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Published byGregory Pope Modified over 9 years ago
O PPOSITION OF YIN AND YANG Heaven and earth; Day and night; Cold and heat; Active and static; Internal and external; Ascending and descending; Entering and exiting;
I NTERDEPENDENCE OF YIN AND YANG Without external no internal; Without heat no cold; Without lower no upper ;
R ESTRICTION OF YIN AND YANG The warmth and heat in spring and summer are due to rising yang qi restricts the cold-cool qi; The cold and cool weather in autumn and winter are the consequence of yin qi restricts the warm and hot qi;
R ECIPROCITY OF YIN AND YANG Heaven and earth; cloud and rain; “yin cannot generate without yang and yang cannot develop without yin”
O NE WANES WHILE THE OTHER WAX OR ONE WAXES WHILE THE OTHER WANES From winter to spring and summer, the weather becomes warm generally; Yin wanes and yang waxes; From summer to winter, the weather becomes cold gradually; Yang wanes and yin waxes; In the morning, the temperature gradually gets high; Yang waxes and yin wanes
O NE WAXES AND THE OTHER ALSO WAXES OR ONE WANES AND THE OTHER ALSO WANES The yang qi in spring and summer grows and gets to the prime, all things on earth also germinate to its prime; Yang waxes and yin also waxes; Yang qi decreases in winter and things on earth reaped and store Yang wanes and yin also wanes. The weather gets warm when winter gives way to spring, and hot when spring gives way to summer, during which time yin wanes, while yang waxes. However, it gets cool when autumn replaces summer, and cold when winter replaces autumn in which time yang wanes, but yin waxes.
T RANSFORMATION OF YIN - YANG The patient runs a high fever, has a red complexion, feels irritable and restless, and gets into a rapid and strong pulse condition. But all of a sudden, he feels listless, his temperature becomes lower, his face turns pale, and his pulse condition becomes so fine that the pulse is almost cut off.
B ALANCE OF Y IN -Y ANG Balance of yin-yang means that a harmoniously balanced state is maintained by an appropriate change in strength during the motion of yin-yang. It maintains a dynamic balance through motion of yin-yang kept in a certain range.
I MBALANCE OF Y IN -Y ANG Imbalance of yin-yang means that the change in strength of yin or yang gets too much or too little, beyond the range and leading a state of occurrence of various calamities. To sum up, yin and yang are the summary of relative attributes of things and phenomenon, so there is a divide infinite. It is not isolated and still, but mutual relative, affective and casual.
T O ATTRIBUTE TISSUE STRUCTURE The theory of yin and yang is used extensively in traditional Chinese medicine to explain the histological structure, physiological function, and pathological changes of the human body, and to serve as guide for diagnosis of treatment.
T O A TTRIBUTE T ISSUE S TRUCTURE The Yin-yang Theory holds that the body’s tissues and organs can be signified by yin and yang. The upper part of the body pertains to yang while the lower part to yin; the body surface belongs to yang while the interior of the body to yin. The five Zang-viscera pertain to yin because they store essential essence, but do not transport and transform foodstuffs.
T O A TTRIBUTE T ISSUE S TRUCTURE The six Fu-viscera pertain to yang because they transport and transform foodstuffs. The heart and lung are located in the upper (thorax), so they pertain to yang; while the liver, spleen and kidney are located in the lower (abdomen), so they pertain to yin. In brief, among every part of tissue structure of the human body, internal-externally, interior- exteriorly and anterior may all be attributed to yin and yang.
T O E XPLAIN P HYSIOLOGICAL F UNCTION The Yin-yang Theory holds that human life activity is the outcome of keeping coordination by the two sides of yin-yang. In terms of nutrients and functional activities, nutrients pertain to yin and the functional activities to yang. Hence, if the spleen and stomach dysfunction, the nutrients will be difficult to be digested and absorbed.
T O E XPLAIN P HYSIOLOGICAL F UNCTION Viewing the correlations between qi and blood, qi pertains to yang and blood to yin. Qi can produce, circulate, and control blood; qi helps blood to produce and circulate. The relation between the physiological functions of human body and the viscera and tissues is also the relationship that yin and yang are independent upon and serve each other. If yin and yang cannot maintain relative balance and interaction, they will separate from each other ending the life that depends upon them.
T O E XPLAIN P ATHOLOGICAL C HANGES The imbalance between yin and yang in TCM considered as the basic reason of the occurrence, development and change of disease. It is a summary for various diseases and pathological mechanisms. The imbalance between yin and yang mainly expresses the superiority and inferiority of one side, and affection or implication of one side by the other. This can collectively called “discordance between yin and yang”.
T O E XPLAIN P ATHOLOGICAL C HANGES The vital qi can be divided into yang qi and yin fluid, while the pathogenic qi can also be classified into two kinds of yin and yang. For example, in the six climatic pathogens, summer heat, dryness and fire (heat) belong to yang, but cold and dampness belong to yin.
T O E XPLAIN P ATHOLOGICAL C HANGES The process of the occurrence, development and change of disease is a process of conflict between the vital and the pathogen with victory or defeat. The conditions reflected by the interaction and mutual conflict between the vital qi and the pathogenic qi can be briefly explained by superiority or inferiority of yin or yang, namely imbalance on wane-wax of yin and yang:
T O E XPLAIN P ATHOLOGICAL C HANGES 1. Superiority of yin or yang: this means the pathological changes resulting from that any side of yin and yang is too predominant so as to damage the other side. the changes can be manifested as follows: 1.1 Superiority of yang results in heat 1.2 Superiority of yin results in cold
T O E XPLAIN P ATHOLOGICAL C HANGES 2. Inferiority of yin or yang: this means the pathological changes resulting from that any side of yin or yang declines below the normal level. The following situations can be occurred: 2.1 Deficiency of yang leads to cold 2.2 Deficiency of yin leads to heat
T O E XPLAIN P ATHOLOGICAL C HANGES 3. Mutual involvement of yin and yang- yang deficiency affects yin and yin deficiency affects yang. In the case of dual deficiency of yin and yang due to involvement of yin by yang deficiency, yang deficiency prevails; And in the case of dual deficiency of yin and yang due to involvement of yang by yin deficiency, yin deficiency prevails.
T O E XPLAIN P ATHOLOGICAL C HANGES 4. Transformation of yin-yang: - Yin or yang syndrome, under certain conditions, may transform itself into its opposite direction, or a yang syndrome may transform itself into yin syndrome; - And a yin syndrome may transform itself into yang syndrome.
T O G UIDE C LINICAL D IAGNOSIS No matter how changeable or intricate their clinical manifestations may be, one must first distinguish yin from yang in a correct diagnosis. The color and luster of the skin can be used to differentiate yin and yang attributes of the conditions. A bright color pertains to yang while a dark and gloomy color to yin. A case of sonorous voice with a high tone and restlessness pertains to yang, while a low and feeble voice, reticence and rest to yin.
T O G UIDE C LINICAL D IAGNOSIS As for the rate of pulse, rapid pulse belongs to yang slow to yin. Superficial, surging and large, slippery pulse pertains to yang, while deep, thready, small and choppy pulse belongs to yin. Distinguishing between yin and yang is the chief work in the four diagnostic process.
T O G UIDE T REATMENT OF D ISEASE 1. To determine the therapeutic principle: the therapeutic principle for superiority of yin or yang may be generalized as “reducing the surplus”. 1.1 The therapeutic principle for inferiority of yin or yang may be generalized as “reinforcing the deficient”. 1.2 Purging the heat is used for yang exuberance; 1.3 dispelling the cold is used for yin exuberance.
T O G UIDE T REATMENT OF D ISEASE 2. To summarize property of medicinal. The property and acting tendency of a medicinal herb can be summarized by the theory of yin-yang to be the basis of guiding clinic medication. Generally speaking, properties of drugs mainly concern the natures, flavors and acting tendencies:
T O G UIDE T REATMENT OF D ISEASE 2.1 The natures: these refer to cold, hot, warm and cool natures of medicinals called the “four natures”. Cool and cold belong to yin while hot and warm pertain to yang. Generally the medicinals that can reduce or eliminate the heat syndromes pertain mostly to cold-cool nature. Conversely the medicinals that can reduce or eliminate cold syndromes pertain to warm-hot nature.
T O G UIDE T REATMENT OF D ISEASE 2.2 The Five Flavors: these refer to acrid, sweet, sour bitter and salty. The sour, bitter and salty flavors pertain to yin. Acrid flavor can disperse, sweet flavor can nourish, so the acrid and sweet pertain to yang. There are some medicinals with no distinct flavor, they are known as bland.
T O G UIDE T REATMENT OF D ISEASE Herbs are characterized by Ascending, Descending, Floating and Sinking. Herbs with ascending, outward and floating actions belong to yang. Herbs with descending, inward and sinking belong to yin. In general, yin syndrome should use yang herbs and yang syndrome should use yin herbs.
T HE F IVE E LEMENTS The five elements emerged from an observation of the various groups of dynamic processes, functions and characteristics observed in the natural world. The aspects involved in each of the five elements are follows:
T HE F IVE E LEMENTS In traditional Chinese medicine, the visceral organs, as well as other organs and tissues, have similar properties to the five elements; they interact physiologically and pathologically as the five elements do. Through similarity comparison, different phenomena are attributed to the categories of the five elements.
F IVE E LEMENTS T HEORY Water promotes or give rise to Wood, which promotes Fire, which gives rise to Earth, which promotes Metal, which leads back to Water. TCM sees this as a “mother-son” relationship. The elements also have a controlling function: Water controls Fire, Fire controls Metal, Metal chops Wood, which dominates the Earth beneath its roots, while Earth will soak up rain or divert rivers and to is Water’s controlling elements.
F IVE E LEMENTS T HEORY These cycles of promotion and control are essential to maintain balance and harmony; If any element becomes too strong and dominates the cycle, imbalance may follow. The model ensures that this imbalance will eventually return to harmonious normality.
F IVE E LEMENTS T HEORY If Fire’s control over Metal is excessive, then Metal is weakened and becomes incapable of controlling Wood. Wood then grows too exuberant and starts to over- control Earth Earth fails to check Water, which is over-strengthened and so exerts increased control on the over-strong Fire, which started the problem. If one element fails to fulfill its controlling/restraining duties, then the imbalance can become more severe and damaging.
F UNDAMENTAL M EANING OF F IVE E LEMENTS The Five Elements Theory, taking the knowledge of the five materials as the basis, to extract and deduct the attributes of the five materials so as to explain the motion and changes of inter- promotion and inter-restriction among all things and phenomena in nature.
C HECKS AND C ONTROLS Just as the basic five elements interact with each other, so do their various characteristics. In the basic vision, Water promotes or gives rise to Wood, which promotes Fire, which gives rise to Earth, which promotes Metal, which leads back to Water. Water, the mother, gives birth to Wood, the son- and so on.
C HECKS AND C ONTROLS The elements have a controlling function. This is again derived from observations: Water controls Fire, Fire controls Metal, Metal chops Wood, which dominates the Earth beneath its roots, while Earth will soak up rain or divert rivers and so is Water’s controlling element.
C HECKS AND C ONTROLS In the reverse direction, these promoting and controlling tendencies act to restrain or weaken the same elements. These cycles of promotion and control are essential to maintain balance and harmony: if any element becomes too strong and dominates the cycle, imbalance may follow, but the model ensures that this imbalance will eventually return to harmonious normality.
C HECKS AND C ONTROLS If Fire’s control over Metal is excessive, for example, then Metal is weakened and becomes incapable of controlling Wood. Wood then grows too exuberant and starts to over-control Earth. Earth fails to check Water, which is over- strengthened and so exerts increased control on the over-strong Fire, which started the problem. Inevitably, if one element fails to fulfill its controlling/restraining duties, then the imbalance can become more severe and damaging.
T O EXPLAIN PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS & THEIR RELATIONSHIPS Wood is characterized by growing and flourishing, and the liver prefers free flow of qi; so the liver pertains to wood. Fire is hot and tends to flame up, and heart-yang has a warm action; so the heart pertains to fire. Earth is characterized by generating myriad of things, and the spleen is the source for production qi and blood; so the spleen pertains to earth.
T O EXPLAIN PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS & THEIR RELATIONSHIPS Metal has the properties of purifying and astringing, and lung-qi is in charge of purification and descent; so the lung pertains to metal. Water has the properties of moistening and storage, and the kidney stores essence and governs water metabolism; so the kidney pertains to water. Through indirect deduction, those things that have relationships with the five Zang, five constituents, five emotions, five orifices are all attributed to the five elements along with the corresponding Zang.
T O EXPLAIN PATHOLOGICAL CHANGE AND THEIR INTER - INFLUENCE If a liver disease affects the spleen, this is wood subjugates earth; If a spleen disease involves the liver, this is earth violates wood; If the liver and the spleen get disordered at the same time, and mutually influence, that is either wood stagnation leads to earth deficiency or earth stagnation leads to wood stagnation;
T O EXPLAIN PATHOLOGICAL CHANGE AND THEIR INTER - INFLUENCE A liver disease may also affect the heart, this is a child disease involves its mother; If it affects the lung, this is wood violates metal; If it affects the kidney, this is a child’s disease involves its mother. Diseases of the other zang can all be explained similarly.
T O GUIDE CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS Abnormal changes in functional activities of the viscera and their relationships can all be reflected in the external appearances. The five Zang-viscera have a certain relations in the attribution to the five elements to the changes of five colors, five flavors and pulse conditions. A patient whose complexion is greenish with a preference for sour food and a wiry pulse may be diagnosed as having a liver disease.
T O GUIDE CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS A patient with a reddish complexion, bitter taste in the mouth, and a surging pulse may be diagnosed as having a heart disease. A patient with spleen deficiency accompanied with a greenish complexion implies that wood (liver) subjugates earth (spleen). A patient with dark complexion suggests that water (kidney) subjugates fire ( heart).
A deficient lung qi may affect the transformation and transportation of the spleen and leads to weakening the spleen. Tonify the mother. When the liver fire gets too hyperactive and liver qi over ascending, reducing heart fire will help to reduce liver fire. Replenishing the kidney to nourish the liver.” Tonify the mother. Nourish the deficient yin of both the lung and kidney. Mutual promotion.
Replenish lung qi by replenishing spleen qi. Reinforcing earth to strengthen metal. Support spleen yang by warming and strengthening kidney yang. Supporting fire and strengthening earth. Pacifying the liver to regulate the stomach disorder. Checking the strong. Nourishing or harmonizing the liver by strengthening the spleen. Strengthening the weak.
Smoothing the liver and strengthening the spleen. Inhibiting wood to assist earth. Strengthening the spleen to control water. Banking up earth to treat water. Inhibit the hyperactive liver fire by clearing and purifying lung qi. Assisting metal to subdue wood. Reduce heart-fire and nourish kidney-water. Reducing the south and tonify the north
T O GUIDE TREATMENT OF DISEASE 1. Tonifying the mother 补母 : it is a therapeutic principle to treat a deficiency pattern in disorders of mother-child relationship. - For example, if kidney yin gets deficient and fails to nourish the liver-wood, it may lead to deficiency of liver yin with hyperactive liver yang. - Since the kidney is the mother of the liver, kidney –water can promote liver-wood. - The treatment is therefore to nourish kidney yin.
T O GUIDE TREATMENT OF DISEASE A deficient lung qi may affect the transformation and transportation of the spleen and leads to weakening the spleen. As the spleen-earth is the mother of lung-metal, earth can promote metal. Hence, tonify the mother for a deficiency syndrome.
T O GUIDE TREATMENT OF DISEASE 2.Reducing the child 泻子 : it is a therapeutic principle to treat an excess pattern. - When the liver fire gets too hyperactive and liver qi over ascending, reducing heart fire will help to reduce liver fire. - It is because the liver-wood is mother and the heart-fire is the child. - So reducing the child for an excess syndrome.
T O GUIDE TREATMENT OF DISEASE 3. Replenishing water to nourish wood 滋水涵木 : It is also called “replenishing the kidney to nourish the liver.” -it is mainly suitable for deficiency of liver yin. -Its clinical manifestations may be dizziness and vertigo, dry eyes, tinnitus and flushed face and hot sensation of the heart area, soles and palms, weakness of the waist and knees, spermatorrhea in male, irregular menstruation in females.
T O GUIDE TREATMENT OF DISEASE 4. Mutual promotion of water and metal 金水相生 : it meant to nourish the deficient yin of both the lung and kidney. It can also be used when the deficient lung qi fails to nourish the kidney.
T O GUIDE TREATMENT OF DISEASE 5. Reinforcing earth to strengthen metal 培土生金 : it is a method to replenish lung qi by replenishing spleen qi. It is especially appropriate when both the spleen and lung are suffering from qi deficiency.
T O GUIDE TREATMENT OF DISEASE 6. Supporting fire and strengthening earth 益火补 土 : it is a method to support spleen yang by warming and strengthening kidney yang. It is suitable for a syndrome of both spleen and kidney are suffering from yang deficiency. Since the introduction of “Life Gate Theory”, the meaning of fire is referring to life gate fire or kidney fire and not heart fire.
T O GUIDE TREATMENT OF DISEASE 7. Checking the strong 抑强 : this is a therapeutic principle to restrict the hyperactive element in order to help the recovery of the violated element. If the liver qi gets disordered and affect the stomach or spleen, generating disharmony between the liver and stomach. Soothing or pacifying the liver would be able to regulate the stomach disorder.
T O GUIDE TREATMENT OF DISEASE 8. Strengthening the weak 扶弱 : this is a therapeutic principle to support the subjugated element to coordinate of strengths of both elements. - It is suitable for a case in which the power of restriction becomes insufficient, or subjugation due to deficiency. - If the liver is depressed, it would affect the spleen and stomach resulting in the disorder of receiving and transforming functions. - The treatment should be nourishing or harmonizing the liver, strengthening the spleen and normalizing the stomach.
T O GUIDE TREATMENT OF DISEASE 9. Inhibiting wood to assist earth 抑木补土 : it is also called smoothing the liver and strengthening the spleen. This is a method to treat the deficient spleen due to hyperactive liver. The treatment is to sooth the liver and strengthen the spleen.
T O GUIDE TREATMENT OF DISEASE 10. Banking up earth to treat water 培土制水 : It is called “strengthening the spleen, warming the kidney for diauresis. It is suitable for the water-dampness caused by failure of insufficient spleen or yang deficiency of the spleen and kidney.
T O GUIDE TREATMENT OF DISEASE 11. Assisting metal to subdue wood 佐金平木 : it is also called subduing the liver and clearing the lung. It is a method to inhibit the hyperactive liver fire by clearing and purifying lung qi.
T O GUIDE TREATMENT OF DISEASE 12. Reducing the south and tonify the north 泻南补 北. It is called reducing fire and replenish water. It is also a method to reduce heart-fire and nourish kidney-water.
T O GUIDE THERAPIES FOR MENTAL DISEASE Joy is the emotion of the heart, belonging to fire; and worry is the emotion of lung, belonging to metal. Fire restricts metal, so joy can check worry. Thinking is the emotion of the spleen, belonging to earth; and fear is the emotion of the kidney, belonging to water. Earth restricts water, so thinking can check fear.
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