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Tools for Assessment: Information Literacy Nancy White, Media Services Specialist Academy School District 20.

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Presentation on theme: "Tools for Assessment: Information Literacy Nancy White, Media Services Specialist Academy School District 20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools for Assessment: Information Literacy Nancy White, Media Services Specialist Academy School District 20

2 Assessments – Why? Inform the teacher: –How students performed – to assign a grade –What needs re-teaching

3 Assessments…Also Provide students with information about their performance that can promote their learning Motivate students to study or apply themselves because they know they are to be evaluated. Provide teacher-librarians with data to evaluate the effectiveness of their instruction

4 Assess What? -Product Traditional Assessments: –Content Knowledge –Organization –Presentation Summarizes what has been learned.

5 What about the Process? Research process –Information Literacy Skills –Use of Tools “The Three C’s” of 21 st Century Learning –Collaboration –Communication –Creative Problem Solving

6 Process Information Literacy –Identifying Information Need Questioning –Accessing Information –Evaluating Information –Using Information Synthesizing –Communicating the Solution DataWisdom Information Knowledge Inquiry

7 How can we assess the process?

8 Formative Assessment Good assessment starts with a clear purpose inFORMS instruction (teacher) inFORMS students – what they know and don’t know or how to do

9 Formative Assessment: Examples Think-Pair-Share Activity Student Summarizes Information Interview students/conferencing Research journal Observation checklist Student checklist Student self-evaluation

10 What Should Be Assessed? Standards & Benchmarks –What do you want students to know and be able to do? –What will you be teaching specifically?

11 Example: Standard 2 The information literate student evaluates information critically and competently. –By the end of 5 th grade: Evaluate and select relevant and comprehensive print and electronic materials as they pertain to information needs

12 ET-IL Standard 2 The information literate student evaluates information critically and competently. –By the end of 5 th grade: Evaluate and select relevant and comprehensive print and electronic materials as they pertain to information needs

13 Standards & Benchmarks to Rubrics Where should I look? –What criteria will you highlight? What should I look for? –The descriptors of degrees of quality in meeting the criteria Answer this: What does success look like? Quantitative? Or Qualitative?

14 ET-IL Standard 2 The information literate student evaluates information critically and competently. –By the end of 5 th grade: Evaluate and select relevant and comprehensive print and electronic materials as they pertain to information needs Qualitative Quantitative

15 ET-IL Standard 2 The information literate student evaluates information critically and competently. –By the end of 5 th grade: Evaluate and select relevant and comprehensive print and electronic materials as they pertain to information needs Qualitative Quantitative

16 When should students be assessed? Formative: Daily Summative: Each project/inquiry – One part of the total grade: Research PROCESS End of 8 th grade – and beyond

17 Examples of Assessments Learning Journal Self-evaluation - reflection Checklists –PBL ChecklistsPBL Checklists Rubrics –CDE Rubrics –High School Rubric (Joyce Valenza)High School Rubric –RubistarRubistar Portfolios

18 Types of Process Assessment Portfolios –Not just end products but how students arrived at their end products. –Diagnostic tool for the class as a whole as well as for individual students. –Uncover problems needing attention in many areas, such as skill development, written expression, collaboration with others, and growth in ability level. –Best used as a self-assessment tool portfolio_based_assess.html

19 Characteristics of Good Assessment The content of the tests (the knowledge and skills assessed) should match the teacher's educational objectives and instructional emphases. The test items should represent the full range of knowledge and skills that are the primary targets of instruction. Expectations for student performance should be clear. NCREL:

20 Explore the Tools – Work on Rubrics What should students know and be able to do? What would demonstrate excellence? What level of importance should ET- IL be given?

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