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Facilitators of School Improvement All Cohorts

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitators of School Improvement All Cohorts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitators of School Improvement All Cohorts
Lisa Guzzardo Asaro Deane Spencer April 2014

2 Using Assessments Thoughtfully
Educational Leadership March 2014 handout

3 Focused Reading √ I know this ! Significant idea
Individually, read the assigned text as noted on your table copy. Mark the text as shown: √ I know this ! Significant idea ? Huh?/ I’d like to know more Groups at Work – Copyright MiraVia LLC – All rights reserved

4 Focused Reading At your table Share and compare your text markings:
√ I know this ! Significant idea ? Huh?/ I’d like to know more With your table discuss your text markings and main ideas from your section. As a team, use the blank form to identify an idea or concept from each of the categories that is the most significant in the reading.

5 Focused Reading Group share:
Locate the poster associated with your reading. Post your table findings under each of the sections. √ I know this ! Significant idea ? Huh?/ I’d like to know more Gallery Walk Reflections As you read the essential items found in each article look for common responses and/or concepts. Groups at Work – Copyright MiraVia LLC – All rights reserved

6 Today’s Outcomes Engage in learning around Using Assessments Thoughtfully Receive updates about ASSIST, Smarter Balanced, and Professional Learning Review the diagnostics and Goal/Plan components that are included in your SIP report submission Examine language and new pieces when developing goals Understand what activities/processes support Strategy development at the Activity level Engage in a Card Game activity for CITW Explore, D4SS, and Data Director

7 Today’s Roadmap Welcome Connector: Using Assessments Thoughtfully
Updates Diagnostics & Goal/Plan SIP Language Strategy Development at the Activity Level CITW Activity Card Game

8 Key Working Agreements A Facilitation Tool
Respect all Points of View Be Present and Engaged Honor Time Agreements Get All Voices in the Room These breathe life into our Core Values

9 Parking Lot A Facilitation Tool
Rest questions that do not benefit the whole group Place questions that do not pertain to content at this time Place questions that pertain, but participants do not want to ask at this time

10 Action Required Chart Any request by you that I need to respond to must be placed on the Action Required Chart You need to PRINT your complete name, school, and address

11 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT Activities and Requirements


13 NOTEWORTHY Resource Packet Balanced Assessment and Data Triangle
ASSIST Update March and April What Works Clearinghouse website Resource Packet Smarter Balanced Marzano’s Six Step Process Teaching Academic Vocabulary Gradual Release of Responsibility Balanced Assessment and Data Triangle Professional Learning

14 Quick Guides for: Building New Goals and Creating a Plan
ASSIST Updates Quick Guides for: Building New Goals and Creating a Plan handout

15 What Works Clearinghouse
At the national Title I Conference, they shared impressive statistics for strategies that work when you increase learning time. Shared by Mike Radke, Director Office of Field Services

16 Principal/SI Team Resource Package includes:
Connecting the CCSS-MI & ppt with notes Implications for Instruction: Part I Marzano’s 6 Step Process for Teaching Academic Vocabulary Gradual Release of Responsibility ppt handout

17 Balanced Assessment and Balanced Data

18 Professional Learning Opportunities
MDE/AdvancED Spring SI Conference April 17, 2014 Macomb ISD MAISA Network Institutes Writing Assessment Institute Administrator Institute Educator Institute Lansing Center or Cooley Law Temple Center For more information, learning targets, agendas, and registration, use this URL

19 Proficiency Target YEAR
Measurement Proficiency Target YEAR MEASURING TOOL MEAP FALL 2012 MEAP FALL 2013 State Assessment Spring, 2015 State Assessment Spring, 2016 State Assessment Spring, 2017 State Assessment Spring, 2018 State Assessment Spring, 2019 State Assessment Spring, 2020 State Assessment Spring, 2021 State Assessment Spring, 2022 Done TARGET


21 Continuous School Improvement Process
Get Ready Collect Data Build Profile School Data Profile Analysis (SDA) School Process Profile (SPP) Analyze Data School Data Analysis (SDA) School Process Profile Analysis (SPP) Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice Develop School Improvement Plan Implement Plan Monitor Plan Evaluate Plan Gather Study Plan Do Comprehensive Needs Assessment School Improvement Plan 21

22 SIP Components for Submission 09.01.14
How many SIP Components do you need to COMPLETE by ? These COMPONENTS can be accessed and loaded or copied by clicking on the DIAGNOSTIC SURVEY TAB in ASSIST SIP Components for Submission 1. School Executive Summary Diagnostic ALL 2. Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement Diagnostic ALL 3. School Data Analysis Diagnostic ALL except those AdvancED MI schools having an External Review (ER) year, instead, complete: Student Performance and Stakeholder Feedback 4. Additional Requirements Diagnostic ALL 5. Health and Safety OPTIONAL 6. Title I Targeted Assistance or School-wide Diagnostics (NEW and IMPROVED) 7. Goals and Plan ALL Handout


24 Templates Templates Guides Resources

25 Updated guides arrive soon.

26 Diagnostics and Goals/Plan

27 School Executive Summary Diagnostic
1 ALL Executive Summary for Schools The Executive Summary (ES) provides the school an opportunity to describe in narrative form its vision as well as strengths and challenges within the context of continuous improvement. Use the links below to navigate the Executive Summary and respond to the various questions. The responses should be brief, descriptive, and appropriate for the specific section. It is recommended that the responses are written offline and then transferred into the sections below. Description of the School Describe the school's size, community/communities, location, and changes it has experienced in the last three years. Include demographic information about the students, staff, and community at large. What unique features and challenges are associated with the community/communities the school serves? School’s Purpose (VISIONS, MISSION, BELIEF STATEMENTS) Provide the school's purpose statement and ancillary content such as mission, vision, values, and/or beliefs. Describe how the school embodies its purpose through its program offerings and expectations for students. Notable Achievements and Areas of Improvement Describe the school's notable achievements and areas of improvement in the last three years. Additionally, describe areas for improvement that the school is striving to achieve in the next three years. Additional Information Provide any additional information you would like to share with the public and community that were not prompted in the previous sections. Copy and Update

28 Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement Diagnostic
2 ALL Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement Diagnostic Describe the process used to engage a variety of stakeholders in the development of the institution's improvement plan. Include information on how stakeholders were selected and informed of their roles, and how meetings were scheduled to accommodate them. Describe the representations from stakeholder groups that participated in the development of the improvement plan and their responsibilities in this process. Explain how the final improvement plan was communicated to all stakeholders, and the method and frequency in which stakeholders receive information on its progress. Copy and Update

29 School Data Analysis Diagnostic
3 ALL Copy and Update EXCEPT MI AdvancED Schools the year of their EXTERNAL VISIT Student Performance Stakeholder Feedback

30 Additional Requirements Diagnostic
4 ALL School Additional Requirements Diagnostic This diagnostic contains certification requirements for Michigan schools. This diagnostic must be completed by all schools. Literacy and math are tested annually in grades 1-5. Our school published a fully compliant Annual Ed Report. (The Annual Education Report (AER) satisfies this). If yes, please provide a link to the report in the box below. Our school has the 8th grade parent approved Educational Development Plans (EDPs) on file. Our school reviews and annually updates the EDPs to ensure academic course work alignment. The institution complies with all federal laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination and with all requirements and regulations of the U.S. Department of Education. It is the policy of this institution that no person on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, gender, height, weight, marital status or disability shall be subjected to discrimination in any program, service or activity for which the institution is responsible, or for which it receives financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education. References: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Elliott-Larsen prohibits discrimination against religion. The institution has designated an employee to coordinate efforts to comply with and carry out non-discrimination responsibilities. If yes, list the name, position, address and telephone number of the employee in the comment field. The institution has a School-Parent Involvement Plan (that addresses Section 1118 activities) that is aligned to the District's Board Policy. If yes, please attach the School-Parent Involvement Plan below. The institution has a School-Parent Compact. If yes, please attach the School-Parent Compact below. The School has additional information necessary to support your improvement plan (optional). Copy and Update

31 Health and Safety Diagnostic Optional
This diagnostic is optional and should be completed ONLY if you took the HSAT.

32 Goals Completion Timeline Have you registered your SI Team?
04.28, 29, or 30.14 Title I SI Team Days 05.06, 07, 13, 14, or 15.14 Non-Title I SII Team Days Goals completed and submitted to be viewed by District

33 Building Goals Quick Guide
5 ALL Use the Goals & Plan TAB GOALS Type of Goal Academic Organizational Measureable Objective Strategy Activity Building Goals Quick Guide Handout

34 Goals and Plan In 2013-14 we wrote a 2 year plan.
is the 2nd Year EDIT your Goals by clicking the Goals/Plan Tab and entering the Goal here.

35 Creating a 2014-15 Plan to Submit with your SIP Report
Do not create your PLAN until your GOALS are revised or created.

36 Creating Plan Quick Guide
Handout Click Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Activities you are including in your submission. click save

37 Goal Name All student will be proficient in Math. 1 2 3
“All student will be proficient in (content area).” All student will be proficient in Math. 1 2 3 You must select if a goal is an academic or organization goal. An academic goal is a goal in one of the five content areas. An organizational goal is one around other criteria such as revamping the school structure, school culture/climate, student behavior, ect.

38 Objective Wizard Bottom 30%

39 Set Measurable Objectives
____ % of ____ (population) students will demonstrate a proficiency in (STRAND) in (content area) by (date) as measured by (season, date, assessment). 59% of all students will demonstrate a proficiency in number fluency in mathematics by as measured by the Spring, 2015 state assessment. Think All Students Core Instruction OBJECTIVE One

40 Closing the Gap using Accountability Data In FSI we started calculating AMO targets in 2012-2013
All students proficiency targets are set by BAA using data Sub group/Tier II-III students’ proficiency targets are not set by BAA 65 % proficient in AMO interval 2% 45 % proficient in AMO interval 4% +4 +4 +4 57% 45% 49% 53%

41 Set Measurable Objectives
____ % of ____ (population) students will demonstrate a proficiency in (STRAND) in (content area) by (date) as measured by (season, date, assessment). 35% of SWD 3rd grade students will demonstrate a proficiency in numeration in mathematics by as measured by the Spring, 2015 state assessment. Think TIER II OBJECTIVE TWO

42 Set Measurable Objectives
____ % of ____ (population) students will demonstrate a proficiency in (STRAND) in (content area) by (date) as measured by (season, date, assessment). 20% of 7th grade Black students will demonstrate a proficiency in problem solving in mathematics by as measured by the Spring, 2015 state assessment. Think TIER III OBJECTIVE THREE

43 This shows some of the AMOs depending on where a school is for that indicator for the initial point, and would scale up accordingly toward a target of 85% in year 43

44 Where to Find Your Targets http://www. michigan
Google: Michigan School Scorecard Scroll to Tools Click on List of Michigan District and School Proficiency Targets for the School Year 

45 Calculating SUB Group AMOs to reach 85% by 2022
45% Calculate the gap proficient 85% - 45% = 40% GAP 40% Calculate the % gain for each year 40%/10 yrs. = 4.0 % 4% Calculate the gain for 2 yr. (.04) 4% x 2 = 8% 15% Calculate a 2 year AMO target 45% + 8% = 53% handout

46 New to Strategy Development
THINK STRATEGY Poor, but identify a high leverage and comprehensive core instructional strategy.

47 Think Core Instruction FIRST
STRATEGY What Staff members will do instructionally to help students achieve the measureable objective. All staff will implement the CITW ‘Creating the Environment for Learning’, non-negotiables into their Math instructional practice to increase student engagement and learning. Think Core Instruction FIRST This section will also include what and how you engaged in studying the research.

48 Multi-Tiered System of Support
CONNECTOR ACTIVITY How Do Your School’s Current Practices Align with the Essential Elements of MTSS?

49 STRATEGY What Staff members will do instructionally to help students achieve the measureable objective. TIER I All staff will implement the CITW, ‘Creating the Environment for Learning’, non-negotiables into their Math instructional practice to increase student engagement and learning. TIER II TIER II staff will utilize the elements of the Star Math Program to increase student engagement and learning. TIER III TIER III staff will implement Constructive Math into their lessons to increase students computational skills.

50 CCR Example Here is a sample of a partially-completed Implementation Guide around close and critical reading. Slide

51 NEW: Getting Ready, Implement, Monitor, Evaluate
NEW: Tier I, II, or III NEW: Getting Ready, Implement, Monitor, Evaluate ASSIST Activity

Strengthen Strategy Implementation by identifying: Readiness, Skill & Knowledge, Opportunity, Monitoring, and Evaluation ACTIVITIES Classroom Instruction that Works and Matrix I Activity Cards READINESS KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS OPPORTUNITY TO IMPLEMENT Staff will work together to create a common understanding and shared vision for how CITW will seamlessly integrate within the context of the building’s other initiatives. Teacher Learning Teams utilize the CITW Implementation Guide which identifies Critical Components and Non-negotiables required to understand as a school the expectations for implementation in their classrooms. Teachers will identify a colleague to engage in peer coaching during the implementation of math models as an instructional practice. Monitor Evaluate Monitors will use the Strategy Implementation Guide to focus their walk throughs on the Creating an Environment for Learning non-negotiables of Classroom Instruction That Works Staff will use the Strategy Implementation Guide during their evaluation process to ensure they analyze their impact and fidelity of implementation the way the research intended. Envelope Activity

53 Details of what it will take to implement the strategy,.
Activities Worksheet N E W Details of what it will take to implement the strategy,.

54 School Process Rubrics Results

Understanding the Fidelity of Implementation and Impact of Strategy Implementation KEY ACTIVITIES and PROCESSES Current Reality Where are we now? Assessing Fidelity of Implementation How do we know the adult implementation is working? Assessing the Impact on Student Achievement How do we know there is a connection between the adult behaviors and the impact on student achievement? 40/90 OR ISA/SA challenges Process Data Analysis and Perception Data challenges Researching Best Practice Is it the Right Fit?

56 Program Evaluation PROCESS
SMART Planning happens NOW Welcome and Introduction of Presenters - Thank you to hosts and participants for attending. Include any “Important People” attending. Possibly do a “Who’s Here from Where” so participants see the scope of attendees.

57 (Student Achievement) (Adult Implementation)
Planning for Program Evaluation Requires all THREE types of Activities Measurement (Student Achievement) Data Fidelity of Implementation Current Reality (Statements & Rubric Score) Data Walk Through (Adult Implementation) Data One Two Three Ready to Answer Question 5 Spring 2015 57

58 TAB 11 Handout


60 Title I Targeted Assistance or School-wide Diagnostic
6 All NEW All NEW

61 Data Director D4SS
GATHER Getting Ready Collect School Data Build School Profile Stage One: Gather Step 2: Collecting School Data Step 3: Build School Profile Presenter Dr. Jennifer Parker-Moore Data Director D4SS

62 Team Work Time Update diagnostics Revise and updates Goals
Plan what to bring back to share with SI team

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