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Class President Open Court Level 5 / Unit 1-Cooperation and Competition/ Lesson 1- Class President/ pp. 20-33.

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Presentation on theme: "Class President Open Court Level 5 / Unit 1-Cooperation and Competition/ Lesson 1- Class President/ pp. 20-33."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class President Open Court Level 5 / Unit 1-Cooperation and Competition/ Lesson 1- Class President/ pp Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

2 Story Vocabulary vote election campaign candidate debates represent
Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

3 vote “use context clues”
When our country was new, only a few men could vote. We vote for president every four years. vote: to make a choice for or against something Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

4 election - “use context clues”
To get ready for the election, the students are to be thinking about who might make a good leader. We will hold an election to find out who our school president will be. election: To select a person into a position by voting. Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

5 campaign- “use context clues”
We’re here to find out how to get involved in the campaign. I led a campaign to get people to vote for president. campaign: trying to persuade people to vote for a person Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

6 candidates “use context clues”
How do candidates for president get all the money they need for their campaign? The two candidates running for president were John Kerry and George Bush. candidate: a person who wants to be elected to a certain position. Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

7 represents “use context clues”
I think going to the meeting with Mr. Herberston will be a good opportunity for you to represent the class. Erika was elected to represent the fifth grade class in the student council. represents: to act or speak for someone Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

8 Word Knowledge compete- to try to win or gain something from another.
The following words all contain the root word compete. compete- to try to win or gain something from another. competitor How does the suffix -or change compete? competition How does the suffix –tion change compete? competing How does the suffix –ing change compete? *The original Latin form of the word compete was competere, meaning “to seek together.” Compare the original meaning to the present-day definition. Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

9 Word Knowledge The following words contain consonant plus r blends.
Name some other words that have a consonant plus r blend at the beginning of the word. broke Friday grade principal tripped driver pride friend Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

10 Word Knowledge The following words illustrate different spellings for the /er/ sound.
*Spellings include er, ir, ur soccer hurt whir pertain *Point to the er spelling in each word. soccer hurt whir pertain Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

11 Word Knowledge The following words contain the /a/ sound spelled a, no matter where it appears in the word. accident activity classroom absent ballot Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

12 Each competitor was proud.
Sentence Analysis Each competitor was proud. *Which word contains the /er/ sound? *Which word contains a blend with the letter r? *What is the noun in the sentence? *Identify the word with the root word compete? Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

13 The competition is on Friday.
Sentence Analysis The competition is on Friday. *What is the proper noun in the sentence? *Identify the word with the root word compete? Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

14 He tripped while playing soccer.
Sentence Analysis He tripped while playing soccer. *Which word contains the /er/ sound? *Which word contains a blend with the letter r? *What is the noun in the sentence? Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

15 Sentence Analysis classroom and absent There were many empty desks in
the classroom because students were absent. *which words contain the /a/ sound spelled a ? classroom and absent Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

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