent to make drawings.

6 Jeny and Daniel

7 Speaking about wedding. On the picture I am congratulating 2 coworkers of the hospital for their wedding. For the occasion they are dressed in beautiful original traditional Dayak clothing.

8 It is a big step to get married and take the responsibility to take care of Jeny. As The Lord provides we will continue to serve God together in missions. That means that together we can do more. We will also use this time to pray that God will provide in all that we need. Do you want to help pray too? From now on you can commit yourself to supporting us so we can also start saving for the wedding. Together serving Jesus Christ.

9 Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper meet for him."

10 I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2011

11 Friendly greetings and thank you for your support and prayers. God bless you

12 Gifts to Holland; To; Daniel Huisman at Swifterbant Holland PostBank account nr; 5327093 Codes for sending money internationally; International Bank Account Number IBAN= NL96 PSTB 0005 327093 Bank Identifier Code BIC= PSTBNL21 Donate through For more donating options please visit;

13 Subscribe and Contact: Do you want to receive this Newsletter by Email every 2 months? Please send me your Email address; You can see this Newsletter at; Download in Html, Word, Pdf and PowerPoint.

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