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Web Design Vocab 6 Backend, Frontend, Freelancer, JavaScript, Vector Image.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Design Vocab 6 Backend, Frontend, Freelancer, JavaScript, Vector Image."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Design Vocab 6 Backend, Frontend, Freelancer, JavaScript, Vector Image

2 Backend Backend: Aspects of the Web and web design that pertain to functions that take place on the server.

3 Frontend Frontend: Aspects of the web and web design that pertain to browser functionality and display.

4 Freelancer Freelancer: is a self-employed person working in a profession or trade in which full-time employment is also common.

5 JavaScript JavaScript: JavaScript is a script language - a system of programming codes, created by Netscape, that can be embedded into the HTML of a web page to add functionality.

6 Vector Image Vector Image: A graphic image with curves and lines defined by mathematical formulas.

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