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Public Records Sunshine Law PIO 2011 Symposium August 26, 2011 Robin R. Mathews Associate Legal Counsel/Public Records Manager Ohio Department of Public.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Records Sunshine Law PIO 2011 Symposium August 26, 2011 Robin R. Mathews Associate Legal Counsel/Public Records Manager Ohio Department of Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Records Sunshine Law PIO 2011 Symposium August 26, 2011 Robin R. Mathews Associate Legal Counsel/Public Records Manager Ohio Department of Public Safety

2 Overview of Ohio’s Public Records Law Ohio’s public records act was enacted to allow open access to government processes.

3 Records Ohio Revised Code § 149.011(G) "Records" includes any document, device, or item, regardless of physical form or characteristic, including an electronic record as defined in section 1306.01 of the Revised Code, created or received by or coming under the jurisdiction of any public office of the state or its political subdivisions, which serves to document the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the office.

4 “Public Record” Ohio Revised Code § 149.43(A)(1) "Public record" means records kept by any public office

5 Ohio Public Records Act v. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) The Freedom of Information Act applies only to federal agencies, and does not create a right of access to records held by Congress, the courts, or by state or local government agencies.

6 Requesting Public Records Anyone can make a public records request. Requests may be made anonymously A public records request can be made in any manner the requester chooses

7 Valid/Appropriate Request -- Duty of Requester Information v. Record BE SPECIFIC – Overly Broad Request (“any and all”) Existing Record

8 Responding to a Public Records Request “Reasonable” amount of time “At cost” Existing format (or one that can reasonably be duplicated) Redactions

9 Non-compliance A court can force the public agency to produce the records Agency may be required to pay damages to the requester and/or attorneys fees

10 Dear Records Administrator: Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting any and all records regarding employee A including, but not limited to the personnel file and all training records. Additionally, please provide me with all past, present and future internal investigations pertaining to employee A. Time is of the essence regarding this public records request. As you are aware, the law requires you to make the records available in 3 days. Unless I am promptly notified to the contrary, I plan to be at your office on Wednesday August 31, 2011 to inspect the public records requested above. In addition, I may also bring my own photocopying equipment, as well as audio and video duplication equipment and supplies, to make copies of the requested records during my inspection visit. John Q. Citizen

11 Exceptions Medical Records Any document or combination of documents that: 1) pertain to a patient’s medical history, diagnosis, prognosis, or medical condition, And 2) generated and maintained in the process of medical treatment.

12 Confidential Law Enforcement Investigatory Records (CLEIRs) (1) pertain to a law enforcement matter (2) have a high probability of disclosing any of the following: The identity of an uncharged suspect The identity of a source/witness Specific confidential investigatory techniques/ procedures or specific investigatory work product Information that would endanger the life or physical safety of law enforcement personnel, a crime victim, a witness, or a confidential information source

13 Peace Officer Residential and Familial Information Address EAP Information SSN, Phone #, Account #s, Medical Information Beneficiary Information Charitable/Employment Benefit Deduction Information re: Spouse/Former Spouse/Child Photograph – Undercover/Plain Clothes positions or assignments

14 Catchall Exception Records the release of which is prohibited by state or federal law HIPAA OHLEG LEADS BCII DPPA

15 Other Records/Formats Personal notes Drafts E-mails Other Agencies’ Records

16 Practical Application/Pitfalls Creating records unnecessarily No duty to create records (e.g. lists) Obtaining copies of records unnecessarily Written request, name, purpose not required Clarification/revision of requests “Rolling” response

17 Final Thoughts Don’t take requests personally When in Doubt, Check it out

18 ??? Questions ???

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