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BM1 Study Guide created by: BM2 R. Kring. Personal Property.

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Presentation on theme: "BM1 Study Guide created by: BM2 R. Kring. Personal Property."— Presentation transcript:

1 BM1 Study Guide created by: BM2 R. Kring

2 Personal Property

3 The effective control of the procurement, use, safekeeping, and disposal of property is…. Property Management.

4 Each Coast Guard unit must maintain an effective property accountability and control system in accordance with.. Property management manual

5 Who is responsible for maintaining accountability and control of property within a specified area? Property Officer

6 List three supply source references you can use to locate supplies you need to order. General Services administration (GSA) Afloat Shopping Guide (ASG)(NAVSUP-4400) The Management List Consolidated (ML-C)

7 Tangible property including art work, models, and artifacts is.. Personal property

8 All inventories must have an... Independent person present


10 List two situations when an inventory of property is required Upon relief of the custodian annually course has it as 3 years from last inventory which has changed to annually



13 Property Custodian




17 Why was the Federal Catalog System developed? To provide positive and accurate identification of every item in the supply systems of all


19 State the purpose of the SURF Requisition Log It is a multi-purpose form used to record MILSTRIP transactions.

20 National Stock # info Series of nine numbers Four digit coding structure Contains the FSC & NIIN numbers Two Digits identify the group and two identify the class within the group Usually the country which assigned the NIIN NIIN FSC NSN FSC NCB

21 Label the highlighted part of the SSN 8010-01-625-8211 FSC NCB NIIN Group Class

22 Procurement

23 What information is required on your Procurement request? Accounting data Approval signature Purchase description Certification of funds Source of supply Required delivery date

24 The procurement request is designed as a... Basic requesting document for most types of procurements

25 List two references that contain information concerning the Procurement Request Coast Guard FINCEN SOP Small Purchase Handbook

26 Where will you find specific line-by-line instructions on completing the Procurement request On the back of the Procurement Request form

27 Who is authorized to submit or initiate a procurement request? Anyone


29 Standard Form 44 (SF-44)


31 What is the maximum dollar amount permitted by FAR when using the SF-44 $2500

32 You may use the SF-44 ONLY at Isolated activities

33 You use the SF-44 for what kind of purchases? On-the-spot, over-the-counter

34 What are some examples of isolated activities Grocery stores emergency nonpersonal services or supplies

35 You can use the SF-44 to purchase fuel and oil for aircraft and vessels..true or false TRUE

36 If the amount of the purchase exceeds the authorized limitations of the SF-44, you would make Other purchase arrangements

37 Where should the SF-44’s be kept when not in use Under lock and key


39 Where will you find instructions for completing the SF-44? Instructions are included in the inside front of each book of forms.

40 IMPAC Card

41 List two types of authorization letters required for an IMPAC card USER at a small boat station, cutter, or aircraft when the card is issued as a unit card. Signature authority letter (signed by OIC) Delegation of procurement authority (signed by head of contract activity or contracting officer)

42 What authorization letter should you carry when using an IMPAC card not specifically assigned to you? Signature Authority Letter

43 List the 2 types of IMPAC card holders. Non-warranted cardholders Warranted cardholders

44 What is the Statement of Account (SOA) for? It will itemize each transaction which was charged to the IMPAC card.

45 All IMPAC cardholders are considered what? Procurement officials

46 What small purchase methods can be replaced by the IMPAC card? SF-44 Purchase/delivery orders BPA Impress funds

47 List some considerations that the IMPAC card user should review before making a commercial purchase Required government sources Competition and small business requirements the card’s single limit purchase Construction restrictions

48 State the security measures for an IMPAC card that is not being used Locked, in a secure location

49 State what an IMPAC card MUST NOT be used for Cash transactions or personal purchases



52 What is the maximum dollar amount for purchases by a non-warranted cardholder $2500

53 What is the maximum dollar amount permitted to purchase fuel and oil for aircraft and vessels

54 Report of Survey

55 What document number is the Report Of Survey? CG-5269

56 Identify how many people must compose a Board of Survey Three

57 Abstract of Operations Boat Report

58 The Abstract of Operations Boat Report is prepared when? quarterly

59 Define “maintenance hours” All hours in which a boat is in scheduled or unscheduled maintenance.

60 Define “Underway hours” Total elapsed time which begins when a boat gets underway and ends when the boat secures.

61 Define “employment category ” The purpose of which a resource is used

62 Define “missions” Number of times an employment category is benefited under different sets of orders

63 Define “standby hours” The number of hours during which the boat is available for use, but the time does not fit into the resource, maintenance, and storage categories.

64 Define “storage hours” The number of hours during which the boat is not in maintenance and not available for use

65 Define “employment hours” Total number of underway hours spent benefiting each employment category

66 When are explanatory remarks required? Any time hours are reported in the “MISC” or SPECIAL category. When a non-cutter reporting unit has a sum other than 2160,2184, or 2208 for total hours accounted for.

67 Define “Sortie” The deployment of a boat for the purpose of providing a service.


69 Define “resource hours” Underway hours credited to each employment category which is benefited during a trip.

70 How is the boat identification written on the Abstract of Operations Boat Report? Boat type followed by the Coast Guard number IE: MLB 44362, UTB 41461, TANB 21270


72 Where would the time spent underway for sea trials be logged on the Abstract of Operations Boat report?

73 Hoisting Equipment

74 The frequency of load testing for boat hoisting equipment maintained at shore facilities and aboard ship is... Shore- 24 months Ship- 12 months

75 What is the frequency of visual inspections for boat hoisting equipment? Prior to each use

76 What conditions warrant wire rope replacement when found during inspection of boat hoisting equipment? Cuts nicks crushing worn wires broken wires corroded wires abraded wires heat damage bird caging distortion fraying kinks

77 The purpose of placing one-half the load weight forward and the other one-half aft during a load test of boat hoisting equipment is to... Minimize strain on the boat.

78 The boat with the test load is suspended just above the water during a test load on boat hoisting equipment for at least? 10 minutes

79 What percentage of the normal hoisting load weight is used when conducting a load test on boat hoisting equipment? 150%

80 Who must a unit order new lifting slings for a RIB from? Manufacturer


82 What is the full rated capacity? The safe limit of the equipment weight lifting and holding ability, with the maximum authorized number of parts in the main purchase.


84 Boat Inspections

85 What vessels must your unit submit a Boat Inspection for? Boats less than 65 ft long with inboard main engines

86 Which organizations or individuals are required to schedule the regular detailed boat inspection of each boat? Group Section District Commander Maintenance and Logistics Command (MLC)

87 Who is required to submit the Boat Inspection Report? Unit having custody of the boat

88 Within how many days after completion of the boat inspection report will the CG-3022 be submitted to MLC? 10 days

89 List two conditions requiring comments from the commanding officer or OINC Unsatisfactory items Items deemed necessary, especially those requiring assistance by higher authority

90 Who establishes the interval between boat inspections? MLC Commander

91 Oral Boards

92 What qualities of the boat crewman are being attested to during the certification phase? Maturity Judgement Professional qualifications

93 Who will review the Boat Crew Examining Board’s recommendation? Unit Commander

94 What skills are to be observed during a boat crewman check ride? Boat Familiarization Area Familiarization Basic Navigation Boat handling Emergency procedures

95 Instructor

96 What system is this program based on? Master and apprenticeship system

97 When can the certification phase begin? When the appropriate training guide is completely signed off.

98 After consultation with the training officer, who assigns the instructor? Unit Commander

99 Who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the unit training program? Unit training officer

100 Who is responsible for interviewing prospective boat coxswain trainees and instructors? Unit training officer

101 Quarterly Training Plan

102 What are the responsibilities of the training board? Prepare the entries for drills, exercises, and all hands training Schedule departmental training periods

103 What are the responsibilities of the department head? Consult with division officers Assess current and future training needs Enter the training topics for their departmental training periods on the CG-5293 Return the CG- 5293 to the training officer

104 How many sheets are needed to complete the Quarterly Training Plan? Three

105 What is the format used for the Quarterly Training Plan? The same format as the universal calendar sheet

106 What information is required on the Quarterly training Plan? Quarter Calendar month Fiscal year Cutter’s deployment Scheduled training

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