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 Dr. Emilia Zainal Abidin 14 April 2013 BSHRD 2 nd semester f-2-f meeting.

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Presentation on theme: " Dr. Emilia Zainal Abidin 14 April 2013 BSHRD 2 nd semester f-2-f meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1  Dr. Emilia Zainal Abidin 14 April 2013 BSHRD 2 nd semester f-2-f meeting

2  Chapter 1 to 11 from module  2 hours examination  50 objectives  5 out of 8 short answer questions  How well did you do?  Comments or feedback to improve the type of questions

3  Chapter 12 to 22  X hours?  XX objectives?  XX short answer questions?  Any requests?

4  Chapter 12: Chemical hazards – Pesticides  Based on chapter in module o Classification of pesticides o Occupational exposures of pesticides o Toxic effects from exposure o Neurotoxic effect – cholinesterase function diagram o How to control and manage pesticide use in the workplace

5  Chapter 13: Bio hazard management  Based on lecture notes o What is biohazard? o Classification of infective microorganism by risk group?

6  Chapter 14: Occupational Psychosocial Hazards  Based on chapter in module and lecture o Scope of occupational psychosocial hazards o Type of psychosocial hazards – job content, workload, work pace, work schedule, control, environment and equipment, organisation culture, interpersonal relationship at work, role in organisation, career development, home work interface o Questionnaires

7 7 Work environment Conceptual Frame Work of Stress ACUTE AND CHRONIC EFFECT 1. Physiological 2. Psychological 3. Behavioral OUTCOMES OF STRESS OCCUPATIONAL STRESSORS OCCUPATIONAL STRESSORS FAMILY & SOCIO DEMOGRAPHIC STRESSORS FAMILY & SOCIO DEMOGRAPHIC STRESSORS SUPPORT PERCEIVED STRESS MODYFYING VARIABLES MODYFYING VARIABLES Work load Time and System Management Work environment Organizational relationship FinancialFamily Conflict Health status Home environment Coping mechanism Personality Knowledge SkillSocial Interaction Training Emotional support

8  Chapter 15: Prevention and Control principles  Based on module o Roles of occupational hygienists o Prevention and control according to the hierarchy of control

9  Chapter 16: Workers’ compensation  Based on the module and half of lecture  Work compensation scheme in Malaysia o Private – SOCSO o Civil servants – Ex Gratia Scheme o Foreign workers – Insurance o Self-employed – None

10  Chapter 17: Biological monitoring  Based on the module o What is biological monitoring o What are biomarkers

11 Exposure Internal dose Adverse effects Ambient monitoring Biological monitoringBiological effect monitoring *Adapted from Cassarett & Doull’s Toxicology 5th Edition, ed. Klassen CD pp995. McGraw Hill, 1995 Exposure, absorption and effects*

12  Chapter 18: Stress and Violence and the workplace  Based on the module and lecture o Definition o Scope and characteristics o Any action, incident or behaviour that departs from reasonable conduct in which a person is assaulted, threatened, harmed, injured in the course of, or as a direct result 1 of, his or her work.  Internal workplace violence  is that which takes place between workers, including managers and supervisors.  External workplace violence  is that which takes place between workers (and managers and supervisors) and any other person present at the workplace.

13  Chapter 19: Cause and effect of sick leave  Based on the module and lecture o What is sick leave o The benefit of sick leave Human right Protect the worker Cost of losing an employee is greater than the cost of providing sick days to retain existing employees o Sick leave and legislation in Malaysia

14 Sources: WHO (2010). WHO Healthy Workplace Framework and Model: Background and Supporting Literature and Practices.

15 Tools for tackling short term absence Rigorous notification procedure Return to work interviews Should all short term absences be counted? Medical evidence? Withholding sick pay Employee health initiatives

16 Tools for tackling long term absence Keep in touch Early intervention 4-6 weeks Consider temporary adjustments Be proactive in asking for medical advice Preferably Occupational Health Practitioner

17  Chapter 20: Water and Air Decompression  Based on the module and lecture o Gas laws – Boyle and Henry o Hyperbaric work environment o The effects of hyperbaric work environments o Decompression sickness and other symptoms

18  Chapter 21: Emergency Response Plan and First Aid  Based on the module  ERP should include o Procedures o Emergency medical equipment o Internal and external contact and support o Management of injury and triage o Evacuation plan o Training to those involved o Local facilities o Give knowledge to all workers  Elements of ERP – evacuation plan, area custodian/damage control team, fire brigade, emergency medical facility  What is in First Aid Box?

19  Chapter 22: Risk Communication  Based on module o Definition of risk communication o Primary goals of risk communication o Risk communication strategies o Principles of risk communication


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