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Fiscal Year 2011.  Dothan City Schools – Proration has resulted in a loss of : $5,378,837.44 for FY09 $3,500,000.00 for FY10 $8,878,837.44 Lost due to.

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Presentation on theme: "Fiscal Year 2011.  Dothan City Schools – Proration has resulted in a loss of : $5,378,837.44 for FY09 $3,500,000.00 for FY10 $8,878,837.44 Lost due to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fiscal Year 2011

2  Dothan City Schools – Proration has resulted in a loss of : $5,378,837.44 for FY09 $3,500,000.00 for FY10 $8,878,837.44 Lost due to two years of proration

3  Proration the past two years has resulted in –  A loss per child of :  $592.02 for FY09  $381.38 for FY10 $973.40 Lost per child

4  Amount of Reduction in State Funds –  Governor’s Recommendation -  ($ 5,327,031.00) Level Fund (prorated)  ($ 8,971,031.00)

5  1. At March 22 nd Board meeting vote to ask City of Dothan to un-earmark extra $1 million dollar allocation to provide more flexibility.  2At March 22 nd Board meeting non-renew all non-tenured certified employees and terminate all probationary support employees.

6  Current Uses of City Funds – 1.Elementary – Music Teachers(2) – Grandview & Faine. Support of FACES Project. 2.Middle School – Fine Arts & Instructional Coordinator at Beverlye & Girard. Other Expenses – Software, Materials, Computers, Cognitive Tutor Software, Active Classroom Boards, Staff Development.

7  3. High Schools –  9 th Grade Transition Coordinator – DHS & NHS  Theme Academy Coordinator  Other Expenses – A+ At Risk Credit Recovery Software, Instructional Software, Instructional Materials, Active Expression Boards, Student Response Clickers, Computers, Staff Development Total Current Uses $1,000,000

8  1.Non-Renew All 180 Non- Tenured Certified Staff.  2.Terminate All 80 Probationary Support Staff.  3.Vote on above recommendations at March 22 nd Board Meeting.

9  Lunchroom Workers – 11$296.196.00  Clerical Aides -15$472,248.00  Clerks – High School - 2$ 76,773.00  Computer Instructional Aides - 4$123,193.00  Custodians - 6$195,786.00  Drivers Education Aides - 2$ 62,721.00  Media Aides - 8$196,466.00  Nurses - 2$ 86,150.00  Job Coaches 2$ 91,963.00  Parent Involvement Specialists - 6$321,186.00

10  Diversion Center Aide - 1$ 39,095.00  PE Aides - 8$253,858.00  Special Education Aides - 2$ 60,490.00  Instructional Aides - 12$383,429.00  Central Office Custodian - 1$ 44,260.00  ISS Aides - 4$129,848.00  PASS Custodian 1$ 44,904.00  PASS Secretary 1$ 52,034.00  General Accountant - 1$ 56,079.00  Computer Technicians - 3$177,521.00  Maintenance Department - 15$829,442.00

11  Total Savings from Support Employee Reductions –  108 employees  $3,993,642.00

12  Diversion Center Teacher - 1 $96,813.00  Drivers Education Teachers - 2$137,976.00  DTC – Teachers - 3$230,430.00  LINC Resource Teachers - 9$664,767.00  ROTC Teachers - 4$279,010.00  Alternative School Teachers - 7$345,352.00  Grant Writer - 1 $83,441.00  Elementary Guidance Counselors - 5$410,391.00

13  Elementary PE Teachers - 13 $868,417.00  Music Teachers - 9 $595,174.00  Program Specialists - 7 $511,577.00  ESL Teacher - 1 $ 75,043.00  Speech Pathologist - 1 $ 67,171.00  PASS Principal 1 $115,654.00  Assistant Principal – HS 1 $ 85,055.00  Additional Teachers - 45$2,874,656.00

14  Total Savings from Certified Employee Reductions –  110 employees  $7,440,927.00

15  Reduce 12 month Employees contract days from 242 to 240. $69,698.00  Athletics – All District Level Support. $317,768.00  Band – All District Level Support $64,010.00  Teachers hired after July 1, 2010 would be paid at the State Salary Schedule level.  Eliminate Varsity Athletic Periods During School Day.

16  Support Employees – 108 $3,993,642.00  Certified Employees - 110$7,440,927.00  Other Areas$ 451,476.00  Total - 218$11,886,045.00

17  1.Grades 10-12 would be housed at the current Northview Campus, with approximately 1755 students.  2.Grade 9 would be housed at the current Dothan High Campus with approximately 737 students.  3.Dothan Technology Center would be absorbed into the current Northview 10-12 campus.

18  4.Saving $2,028,613.00 from consolidated High School.  5.Eliminating duplication of services/programs offered at both high schools.  6.Reduce need for 30 certified and 9 support employees. A total of 39.  7.Vote on High School consolidation at March 22 nd Board meeting.



21  Tenured certified staff and non-probationary support staff affected by the elimination of programs and/or positions will be transferred into open positions due the non-renewal and termination of non-tenured certified and probationary support staff.  Determine which programs will be eliminated based upon best information from state on FY2011 Budget.  Either vote to eliminate up 218 positions and up to $11,886,045.  Or consolidate High Schools and reduce the amount above by $2,028,613.

22  As funds become available from the Legislature, employees would be hired for funded positions.

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