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We inSPire success. African Journal Partnership Project.

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Presentation on theme: "We inSPire success. African Journal Partnership Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 We inSPire success. African Journal Partnership Project

2 2 We inSPire success. African Project Highlights SPi Global partnered with CSE in 2006 on the AJPP project Journals processed include:  African Health Sciences  Ethiopian Journal of Health and Sciences  Ghana Medical Journal  Malawi Medical Journal  Mali Medical Journal  Medical Journal of Zambia Work involves conversion of PDF files (image/searchable) into full-text XML files based on PMC requirements 1-2 weeks turnaround time per shipment 99.95% character accuracy

3 3 We inSPire success. Volume Delivered in 2012 For 2012, SPi Global received, converted and delivered files totalling 23 issues, broken down as follows: African Health Sciences (5 issues) Ghana Medical Journal (3 issues) Malawi Medical Journal (5 issues) Mali Medical Journal (1 issue) Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences (4 issues) Medical Journal of Zambia (5 issues)

4 4 We inSPire success. Process Workflow

5 5 We inSPire success. Workflow Steps 1)Receipt of files from different journal editors (via ftp and email) 2)Inventory and pre-production processes 3)XML conversion/tagging of data per NLM DTD and PMC requirements 4)Edit and DTD validation 5)Image cropping from source PDF files (if images are not provided). Cropped images are saved as TIFF images and named as per project naming convention 6)QA checking 7)Delivery to PMC

6 6 We inSPire success. Common Problems Encountered The problems we usually encounter for this project pertain to the source PDF files and source images provided to us Incomplete PDF articles Cut-off text Blurred images, text and graphs Corrupted PDF files Incorrect PDF files/content provided Conversion-wise, we do not have any difficulties or problems

7 7 We inSPire success. Areas for Improvement The files for conversion should be sent thru FTP (not via email) as files sent thru email may not be received due to file size/multiple attachments Email notification should be provided once the files are available for downloading on SPi Global’s end. Un-updated and incomplete PDF files as well as delivery delays are the problems that occur due to lack of email notification Timely response to queries will be of great help, currently, it takes some time before our queries are answered resulting to longer turnaround time Journal Editors should closely coordinate with PubMed Central (PMC) as there are stages in the process that need their approval (i.e. preferences in terms of formatting, how the content should be displayed in the site, etc.)

8 8 We inSPire success. Production-related issues: Lyn Fuentes - Golda Galarce – Management, Escalation: Karina Felizardo - Key Contact Points

9 We inSPire success. Thank You!

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