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Matthew 26-28. When we partake of the sacrament we promise to take upon us the name of Christ, to always remember Him and His atoning sacrifice, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew 26-28. When we partake of the sacrament we promise to take upon us the name of Christ, to always remember Him and His atoning sacrifice, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthew 26-28


3 When we partake of the sacrament we promise to take upon us the name of Christ, to always remember Him and His atoning sacrifice, and to keep His commandments Matthew 26: 26-28 1 Corinthians 11: 23:29 Jesus Christ suffered great agony to provide an Atonement for all mankind Matthew 26: 36-46 Matthew 27: 1-2, 11-50 Mosiah 3:7 Alma 7: 11-13 D&C 19: 16-19 With the example and blessings of the Lord, we can endure the difficult trials we face Matthew 26: 46-27:35 Mosiah 23: 21-24 Principles Matthew 26-28

4 Through the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, all mankind will also be resurrected Matthew 27:52-53 Matthew 28: 1-10 1 Corinthians 15:22 Helaman 14:15 3 Nephi 11-12 Many are witnesses that Jesus Christ was resurrected and lives today Matthew 28: 1-9, 16-20 3 Nephi 11:15 D&C 76: 22-23 Principles Matthew 26-28

5  SubtiltyA quiet and dishonest way  AlabasterA light-colored stone, considered beautiful and valuable  IndignationAnger and disgust (a judgmental anger)  TestamentCovenant  StavesClubs  PresentlyReady to give  LegionsLarge groups (a Roman legion was 6,000 men)  ForsookLeft Matthew 26-28

6  Took counselMet together to decide  Potter’s fieldPlace where pottery makers dug for clay  JeremyJeremiah  To never a wordNot a single word  Could prevail nothingCould not change the people’s choice  Vinegar mingled with gallA drug-like mixture that would have helped numb the pain  Vestureclothing  ReviledMockingly spoke evil of and insulted Matthew 26-28

7  WaggingShaking  Ministering unto himTaking care of his needs  HewnCut  SepulcherTomb, or cave to bury the dead  WatchGuard  SabbathSaturday, the Jewish Sabbath, the seventh day of the week (The Sabbath was changed to Sunday in remembrance of the Resurrection.) Occurred in Book of Acts on day of Pentecost  All hailGreetings Matthew 26-28

8 Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 121 “The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it”

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